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  • Are there any charities or sponsorships for a Japanese orphan from the 3/11 disaster?

    I'm in love with Japan and I've been ever so devastated about the tsunami in March of 2011. Now I have a job I would like to sponsor and orphan or a family affected by it.

    I would like to know some reliable organisations and one's where you can communicate with the person you are sponsoring if that is possible.

    1 AnswerCommunity Service6 years ago
  • What should I get for my Japanese boyfriend's parents?

    My boyfriend in Japan says his grandparents will let me stay in their home but I'd like to get them a nice present from England but I'm not sure what they would expect in Japan.

    Just something small to say thanks for having me, my boyfriend insists they don't want anything, but I feel it would be rude not to get them a gift to say thanks.

    What should I get them??

    5 AnswersEtiquette7 years ago
  • animal crossings new leaf won't let me start a project?

    I can't start a new project in my town- it only shows the renovations for the town hall and nothing else. Other neighbours have suggested new stuff, but they don't appear in the list of things to do, it's getting boring now :S I know I haven't done them all yet!

    1 AnswerBotany7 years ago
  • concerned about my dads content on porn?

    I don't mind that dad watches porn, I know it's what blokes do. But I accidentally stumbled on his history and I was a bit concerned about the title something along the lines with teenswithtits.

    We both respect each others privacy, but I'm a little concerned and uncomfortable because I'm not far from 18 myself, I find it even more worrying that he has stacks of page 3 DVD's too, I means hundreds of them neatly filed.

    I don't know what to do about it, we have a good relationship and he's a rational bloke, but I have no idea what to do because it is cripplingly uncomfortable and I'm worried it's going to ruin it in the long term.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Names to call my rockstar characters?

    I'm writing my third novel with characters who are rockstars from the 70's/80's. With a front woman for a singer and men for the rest. They coincide with characters from my first novel who are also musicians only they were never successful like them.

    Id love to have some original, stand out names and nick names like Captain Sensible or Budgy, mainly men names please!

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersCelebrities7 years ago
  • I really want to text him?

    I got a very short term job in a restaurant where I met this really nice guy whilst on trial. He was really nice to me and I was looking forward go getting to know him, I only knew him for four days and he was hugging me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and seemed really protective of me when I told him I was cycling home he gave me his number to let him know I got home safe.

    But then I lost my job twp days later because I lacked the appropriate experience and I was absolutely distraught. I haven't heard from him since, but I really want to get back in touch, its been almost three months but I go passed regularly, should I wait until we bump into each other or bight the bullet and send him a text?

    5 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Ny Lip keeps twitching?

    In the bottom left corner, just a little but its been doing it for days now, just a little quiver and it really annoys me

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Dreading holiday to portugal?

    I'm going on holiday in May with my college for a few days at Portugal and im dreading it. Everyone wants to get me drunk and push me into sex with someone from class.

    I don't give in to peer pressure that easily but im scared something will happen. The tutors said we're allowed to drink (not that I do) so I don't think they'll help me.

    Hopefully I'll get to be alone with girls from the other classes who are nice and quieter but I know the girls from my class (who are louder and pushier) will insist.

    I just want to go out there to relax, im 17 but will be 18 by then.

    5 AnswersPortugal7 years ago
  • how much is a holiday visa in Australia?

    It's for my course and I can't get a quote anywhere!

    4 AnswersSydney7 years ago
  • Did i have an epithany?

    Last night I felt as though I was having a heart attack, my body felt dragged down with all the negativity in life I.e not enjoying college and having unhappy memories of being bullies and not having good friends.

    I've often thought a lit about the future and worry what my life will turn out like and if I'll make it passed 25.

    The last night I was listening to David Bowie, Five Years, and suddenly a busty of positivty just hit me, i felt good about myself like i hadn't for the first time and i spent an hour writing down my ambitions and how much of a success I'll be in five years, im only 17 and i think an epithany is what i had.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health7 years ago
  • what is the actual job of a movie producer, and a music producer?

    I've never understood the difference between that and a director.

