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Who decides which Bible verses to take literally and which symbolically?

Some Christians say that atheists point out symbolic verses and use them out of context. Some Christians claim that the Bible is literally true. I'm confused. Can each Christian interpret the Bible the way they understand it?

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well if it supports the theist position or argument when considered in a literal sense then it's literal. When it supports the theists position or argument when considered in the symbolic or metaphoric sense then it is symbolic or metaphoric. See theists have it all figured out!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The individual ALWAYS interprets the things they read, the problem comes in that the Christian does not accept that they are doing it. They insist they get the meaning as a revelation, but if this were true, then every Christian should interpret every verse in the exact same way. This simply isn't what happens though and the thousands of denominations of Christianity are the result.

  • 8 years ago

    The only thing common among Christians is the Word "Bible". By WORD i literally mean a WORD

    Else there is absolutely nothing common they follow. Bible is so much manipulated and made flexible that its literally impossible to say what actually is the solid foundation of faith of Christianity.

    1) Basic principle of a faith is belief in ONE God or Multiple God (s)

    [In Christianity you will find both]

    2) Then comes Teachings or commands.

    [In Christianity, for a single command or teaching you can find Left hand believers as well as Right hand believers (Follow it either way)]

    3) Third is to follow complete word of God (without any excuses)

    [ In Christianity, you will now find people claiming OT is not part of Christianity, Cherry picking and individual interpretation is highly common]

    So, it will be right to say that "its only the skeleton they are playing with"

    If anyone don't agree with me then see for yourself the rate with which atheism is increasing day by day in Christian dominated regions. Why? Because they are not getting answers to their day to day query's. The only thing they are told is "Hell". For hours they are taught about Gods "Love" and to feel God inside your heart. Display of miracles are the key to keep the things going.

    But sadly, this decline in Christ values will adversely effect the culture of the complete world [we already can see the side effects] because Christians are the largest denomination.

    So, what you said is completely true. Common Christians only know Christ values via Religious package provided by their churches [ They never ever try to go beyond that knowledge]

  • NDMA
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The Bible is not a single book but a compendium of different writings and different types of writings. The notion that a single hermeneutic can be applied to the entire text is nonsensical....

    How do you determine what is literal or what is not when reading a newspaper? The same basic rules apply!

    Do you assume the entire newspaper is literal? Marmaduke is a true chronicle of some dogs life and Heathcliff is a cat that literally eats and entire pan of lasagna on a regular basis?

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  • 8 years ago

    Some Christians happen to believe they can and some do so rightly.

    All Christians are called to be priests and as such are supposed to know how to rightly divide the word of God. As in any field- there are those who differ on ideas and understandings, Christianity is no different.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Whatever helps in forwarding an agenda/propaganda.

    Whatever helps in forwarding an agenda/propaganda.

    For example when people say how unjust God is that He killed unborn babies in mass numbers, so Christians will say it is just a metaphor not to be taken literally. But when same Christians will invade some other religions it will be taken literally.

  • Artour
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    There is no interpretation to be had in the bible, it says that everything in it is meant literally. Anyone who says something is a metaphor or symbolic is lying.

  • Linda
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The bible itself tells us what is literal and what is symbolic.

    God speaks perfect English as well as every other language on earth, has no difficulty expressing Himself and means exactly what He says. He does not require an interpreter, except by those who feel that they are smarter than He is.

  • 8 years ago

    Reason, logic, rationality, and just plain ole common sense.

    If it doesn't happen today, it pretty much never did.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Don't believe what the bible says literally.

    Just don't. It's not good for you.

    Some people do, and it's just awkward talking to them.

    Source(s): At least middle school education
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