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When will more Pokemon X and Y info surface?

Idk if its just me, but it seems like they are taking their sweet *** time releasing info. From what I remember about Gen 2-Gen 5, it seemed like I knew EVERYTHING about the games months in advance and already had a personal 'plan' of which pokemon I was gonna get and what not. We don't even know all the gym leaders, the elite four, the starters final evolutions, and we only have had maybe 15-20 new pokemon released. I wanna know the whole pokedex already!!

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think Nintendo is releasing little info because like you said in Generation 2-5 you knew almost everything about it. Nintendo is trying to keep it a surprise because they want you to play the game and not know about things like in Generation 1, you knew NOTHING until you played, and most people chose Charmander, not knowing that it would be weak against the next 2 Gym Leaders, so I think Nintendo is releasing little info because they want stuff in the game to happen as a surprise.

    I hope I helped :D

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    more info will be released in mid-augest. Corocoro will release a lot of it around augest 10th's. Anyways I agree with you because I want to see what the hell noivern evolves into (it's the bat dragon pokemon). Also I want to see what litleo evolves into since it has a lion body and scorpion tail :)

    Source(s): youtube videos and serebii
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