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Lv 7

I want to know about Creationism?

I am honestly confused about this and not trying to troll anyone. Do people really believe that dinosaurs and humans lived on the Earth at the same time? And that the Earth is only around 5-6000 years old? The reason I ask is because I was speaking to a friend of my mother's and said something offhand about something happening millions of years ago, and she went nuts at me, yelling about how the Earth is only 6000 years old. So, is this a real thing, a part of Christianity that I've missed, or is she just nuts? Thanks for all serious answers!

18 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're talking about Young Earth Creationists. Yeah... none of that really makes any sense.

    To be fair, most Christian creationists don't accept that stuff.

    EDIT: ABEL, Ussher also claimed that creation began at nightfall on a Saturday, (October 22, 4004 BC)... so I would suggest not taking the guy too seriously.

  • 7 years ago

    Some Christians think that the Earth is only 6ooo years old because some added all of the ages people in the Bible died at down to Adam and got 6000 years. They don't bother to think that maybe there were other people in the Bible that were not recorded.

    Not Believing in Evolution and believing that God created all of the Universe and every life form does not mean that dinosaurs and people did not have to have lived at the same time A lot of us Christians believe that the Earth could certainly be a million or more years old. That is not the real issue. The real issue is did God create all things and all life or did this all come about by accident. The idea that all of the complexity of the eco System and of the internal working of the human being is quite adequate to prove that The Universe and living creatures could not have come into existence by accident. Everything had to be designed and then maintained by a being with super power and with super love for all of us.

    Source(s): The Holy Bible. Many courses in physics, chemistry, and mathematics, especially the mathematics of permutations and probability.
  • 7 years ago

    Did dinosaurs and humans lived on earth at the same time? That is very easy to find out. Did people/historians write about dinosaurs? Did cave dwellers draw dinosaurs on the cave walls?

    The answers to those question are yes. Pliny the Edler and Marco Polo about animals that fit the description of dinosaurs. There are ancient cave drawings of dinosaurs. See the link below for doing your due diligence.

    Just remember that while scientists can create fossils, diamonds and oils, in the lab, proving creation, the millions and billions years cannot be validated scientifically.

    Creation is an everyday event that can be tested scientifically. Devolution such as mutation and variation within kind is scientific and biblical, but not their opposite, evolution.

    LIght and dark peppered moths are often falsely heralded as an example of evolution. They are simply variation within kind, not evolution. Their gene pools remain the same. There are more lighter moths in light areas simply because dark moths become easier preys in lighter surroundings, not because it can change genes.

    Once a gene pool is extinct from the earth, it is forever gone; i.e. no evolution.

    If the dark color genes are removed in a science lab population, only white color moths are produced, never dark color. If a dark colot moth pops up, it means that the genes are not totally removed yet. This is similar to the black and white color mouse.

    It is easy to run away from science to the myth/theory of millions and billions years, but such theory is not supported by science, only by semi-science.

    Galileo Galilei sided with the Bible against the church who followed the modern science of the time based on Aristotle theory.

    Truth is singular and does not changes, while views and perspectives may change when they are wrong.

    Science is either neutral or validate the Bible, but not semi-science.

  • 7 years ago

    The planet’s coming into existence is recounted in the Bible with the simple statement: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Ge 1:1) Just how long ago the starry heavens and the earth were created is not stated in the Bible. Therefore, there is no basis for Bible scholars to take issue with scientific calculations of the age of the planet. Scientists estimate the age of some rocks as being three and a half billion years, and the earth itself as being about four to four and a half billion or more years.

    As to time, the Scriptures are more definite about the six creative days of the Genesis account. These days have to do, not with the creation of earth’s matter or material, but with the arranging and preparing of it for man’s habitation.

    The Bible does not reveal whether God created life on any of the other planets in the universe. However, astronomers today have not found proof that life exists on any of these planets and, in fact, know of no planet besides the earth that is at present capable of supporting the life of fleshly creatures.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Yes, that is a part of Christianity. When you look at the Biblical timeline in detail, it goes back to the creation of Adam and Eve at about 6000 years ago. As for the dinosaurs, the Bible mentions them in Job, giving a description of an animal called a Behemoth and another called a Leviathan and implying that they lived at the same time as people. And when you think about it, it's not all that impossible. We manage to live with wolves, Grizzly bears, sharks and all kinds of other carnivorous crap nowadays, don't we? Besides, we can't really determine the exact behaviour of dinosaurs at this point. Maybe they freaked out and ran like cowards whenever you pointed something sharp at them. My dog is proof that not all large, intimidating animals are aware of their size.

  • Ponnu
    Lv 6
    7 years ago


    Creationism Is Happened Four Million Years.One Yuga Had completed One Million Years. Now Our Fourth Yuga name Is Kaliyuga. It Has been Started Since Many Thousand Years But Remains Many Thousand Years More.God Has Been Created One Time Only He Not Creating Each Baby Or Plants.

    Source(s): Life.
  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    "Do people really believe that dinosaurs and humans lived on the Earth at the same time? And that the Earth is only around 5-6000 years old?"

    Yes, yes they do. Sad, considering all science and supporting evidence says otherwise.

    Disciple: Show your peer reviewed physical evidence. Any. I won't be holding my breath. Lying is a sin you know.

    Fuzzy: Show me just one respected scientist that agrees. One without questionable credentials. Oh, and from a Christian University? They are well known for having questionable programs.

    Fuzzy: Nice way to avoid the question. I won't take evidence from someone that lacks proper credentials to claim it as such. I have not requested a scientist that I approve of; only a real scientist; preferably one in the National Academy of Scientists. Just because one claims to be a scientist does not make it so ("cough" Dr. Dino.)

    I don't expect you to post any though as I know you have none.

  • 7 years ago

    Fundamentalists believe everything in the Bible is true, even the absolutely impossible things. Sad, but true that in the 21st Century there are still people who are acting like humankind has not progressed past the Bronze Age mentality or a magical universe with gods and other such mystical critters.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


    There are millions of TRUE Christians out there who believe the Bible in its entirety.

    If one does not believe the first 11 chapters of Genesis, one has no foundation

    to build ones faith on and without that solid foundation the remainder of the

    Bible makes no sense whatsoever.

    Using the verses that Bishop Ussher used, one can prove the date of Creation

    . 6 0 0 0 . . Y E A R S . . A G O . .


  • Fuzzy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The earth's age is unknown but older than 6000 years.

    The problem of dinos and humans living together is a problem of evidence; this evidence Darwinists reject. That is nothing new. Whatever opposes their paradigm is obviously false (even when it is true).

    If you are interested in evidence, look at the following video:


    edit: @michael

    You request the name of a scientist that you approve of. Typical of Darwinists! