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Thinking about dropping out of college?

I havent even started college but I got a full ride to csu for engineering. My parents are so proud but im kind of being forced to go. What I really want to be is a tattoo artist and a drummer. My dad is fully on board with it but says i need to go to college. But if i go i can pretty much kiss my tat and drumming time goodbye. And also I dont think I can handle the workload. Im in really hard classes that I pretty much cheated my way through highschool like english physics and chemistry. The only subjects Im good at are math history music and art. All my friends are excited to go just to party and I dont think they realize how hard it will be (because they all did worse than me in highschool). I just get the feeling I should ocus on what I love doing even i it means making less money. And trust me tattoo artists make decent money. And I dont even like what engineers do I was only interested in the money. And im feeling it was a mistake to say i wanted to be one. Any thoughts? Suggestions?

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would say try college first. It might be hard but at least you can fall back on it and its free. Depending on where you are there might not be a lot of places to be a tattoo artist which will just make it harder to find a job. Also the training for that can be extremely expensive because you have to buy your own stuff and people will want you to have the best. Like another person said you can be a drummer in college (you can start your own group) . Just give it a shot.

  • 8 years ago

    You got a full ride to a state university and you are considering dropping out to be a drummer or a tattoo artist? You are going to be missing out on a golden opportunity in life. You can always come back to being a tattoo artist or join a band in university but you cannot get another full ride if you drop out.

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