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Is it morally wrong for me to escape?

For a couple of months, Ive used meditation to allow me to journey through my mind and search for the truth. However I think i may have overdone it because I dont want to step down into reality anymore, I just want to keep 'journeying'. This is kind of how Leo's wife in Inception felt. She had this power to be able to dream forever and never wanted to go back to reality. It eventually mindf*cked her and she ended up killing herself. But my question is: Is it morally wrong to want to escape forever or should I quit that and focus on the real world?


Personally I dont want to go back, but my friends have really noticed and think Im psycho. Ive tried explaining that this world is mich more peaceful and carefree than our world but they dont understand.

1 Answer

  • darla
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Morality is always iffy... your morals and mine might not match. Personally I think it is wrong because ultimately other people are going to have to take care of you and you will end up being a leech. Also, because I believe you are here to learn and grow. BUT that's MY "moral" opinion.

    Have you tried just meditating? You could tell your friends that's what you were doing. That's "normal" but is very similar to what you described (without the drugs).

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