    1 AnswerMovies7 years ago
  • Anybody know these bands and albums?

    1) The Cure- Desintegration

    2) Siouxsie & The Banshees- Kiss In A DreamHouse

    3) The Damned- Phantamania

    4) Echo & The Bunnymen- The Killing Moon

    5) Bat For Lashes- Fur & Gold

    6) Jesus & MaryChain- Darklands

    7) David Bowie- AladinSane

    8) Adam & The Ants- The Forbidden Zone

    9) BoomTown Rats- Greatest Hits

    10) Lou Reed- Transformer

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • How to start a day care center in Japan?

    I'm committed to going to Japan in the future and I really want to help out as much as possibly. Right now there is a crises in women not being able to hold their careers while being a mother and to resolve that I really want to help by starting up my own day care center.

    I'm only 17 so this isn't going to be for a long time and I know it's not common for a foreigner (I'm a white British) work out there, let alone start their own business.

    I don't believe it's hopeless, I've known people who've worked there before to be very successful, so I'm not going to take 'you can't' for an answer. I also teach myself Japanese through books atleast three times a week.

    2 AnswersSmall Business8 years ago
  • What is weird/strange?

    I grew up as a single child with my mum for 12 years in Wales where I had been bullied all my life. I always found it difficult to make friends in most places including school.

    For the past two years it was extremely difficult because my mum drinks wine every night and she'd get really bitter & sour towards everything in life. She hated all her jobs and I had to bite my tongue a lot from saying 'I told you so' when she took it on even though I just knew the excitement would die down and she'd hate it after a while and it got me down knowing that it was difficult to keep her happy, even when she was I could just see it in her face something was bothering her.

    We'd watch TV for hours every night, most times ignoring each other, and most nights we'd just argue.

    I always felt responsible for her unhappiness because I had a bad eating disorder from the age of 2-3 for years and years and it really affected my self esteem and motivation to make friends. I always felt lonely after my parents divorced and we moved 276 miles from England to move in with my grandparents. And when I did make a friend it either didn't last long or they'd move away, so that just made me more paranoid about meeting peers in my age group.

    I don't mind talking to strangers, mainly a few years younger or way older but not around 17-18 year olds. I just have nothing in common with most of them, I have different tastes in music and clothes etc and they seem to be able to think for themselves more than I can because mum always made me feel bad if I disagreed with her.

    I have no interest in getting drunk or rushing into having sex like they make out they are so I have nothing to contribute to their conversation so I just blank out, even though I don't want to.

    People have always made me out to be the odd one out, or one too many in a group and no one has every taken my feelings into consideration like I do for them.

    So after I finished school, I packed up and left to live with dad because I couldn't bare these miserable nights with mum's drinking and dreading what she'd say, she seemed to just remember the bad things in life rather than the good.

    But we speak a lot on the phone and I send her postcards but it's like as though we never argued which hurts because it makes me feel like I've made this all up.

    She was always trying to diagnose me with a problem as to why I'm so antisocial like Aspergers which then I started to believe until later on when I started to see what rubbish she talks. (This is coming from a woman who thought Omega 3 oil came from vegetables)

    I met a woman the other day at the gym, we was talking about sports activities we enjoyed then some how I got on to sharing my problems like now and she agrees, I've been through a lot from eating disorders to bullying. It was niec to know someone understood me.

    Out of curiosity, I typed into Google 'what makes people strange?' to see if anything biased or relevant came up about me and this link came up and some- if not most of these points- applied to me.

    Despite all these points, this girl who was my age at 17-18 randomly gave me conkers then started throwing dead leaves at me and I was just sitting there. She knew my name, but nothing about me and it just makes me wonder why I'm the weird one when she does that. It's the sort of thing my seven year old cousin does.

    But I'm not as quiet as people think, when I'm at a party or with people who are used to me I'm quite loud and I enjoy myself.

    I've gotten to the point where I don't care much for people's opinions of me, I just don't understand what makes people feel they can treat me this way.

