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Anonymous asked in Education & ReferenceHigher Education (University +) · 11 hours ago

Which college should I go to?? ?

I'm not going to blindly go based on these responses, but it will be a factor.

Now, I've been accepted/waitlisted to UMASS Amherst, Central Michigan University, Indiana University Bloomington, and Wellesley College

Here are the pros and cons for me:


- pros: My mom works there so I get a discount off of tuition

full ride scholarship opportunity (but not sure if I have it yet) 

food is fantastic

has a microbiology major

close to family


Didn't get accepted into the music minor program

The majority of people in my school go to UMASS- although it's a big school I'll likely not see them

close to family



20$ scholarship

the cheapest college I can go to (if I don't get the full ride scholarship at UMASS)

Close to family


not as great a college as the others

doesn't have my major (but has biology and pre-med)

my mom doesn't want me to go



has my major

great education

close to family 

has been one of my top choices since seventh grade


not safe- like AT all 

lots of pollution

my mom doesn't want me to go there

cost 50K a year to attend



fantastic college

a good challenge 

is DIII school meaning I'd have a change on the basketball team

opportunity to take classes at Harvard and MIT


doesn't have my major (but has biology and pre-med)

I'm waitlisted so it's a risk if I commit to Wellesley and withdraw all my other applications.

LMK what you think!

Updated 7 hours ago:

I meant to say 20K$ Scholarship for Central Michigan lol

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 hours ago

    Pretty simple. You go to the school that is cheapest for you to attend.  Get out of your undergrad degree with as little student debt as possible. 20k scholarships won’t cover your first year. 

    Go talk to people paying off student loans. They can easily be over $1000  per month. 

    My son in law went to a medium sized State school.  Graduated summa *** laude.  Got a five year tuition scholarship with a striped and health insurance to get his doctorate degree. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 hours ago

    I'd say go to UMASS. Save your money for graduate school. 

  • 7 hours ago

    UMASS AMHERST: and WEASLEY are the only ones I would have considered. First and second respectively. 

  • 10 hours ago

    Ask Amherst to let you delay your decision until their financial aid people act on scholarships for you [this is normal -- there's no reason they should refuse -- it would like buying a car without knowing the price].  Wait on Wellesley -- they likely have best connections toward getting into med school [which, i take it, is what you want to do].  drop IU and CMU -- negatives too big relative to your situation.  -- married 32 years to Uni Professor

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  • MS
    Lv 7
    11 hours ago

    Well, I certainly wouldn't put all your eggs in the Wellesley basket since you haven't been accepted there.  

    I think it would be wise to strongly consider the financial aspect, especially if you intend to go to medical school, which is also very expensive.  If you can acquire your undergraduate degree with little to no debt then you will be in very good shape moving forward into medical school.  I would not spend $200k on an undergraduate degree from Indiana.

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