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Does this erractic weather patterns.............................?

scare you? I mean the typhoon in Phillipines, I saw something tornado action somewhere in the USA today which looked equally devastating and back in my native Cape Town there were floods and rain like they've NEVER seen before! and it's summer down there, not suppose to happen. Last time in my other home in Italy (hubby is Italian), it was summer and we got hail storms but they were like golf ball size!! WTH! like an imbalance or something. scary innit?

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Just as the sun goes through phases of adverse or even violent activity, so too does our earth. Yes, pollution and climate warming may be the precursor to many adverse things that we see happening nowadays, but yet it may just be a product of an earth cycle event. It happens every hundred years or so. Our position in the planetary scheme of things is different as time goes by. Plus the sun is in its last phase of the 11 year solar event cycle. It has been pretty freaky up there with the top of the sun exploding off over three times this year and we were in it's wake for cosmic dust and rays. We have La Ninos and El Ninos that can affect our weather. (Not sure what they call then in the southern hemisphere). Earth goes through ice ages too. We have been having late springs and later falls. Our rain has been heavy this year in the NW, snowing still in June and hardly no rain in the south and horrible weather in the mid-west and northeastern coasts. Our hurricane season was very late and not as productive, but the storms that did come were horrendous.. Has anyone noticed that some food crops in the northern US have been stunted or less productive this year. I had hardly any honey bees, short corn stalks, hardly any corn, dismal cruciferous veggies, lack of or just small fruit on the vines and trees, etc. Earlier years I had over abundance and food for sharing at the charities. Even they say it has been a strange season for some food crops. Weird. Dust, forest fires and volcanoes can also affect some regional parts for weather as well. Some even wonder what is going on in parts of the world where Haarp's high intensity radio and microwave beams are being thrust way up into the ozone layer for testing. Testing what? Weather control is a rumor that is rampant. Others think that jet trails are chemical filled to control the weather as well. Such are the doomsday speculations. Yes, I too find the earthy events a bit erratic, but I am going to hold off on any absolute theory as it could be all or nothing of what we want to believe. Man is most definitely making a difference in how things are going, but so much at one time seems a bit too far fetched to be just man made alone. I can only hope that it is just part of and earthly cycle, sun phase and we will see things settle down. Makes you think hard about what we are doing to our future world. It takes a mean crisis to open the minds and ears to it.

  • 8 years ago

    No, I am not scared. Earth is unpredictable and this has been going on since it's creation, it isn't a new thing. I just remain hopeful and lucky enough for me to live everyday.

  • doug g
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I do think climate change is real.

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