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Does this sound like a good idea for Valentines Day?

Ok I'm a boy and 19 and I go to college. I've noticed this really smart and beautiful girl whose 20 in my class but she sits on the complete opposite side of the room. I want to talk to her but moving my seat is not an option and I never see her in the hallways. We've made some eye contact but nothing else. I was wondering if this sounds like a good idea: buy her a rose and after class walk uP to her and say "hey I'm Alex. I couldn't help but notice over the past couple weeks how smart and beautiful you are so I got you this rose for Valentines Day. And I was wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime and get to know each other." does this sound good? I've never really approached a girl before and I know I will regret it if I don't this time so if it is weird what should I do??

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do it!

    It does sound a bit cheesy, but I think girls quite like the idea of romance.

    just don't get down if you get blown out, at least you had the balls to do it, the more you throw yourself into situations like this the more you will understand how the female mind works. It is much better to be confident than Nervous, so if you do do it, and any other attempt you make, always take a deep breath and then act cool. Eye contact, a clear voice and good body language are the key.

  • 7 years ago

    That's a very good idea ,,,,,,, go for it (I no ill like if a guy did that

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