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Feeling inadequate? Feel like I need to be perfect?

I dont exactly know how to say it. But when im around friends i always feel like im saying the wrong thing and they think im a dumbass. And its worst when i hang out with this girl i like. Every single text and regret sending because it isnt exactly what i wanted to say and i feel she will read it the wrong way. Or every single second im always checking what im saying to make sure its perfect. I know i should think before i speak but it gets pretty difficult to cope with and i just end up feeling worse about myself. Any advice? I kno this is kinda weird.

And also, i get reallllly f'ing jealous when she hangs out with other people and paranoid when she doesnt text me back or something. Whats up wit that

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    In my experience, people - especially potential girlfriends - actually feel more comfortable when you mess up. I recommend not caring as much; people may think less of you(and probably just slightly) when you fail to meet your social potential, but people want to feel smarter than their friends.

    ahh I feel like I am saying the wrong thing, and that you will read it the wrong way.

    but like, if you don't scrutinize what you say as much, that will show, and people with basic critical thinking will understand that the negative implications of what you say may be unintended. The more carefully worded you say something, the more accidental imperfections can sting.

    See what I mean? I worded this carefully as I went but never went back to rewrite farther than six words. It's a flawed answer, with basically two different points, but you don't really care do you?

  • 8 years ago

    Well look at it from Jesus's point of view:

    If you were perfect and spread love to the masses, someone is still going to end up trying to kill you.

    Even the best of us fall, but in the end there is a winner and a loser. The difference?

    The loser doesn't learn from his mistakes, every loss is a lesson in disguise.

    And if you have seen Joe Dirt: Life is a garden, dig it.

    Keep on keepin' on. Keep trying

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