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Do theists automatically assume that atheists are knowledgeable about science?

Since when was knowing scientific principles like quantum physics a prerequisite to "Not believing in gods" ?

"Atheists: how do you explain x about quantum physics ?"

"Atheists: How do black holes work? "

Wouldn't a physics book provide more accurate answers rather than an atheist?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    On this site, most of the time.

    They link random things according to their upbringing understandings.

    Internet doesn't always help us understand people; real people do.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Atheists and theists are relative positions to one another, and frankly no one has a monopoly on the truth. Everyone has ideas, ususally opposite. A scientific person with integrity will admit there is a lot more to know about the universe and we make progress in science everyday, It is the approach to life and 'knowledge' that is treasured in science. A religious person, some do have the integrity and are not so dogmatic and extreme in their views and do admit there are flaws and a lot of the original knowledge is lost over time.

    Religion has always tried to explain mysteries , which were a whole lot before science came into lime light. But its approach is closed-minded, and redundant, and doesn't hold up to questioning very well. this is why people became disillusioned and looked towards science to provide a better understanding. It may have started off very well, for the population that existed at the time of its emergence, based on the understanding of the people at the time.But that understanding was not complete, and most of it is lost in translations and interpretation. Hence it cannot have a monopoly on our current understanding, as we have collectively grown out of that phase. It is definitely possible that a lot of scientific understanding validate some of what was written in different 'religious' and 'philosophical' text books, but that wouldn't mean one or the other is right. The point is to outgrow obsolete systems and form new ones that serve our present purpose. Both religion and science look at the 'universe' and want to understand it, only approaches differ, so any similarities are because the content of observation is same, only the perspective differs. Hopefully we will outgrow the clutches of 'authority' of systems by more understanding. the debate of atheists vs theists is probably just for fun and never ending. Atleast it allows people to question their own beliefs in the light of new questions

    Source(s): All generalisations are false, including this one - Mark Twain
  • 8 years ago

    Most theists seem to assume that their god is the default answer to everything. So, if you don't believe, according to their reasoning, you must have some other (usually scientific) explanation. It never occurs to most of them that "I don't know" is a valid answer. So, yes, I think most theists do assume atheists are knowledgeable about science since in their minds science is the only thing that could potentially offer better answers than "my god did it."

  • 8 years ago

    Well judging by some of the statements on this portion of YA it seems the Atheists think they are knowledgeable and some of the private messages I get also reflect that point of view.

    But having been around awhile and having a hobby that gets me to read scientific journals a lot- it is clear that most atheists are less educated then they think.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I think questions like those are based on the assumption by the asker (usually a creationist), that "Aha, I have no idea how [insert natural process here] works so clearly nobody else does either, so if I ask atheists about it they won't be able to answer and won't they feel stupid? Yuk yuk yuk".

    It must disappoint them that there are a lot of atheists on R&S who have scientific backgrounds and can actually provide the explanation which the asker doesn't realise exists.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    most scientist have some personal beliefs.

    but given a population of scientists and an equal numb form the general population it is MORE likely there are more self proclaimed "atheists."

    it is like comparing , not just apples and oranges but "apples and Wednsdays"

  • 8 years ago

    No. There are stupid atheists as there are stupid theists.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You'd think so. It's like they think this section is "ask an atheist!" Not just science but history and relationship questions. WTF?

  • 8 years ago

    Christians see Atheists as fools, the wisdom of this world is truly foolishness, when JESUS opens your eyes you truly see how that is true, it has open my eyes.

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