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I have anxiety & Im TERRIFIED about going back to school in the summer, Ive never been to college before & have so much anxiety what do I do?

I’m terrified of college professors and college students. I’m scared everyone will hate me or mock me because I have such bad social anxiety I barely even leave my house. What do I do I don’t want to go and be miserable I want to be normal but idk how 

3 Answers

  • 1 day ago
    Favorite Answer

    I know this is easier said than done, but the best way to conquer what you are afraid of is to actually do it. 

    I faced the same issue going into high school 4 years ago. Throughout elementary and middle school, I was always the quiet kid who sat in the back of the room, never talked unless I was directly talked to, and I was straight-up terrified of speaking up in class, much less starting a conversation with a classmate. 

    I could barely sleep for a week before my freshman year started. I was sick and tired of being "that one kid who never talks and sits alone at lunch" but I was so scared of speaking up. What helped me the most is celebrating small victories. I made a goal of speaking up at least once in every class, even if it's just a couple words. And at first it was scary, but a couple of weeks into my freshman year, it didn't seem as bad as I thought it would be. I would also observe my classmates and make a note of who seemed like a nice person and who seemed like a jerk. About a month into freshman year, I would try talking to the kids who seemed nice enough. At first, it was little stuff, like complimenting someone's shirt or asking to borrow a pencil. Slowly but surely, I learned to be more comfortable with myself. Being on the football team also helped me tremendously because having something I was good at helped me become more confident in myself. 

    I am now a college freshman and even though I still feel nervous about talking sometimes or have constant "did that come out right?"/ "do I actually sound like that?" thoughts, I've come a long way. 

    The truth about college is, it is not a popularity contest the way high school is. Most people just go to lectures, turn in their assignments, and leave. If you sit alone and never talk, chances are, most people are going to hardly ever notice you. And sitting away from others is even rewarded now, with the whole virus situation and everything. No one is going to hate you, unless you do something to seriously get in their way or hurt their feelings in a major way. If you never interact with them, there is absolutely no reason for them to hate you! And I'm going to let you in on a little secret here: people who mock others actually do it because they are insecure themselves and are worried someone else will mock them - it's got more to do with them than it does with you. 

    I'm so sorry for writing a whole essay, that was totally not intended. Good luck in college, you got this! :)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    22 hours ago

    You need to be in therapy with a licensed, professional counselor. You may also benefit from some anti-anxiety medication. Ask your counselor about the possibility of participating in group therapy, where you can receive guidance, support, feedback, and learn how to not be so fearful of others. Good luck,

  • 1 day ago

    Pray.  Look up Philippians 4:6-8.  In fact, read the entire New Testament.  I suggest starting with the Gospel of John.  Ask Jesus to save you and help you.  There are answers to life's problems in the Bible.   Look up these  verses:  John 3:16, 1:12: Romans 3:23, 6:23, 5:8, 10:13; Ephesians 2:8,9.  

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