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? asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 8 years ago

How important is your refrence on your military appilcation?

Long story short a guy who I had as a reference on my application, we got into a fight over somthing really stupid (me and my roommates no longer want to move in with him and he couldnt take the hint) and now he said hes going to give me a "bad review and make sure I never get in the military" when they call him, Im going down to the recrutment center tomorow to try and change it to another person, but if they can't I just want to know how bad will it effect me I got 3 other refernces who said they will all give me amazing reviews I just don't want to loose my chanch of the military (which has been my dream for over 10 years) because of some ex friend with a grudge

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    One bad response from a reference will not torpedo your chances. Besides, the references are only a starting point if an investigator checks your background. After interviewing your references, they will ask each reference for three other people who know you. Then they will interview them, and ask the same question about others who know you.

    The point is, they want to get a broad picture of your character and trustworthiness. They can easily recognize when someone has a chip on their shoulder about you.

    Source(s): Army Recruiting Veteran
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    One bad reference can't effect anything, the investigators know that some people just don't like you and if you have several people that give a bad reference than they will consider it a part of your personality.

  • 8 years ago

    Just go down the the office and explain the situation, your recruiter will understand that things happen. Most likely what will happen is that they just won't call him. Good luck to you.

  • James
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I'd let your recruiter know just to be safe. See what he thinks.

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