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Dreading holiday to portugal?

I'm going on holiday in May with my college for a few days at Portugal and im dreading it. Everyone wants to get me drunk and push me into sex with someone from class.

I don't give in to peer pressure that easily but im scared something will happen. The tutors said we're allowed to drink (not that I do) so I don't think they'll help me.

Hopefully I'll get to be alone with girls from the other classes who are nice and quieter but I know the girls from my class (who are louder and pushier) will insist.

I just want to go out there to relax, im 17 but will be 18 by then.

5 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Tell them you are having antibiotics, therefore you can't drink.

    I don't understand how can someone to be pushed to do something unwillingly with 18 years old. Sex in your age is something to be remembered much latter in life with tenderness and not like a disaster for non of the participants.

    If you are travelling with responsible adults why don't you asked them for help.

    Pushed to drink and pushed to sex sounds strange were I come from!

    Another thing I find somehow odd is people even as young as you travelling so far as Portugal and just think about that. There is a lot to learn about Portugal apart from clubbing. Some education never harmed anyone and in a full day there is espace for all of it.

    Remember your friends that in this country we are tiered of drunk young foreigners. Liquor is cheap but if you run in trouble with 18 you are considered an adult and treated like one by the police. If in your group there is younger than 18 than you must check the law coz there is other limitations. Under 16 is totally forbidden even if some greedy bar owners sell it. The fees are high for them and grown ups travelling with you must answer for it as well with a huge fee.

    Avoid trouble. Portuguese are nice, kind and helpful with foreigners but we don't like those coming here to do what they can't do at home. Away from their laws and their parents.

    Have fun.

  • 7 years ago

    I don't drink by choice and I don't want sex until I'm in a solid relationship. I'm 18 and I've only ever had someone try to force me to drink once but I just kept refusing until they gave up. Drink fizzy drinks when you go out, or buy non alcoholic ginger beer, people don't ask questions usually if you already have a drink in your hand. As for not getting drunk, tell them you're dehydrated easily so it's too dangerous for you or that you just don't want to. Peer pressure sucks but I don't think that they'll push you too much. If they do, get yourself out of there as soon as possible and they should get the message if it's clear you're pissed off. As for sex, just refuse. If they call you a spoil sport or something just explain you actually want to wait. They'll get over it. Get talking to the quieter girls before going and don't alienate her from her friends, fall in with a group. Groups are always more fun abroad :) Find someone you can explore the culture with and enjoy yourself how you want.

  • Orla C
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Just tell them no. And don't accept any drinks from anyone else. And feel free to point out that forcing someone to have sex when they don't want to is rape and a criminal offence.

  • argus
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    You can take the monkey ou of the jungle

    but you can't take the jungle out of the monkey

    God save the Queen!

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  • 1878
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You serious?

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