    I work hard and I have interests. I cycle to college everyday and teach myself Japanese because my goal is to go to Japan after college and I take my course seriously in order to pursue my dream and future. I also want to volunteer in a Buddy program to befriend a disabled child for six months. I'm also class rep because no one else could be bothered to step up.

    Sometimes I feel I'm the only one who takes things seriously.

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • does anyone know a way of contacting Sony?

    I'm currently designing a device for a PS3 controller for disadvantaged people, where can I submit my ideas??

    3 AnswersCamcorders8 years ago
  • Can anyone help me with a Siouxsie album?

    I'm a huge fan of Siouxsie & The Banshees but their Superstition album is well expensive at £14 for second hand eve though its 20 years old. Has anyone one got any ideas where I can get it cheaply??

    1 AnswerCountry8 years ago
  • Kissed my gay friend?

    I got asked out by this cute Asian guy and I thought it was a date but it turned out he's gay. We had a wonderful time and ir felt like I've known him years and not just hours. He hugged me a lot and laughed at silly jokes.

    But when it came to say bye I asked him for a kiss, because he'd never actually kissed a guy before I thought it would be interesting.

    So we kissed and it didn't feel right and now I feel bad asking him because he said it was awkward, but he said he had a good time anyway. Do you think we're okay??

  • why do people stereotype Japan?

    Japan is a very beautiful country with lots of kind people, you'd know that if you watch NHK regularly at how amazing they are at overcoming problems and coming up with inventive ideas, but now people are always talking about them and 'tentacle porn' or something like that. But other countries are far worse than that, I know relationships aren't as ideal as western relationships but at least they have far more respect than some cultures. I've spoken to some Japanese people and they're really friendly and smile a lot, not only that, they have pride in their work and more traditional culture but then people go back on the porn stuff, Japan obviously has far more to offer than that if you bother to read about it. I fin it really frustrating. I know some of their recent history isn't anything to be proud of like WWII but no one else's are either.

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Having trouble making friends at college?

    We've only been at college for two weeks and everyone around me have good friends that they just met already. I've hung out with a few but because I've always struggled to have a social life I don't really know ht to say, most of the stuff they talk about is rubbish anyway and don't even try to make conversation with me anyway but I do try even though im not sure what to say and act cool.

    Today I hung out with two students on my course but whatever I say either comes out too quick or I just confuse them because I have to fight to be heard since one of them is chatty anyway and won't let me get a word in so I just feel like their shadow and I feel really insecure from past experiences of meeting crappy friends and I suffer occasionally from panic attacks and anxiety so nothing people say go in because im nervous.

    I usually just read a book during break because it was the same story at school but I always just wanted to fit in and enjoy my time in college like everyone else.

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Who gets my daughter?

    I'm fifty three years old and divorced, my wife and I had a child soon after and almost refused to let me see her because she wanted the man she'd gotten involved with towards the end of our marraige to raise her. Unfortunately she was killed in a car crash little over a week ago.

    I only heard through child support when they informed me her husband couldn't take care if her fir the while and I was the only suitable relative for the time being until further notice.

    I've only known her for a few hours in her short life, she's almost 16 now but she's desperate to not let her step dad take full custody of her since my wife wrote somewhere in the will she wanted me to look after her.

    We met in the 70's and I moved out in the 80's but we didn't have enough money so put off having children until the 90's, it was always a difficult time until then when things finally started picking up and our future finally looked bright.

    The right at the last moment, heavily pregnant, she kicks me out of the home we made together.

    Aparently he wasn't the nicest bloke ever and was really harsh on my daughter. Since properly getting my know her, I realised how terrible I was to allow my wife to refuse me access to her all these years ago and now suddenly im.her guardian.

    By some law, I should be the obvious choice to be her "parent" not just her "guardian".

    It came as such a shock when I found out my ex was dead and I feel like such a faliure towards my daughter and for not protecting my wife.

    My question was, will they take her away from me when the papers go through and her step dad is deemed suitable. She said he wants to adopt her, but neither of us want that.

    Its only been a week, bit we've managed to create a special relationship despite these circumstances, all I want is the best fpr her and to make up the past 15 I missed out of her life.

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago