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What kind of burnable CDs/DVDs should I get?

Hi. I use a lot of CDs to burn music and also would like to burn DVDs from video I downloaded off the Internet. Idk what kind to buy so I need some help. I usually use CD-R to burn music from itunes and they work fine but they only have about 80 mins storage on them. I would like more. And I also download videos of concerts off YouTube onto iTunes but DVD-R and DVD-RW don't seem to work. I was wondering if in this modern age there are some discs that can do both and offer more storage, say 120 minutes. Anybody know what CDs/DVDs would work? Even if there aren't discs that can do both I would still like to know which kinds will work.

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago

    A CD is a CD, and a DVD is a DVD.

    There is no type of disc that can be used as both.

    You could make MP3 CDs with many,

    many hours of music on each one,

    but a large percentage CD players won't read them,

    so don't just jump into doing this;

    make sure of the player's capabilities first.

    An interesting option, not often used,

    is to record only audio on a DVD.

    Depending on the method used for recording,

    this may provide up to 8 hours of play time per disc.

    If it was recorded as a normal "video DVD",

    there would be no quality vs time trade-off,

    because all consumer-recorded DVDs

    have 256 kb Dolby Digital stereo sound

    regardless of the video quality.

    Of course, these can't be used in a CD player.

    The reasons for your failed attempts with DVD-Rs and DVD-RWs

    could be due to any of a large number of factors,

    including two very common ones:

    failure to finalize and/or wrong file format.

    Only by carefully and logically examining

    the details of exactly what you did

    can the exact reason be discovered.

    Local help should be obtained.

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