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How do you know that a demon didn't invent Christianity to lead you astray from the one true religion?

I've seen Christians assert that other religions were founded by Satan in order to mislead people, and win souls away from God.

If this is possible, how do you know you aren't the victim?

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This does have some merit to it. After all, it is kind of suspicious that an admittedly jealous and vengeful God who forbids idol worship and commands that people worship no other gods before him all of a sudden sends a "son" to Earth for people to idolize and worship as a god. Worshiping this "son" then becomes the prerequisite for being allowed into heaven, so it is now mandatory for people to worship another godlike being before God.

    However, good luck finding a Christian who will actually admit that this is even a possibility.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    People invented christianity for political purposes, without a strong deterrant against following any other religion, it wouldnt have been so popular., People had to be controlled in a way , with fear of punishment, much like monarchies functioned at the time, so they could be ruled effectively. its all very strategic. And all this happend due to the popularity of christ as a figure at the time, after his death they could claim whatever they liked to control and dominate people in his name. It was probably the most brilliant and strategic plan ever, and to see peole defending it in the 21st century is even more mind-boggling.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


    NO - Mr Pull my Finger. I believe it is YOU who is the grossly deceived victim here.

    Christianity is today's version of God’s Original religion

    Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    God (the 2nd person of the Godhead - Jesus) gave the "Gospel" to Adam and Eve..

    As the Hebrews (and Jews) only received half of it, Jesus had to come to set the record straight and explain the Gospel so we can understand it properly, which the Jews failed so to do.

    This was, and is the same gospel we have in the Bible today.

    This gospel was expanded upon down through the ages by means of God's Patriarchs, Prophets, Judges, Kings, and Jesus ( God's Son ) , and is the same gospel taught and believed by Seventh-day Adventist Christians today

    I believe this gospel to be the ORIGINAL religion from God and ALL other religions are a variation of, or are in lieu of God's original Gospel for the salvation of mankind.


    Source(s): May God bless you as you study His Word <:SDA>< King James Bible
  • 8 years ago

    One of the big disturbing things is that the Being we call God may be just another Mother Bee in a colony of Bees. But we don't know that because our whole existence is dependent on that One Divine Being. If there are others out there I would not know. Why shouldn't there be? But what does that matter. By the time they find each other we will have come and gone. Our existence being but a short breath for them.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There are no demons and no devil. There is only the Mind of MAN that lives in ignorance of SELF and who and what we really are. When you are ignorant of your real spiritual origin and being, you act like ignorance acts and blame the so called evils of the world on demons and devils. All demons and devils are, are an excuse, not for people to take personal responsibility for their personal choices in life, and their behaviors. Also, mental illness and psychosis, delusional schizophrenia causes individuals to act like they are possessed or that devils exist. Mental illness is a disease of the body, not a spiritual affliction in source.

    So its not possible for a demon to invent a religion because demons don't exist. It is not possible for devils to lead anyone anywhere because devils do not exist.

    Some religions are so fearful they will loose adherents that they will create any fiction necessary (by using fear and ignorance as a tool of power and control) to retain adherents. Using fear as a tool of power and control is as old as prostitution is as a profession...fear is the crux of all the things which oppose love an goodness in the world. And any religion which uses fear is not acting in God but in the ways of Mankind. God is not interested in power and control because God IS all power and all control. There is no way to take power and control from God, so God is not fearful of loosing it. Thus, when religions use power and control fear tactics they are acting not in God but in Man. God gives free will, man takes it and uses it for power and control purposes to keep people in chains.

    There is no such thing as "the one true religion." This is a fiction.

  • 8 years ago

    Exactly!!! And then some people say that about Islam too. I mean why would satan ask people to pray to God and worship Him alone to lead them astray. Why don't people use logic more often

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Do you really think I can&#x27;t tell the difference between pure love and pure hate? Do you think I don&#x27;t know the difference between acceptance and rejection? Or the freedom of forgiveness as opposed to the chains of guilt? Or the pure truth as opposed to tangled lies?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    No , Pull My finger ,-))

    Shoe is on the other foot now ,brother .

    blew your best chance in the 1st century , there were plenty of heathens then , no Law , and only 12 ,counting Mary ,., oh well ,

    Sez la vie

    Jesus is Lord .

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I actually worship. infernal forces and commune with demons and even they haven&#x27;t thought of thag lol excellent thought!

    Source(s): Occultist
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