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Former NHL players filing lawsuit (concussions)?

Only a matter of time before this was bound to happen. Ever since the whole NFL concussion fiasco broke out that is. Questions:

1.What do you think about this? Think these former players have a case? Do you agree with these former NHL players?

2.Could this potentially hurt the NHL's popularity? Or have any kind of effect on the sport?

3. Any guesses of who the Former NHL players are that filed this lawsuit? I know we have little info, but there's no harm in speculating.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes they have a case. The last line is pretty much sums up my thoughts; "Former Toronto Maple Leafs Gary Leeman and Rick Vaive were among the players to file a claim in U.S. District Court in Washington, saying it was time for the NHL to elevate long-term player safety over profit and tradition." It's not only that they have the power to change rules and make it safer, it's that they are not helping players cope with brain injuries properly. They just threw large amounts of medication at Derek Boogaard and look how that turned out. Look how other retired enforcers coped.

    Once it is resolved, there could be rule changes in order, including heavier suspensions for dirty hits and *gasp* fighting.

    The list of players is out. Gary Leeman, Brad Aitken, Darren Banks, Curt Bennett, Richard Dunn, Warren Holmes, Bob Manno, Blair Stewart, Morris Titanic and Rick Vaive. I suspect others will join this class action.

    Source(s): List of players from Pierre LeBrun
  • Snid
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    1. Because the league covered it up early on they probably have a case. I do not agree with it for the simple reason that when you play a contact sport where you can get hit in the head you have to, at some point, realize the dangers.

    2. It hasn't hurt the NFL yet but the rumor is that it will. I don't think it will hurt the popularity of the NHL but it will affect how the game is played for sure. I expect there to be a waiver of sorts that players will have to sign stating they know the risks of playing the game and won't be able to come back on the NHL if they get hurt. Kind of a warning. As if they weren't already aware of it. Maybe they already have that.

    3. I read the list. I didn't know ANY of those guys. This leads me to believe that some of them are in it for the money only.

    PS I see stricter penalties and the possibility of fighting being banned.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    1.What do you think about this? Think these former players have a case? Do you agree with these former NHL players?

    I think it's crazy ... hockey players get paid more than enough during their carrer to compensate for injuries in the future ... it's a rough and tough life, but they benefitted greatly from it

    2.Could this potentially hurt the NHL's popularity? Or have any kind of effect on the sport?

    Not likely ... football registration numbers have already dropped

    3. Any guesses of who the Former NHL players are that filed this lawsuit? I know we have little info, but there's no harm in speculating.

    Chris Pronger will I assume ... Marc Savard ...

    Hockey is a physical sport ... we all knew this ... maybe we didn't know a lot of PCS ... but we new it was rough ... that's why they make millions .... I have zero sympathy

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    1. I'm neither a former NHL player nor a legal expert, so there's not much that I can say about this. My guess is that they do have a case, otherwise they would not be going forward with this. I am indifferent to the decision to file a lawsuit because I don't know many of the facts. Yes, players are aware of the dangers, but what if the league knew something that the players didn't? It will be interesting to see what becomes of this.

    2. There's a chance that it might, but to what to extent is anyone's guess. Hockey will live on no matter what happens.

    3. Thanks Panda!

  • 8 years ago

    1) I think it's ridiculous to sue the league. Hockey is a contact sport where you move at well over 20 MPH. They knew the risk going in and they took the responsibility for it when they signed the contract. Concussions are an unfortunate reality in this sport. There's no getting rid of them and no protocol or discipline system is going to get rid of them. If anything they've increased since the headshot rule. There's nothing the league can do. You have to know that if you play hockey it might happen. I just don't understand holding the league responsible for getting hurt in a sport where injury is commonplace and it's well known that injury is commonplace.

    2) Fighting might be banned, which is asinine because fights cause alot fewer concussions than hits do. Are we gonna ban hits? I should think not.

    3) I'm not surprised to see that many of the names on the last aren't major incidents like Marc Savard, Eric Lindros, or Keith Primeau. Those guys were hurt so badly they couldn't play. They can't say they were "left in the dark as to the risks" like Vaive said. Alot of these guys are guys that were able to play and now claiming that they didn't know they were hurt.

  • 1. Yea i mean technically concussions lead to depression, memory loss, insanity and rage i would think that since the leauge didnt do much to protect them from this as far as rules being strictly enforced they would have a case. I mean at bare minnimum give the guys lifetime health insurance yea currently players make millions a year but lets not forget you only need to look back as far as bobby hull when 1 MM was completely un heard of. Help the people who used up their bodies and brains for our entertainment.

    2. No if the lockouts cant kill Hockey nothing will if anything it will maybe cut down on the fans that dont like the lack of big open ice hits by eliminating the bullchick ones with noggin damage and promote the clean hit with a yard sale.

    3. The dude still have a contract but Marc Savard is one of the first that come to my head in recent memeory poor dude hasnt played in like 3 season for PCS and will likely never play again. Lindros who had to retire at 34 had a few bad ones. Maybe him.. the sad part is its hard to tell those truly effected by cuncussions until its too late and the have lost their mind or gotten depressed to the point the seek help or dont want to live anymore..

    Source(s): ::Sidenote:: This is my only account.. how impressive is that!
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    1. You are correct, it was bound to happen.

    Lawyers are like sharks ( not the SJ kind ) who smell blood.

    They shook down the NFL, now they want more.

    The players do have a case, and I believe they should be

    compensated. Sadly, the lawyers will profit more.

    2. Don't expect it to hurt the sport. NFL football remains popular

    among the masses not savvy enough to appreciate hockey.

    3. I'm wondering why only 10 players are involved. Perhaps more

    will join the class.

    Tie Domi would be one guess...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    That's a good news. NHL needs to remain careful in terms of their players personal safety.

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