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? asked in Science & MathematicsMathematics · 8 years ago

Help with Calculus problem?

I have a proof that I could use help with...

Use substitution to prove that the integral from -a to a of f(x)dx = 0 if f is an odd function.

It is pretty straight forward. The lower limit of integration is -a and the upper is a, just in case I said it wrong earlier haha. It would help if someone could at least tell me what an odd function is... I'm lost.

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hey, an odd function is one that is symmetric with respect to the origin, i.e. f(−x) = −f(x) for all x in the domain. Some examples are f(x) = x³ and f(x) = sin(x). Make sure the definition makes sense by plugging in some numbers for yourself, and looking at their graphs! (Alternatively, an even function is one symmetric with respect to the y-axis, i.e. f(−x) = f(x) for all x in the domain. Some examples are f(x) = x² and f(x) = cos(x). Additionally, some functions are neither even nor odd.)

    To do this proof, we first split up the integral into 2 parts:

    ∫ f(x)dx [from −a to a] = ∫ f(x)dx [from −a to 0] + ∫ f(x)dx [from 0 to a]

    Now we look at this first half (the integral from −a to 0), and do some substitution using the substitution

    u = −x

    Thus, du = −dx

    ∫ f(x)dx [from −a to 0]

    Doing our substitution, we replace x with −u and dx with −du. Remember also to substitute the ends of the integral (u = −x, so −a goes to a and 0 goes to −0 = 0).

    = ∫ f(−u)(−du) [from a to 0]

    Switching the ends of the integral gets rid of the minus sign.

    = ∫ f(−u)du [from 0 to a]

    Rename the "dummy" integration variable from u to x.

    = ∫ f(−x)dx [from 0 to a]

    Since f is an odd function, remember f(−x) = −f(x).

    = ∫ −f(x)dx [from 0 to a]

    Take the minus sign outside the integral.

    = − ∫ f(x)dx [from 0 to a]

    Now we can go back to our original statement,

    ∫ f(x)dx [from −a to a] = ∫ f(x)dx [from −a to 0] + ∫ f(x)dx [from 0 to a]

    Replace the first half with what we just calculated and simplify.

    ∫ f(x)dx [from −a to a]

    = − ∫ f(x)dx [from 0 to a] + ∫ f(x)dx [from 0 to a]

    = 0

    I hope that helped, and also thanks for your message! It means a lot that you remembered me :)

  • 8 years ago

    An odd function is one which displays rotational symmetry around the origin, for example, any y=x^n where n is odd, or any number of x terms which all have odd powers, hence including the sine function, the tan function and many more. This means f(a) = -f(-a). For an even function, f(a) = f(-a). An even function is y=x^n where n is even, cosine, and has a line of symmetry in the y axis. So, when considering the integration, since we know the power rule of integration:

    Integrating x^n + x^m+ … dx where n is odd will yield 1/n+1 x^n+1 + 1/m+1 x^m+1 +C. These terms will all have an even exponent, and so the integral of f(x) is even. Call the integral of f(x) "g(x)". Then, between the limits of a and -a, we will have: g(a) - g(-a). Since we know g(a) = g(-a) from our definition of even functions, g(a) -g(-a) = 0. Hope this helps!

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