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Difference between Google Nexus 7 and Asus Nexus 7?

Hi, Im trying to buy a Google Nexus 7, but when I went to BestBuy's website to check prices and specs, there are 2 different types. I was going to buy the 16gb because it's only $229 and the 32gb is over $300 on every other website. But then I noticed the product called Asus Nexus 7 (32gb) which is MUCH cheaper ($269) and has the same specs as the Google Nexus 7 which, again, is over $300. I put a link to the comparison page on BestBuy's website, but in the spots where they are different, one is blank and one isn't, so there isn't any definite difference, based on my observation. So what's the difference between them? Does anyone know? I understand that Google used Asus technology in the Nexus, but why are there two different versions?

Here's the link to BestBuy's comparisons between the Google Nexus 7 and Asus Nexus 7:

(I threw the 16gb in there too, which is listed as a Google product, not Asus)

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have no idea why Best Buy is labeling some as Google and some as Asus, but I think the one that's $350 is the model with 4G wireless built in, whereas the other two just have wifi.

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