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What do you think of communism?

I'm sixteen and my uncle gives communism classes (about Marx and his ideas) at a library, and it really inspired me, I started reading and writing my own ideas except I'm being criticized alot. Everyone says that communists are evil and when they hear 'communism', they hear 'communist crimes'. I KNOW about those, they are terrible, but not all communists are like that. I'm not a Stalinist or a Maoist, I just can't. There are good people and bad people, I wish others would understand.

And don't get the wrong idea; I don't go around telling everyone that I'm a communist.

What do you think? What are the pros and cons?


Wow.... Really? Is EVERYONE on Yahoo close minded republicans? Of course I don't agree with the murder of millions! Of course I don't agree with poverty or hunger. I agree with the idea. The idea of NO classes, I agree that everyone should get an equal share. Aren't you guys tired of working for others? Aren't you tired of being dictated by someone you'd rather see dead? You have to unite as a nation, not follow every rule like a lamb. These are crimes not against the law, but against humanity.

Communism must come from the people, not from the dictator.

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Before communism even existed, when it was still just an idea being talked about, the Powers That Be in the US and UK, the bankers, industrialists, millionaires, etc. were scared to death of it. If it became popular, if it was adopted in the US or UK or Western Europe, it would mean the end of their control. So they demonized it, they tried as hard as they could to plan the idea in people's minds that communism was evil.

    In fact, when the first communist revolution happened, in Russia in 1917, both the US and England sent troops to fight in Russia on the side of the Czar.

    After that, of course, anyone politicians or big-shots disagreed with, they'd say they were communists. Just as today some Republicans try to discredit Obama by saying he's 'communist' or 'marxist' or 'socialist'.

    But communism is just another way to set things up. A different form of economy. It's not inherently evil, it COULD work. Like the success of any system, it depends on the people in charge, their diligence, their competence, their goals and objectives.

    In the real world communism has never worked, and I think this is mostly because it's never been tried in a country with a pre-existing tradition of democracy. So people in Russia, Cuba, China, Vietnam, etc. ended up only trading one set of despots for another. As bad as communism worked in these countries, it's debatable whether it was worse than the regime that succeeded it.

    The fact is, capitalism is not doing totally great today either! The capitalist world is grown more corrupt almost by the year. Wealth is becoming more and more concentrated, people are losing their security and their freedoms.

    And communism is just a particular variety of socialism a 'brand name' of socialism if you will. Socialism has some definite advantages, as does capitalism. When one or the other fails, it's pulled out of the hole by the other--for instance when imprudent deregulation leads to economic disaster (as happens in the US with frightening regularity) we fix the problem with socialism! So we shouldn't be so quick to characterize either of these systems as inherently evil.

  • Deino
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Communism is great for ants, and when the human race evolves into metal and achieves a greater oneness with machines, perhaps we will then have the capacity to all work as one whole with the common good in mind and the wisdom to build civilizations that satiate all without desiring more or consuming reckless resources or committing crimes upon our fellow man, of any fashion, as a result of petty or even major conflicts.

    However, in our current state of evolution, such a glorious thing as communism would be utterly impossible to maintain.

    To activate would only maintain a ruling class, while, without the assistance of capitalism, the majority of folks would fall into a spiral of exhaustion, anger, ignorance, bitterness, judging mentality, laziness, and then a breakdown. Generally in that order. As the cycle continues to repeat and echo among every person, any society that had the chance to thrive would collapse at exponential speeds with every passing day.

  • 8 years ago

    I think by looking at the opposite of capitalism you will be able to form thoughts and opinions that are not socially approved mundane run of the mill inside the box thinking. Whether you still believe in communism in 10 years or not you will be able to see that there is more than one perspective than the "capitalism equals freedom" propaganda that you will notice is going to be force fed to you as the "only way" from now on. Communist theory is not without it's flaws (Maoism, Stalinism etc.. Were not examples of communism in practice) as well but by being familiar with it you can see where the flaws of opposing systems are and make judgments accordingly.

  • Joey T
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Are there any communist countries that you can think of where you would like to live? Present or past. Communism might sound like a nice fairy tale to some, but it just doesn't work. Capitalism has its problems and needs regulation because unregulated capitalism can be just as bad.

    The above poster mentioned Animal Farm. I suggest also reading The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

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  • 8 years ago

    You find the Murder of Millions of people that Disagrees with you and making everyone else slaves of the State appealing? Tyrant!!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I don't think it works and it's never worked in the past. Just look at the state of past communist counties. Communism discourages innovation, competition and exceptionalism.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    What I think is that in simply does NOT work

    You might as well say...ok everyone...let's have world peace cause that's a great thing. No more killing eachother, no more stealing, etc. Those are noble ideas, but they do not mesh with the reality of the human existence

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Works great for life forms with little to no brain like Ants and Bees. Doesn't work so well for humans with more than two living brain cells to rub together.

    Closed minded Republican? Nope, I was young and dumb like you once then I experienced LIFE. Went to school earned two degrees while working in a career, bought and paid for two personal residences and two rental properties. What have you done with your life so far other that presume yourself to be qualified to sit in judgment of those who actually do work?

    Source(s): Life
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I hear lambs screaming and for some very strange reason blood soaked wool and piles of dead lambs flashed through my head.

    LOL, you might as well tell everyone to behave or die.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    So you're saying you just need to find a kind and benevolent fascist to lead a successful communist state.

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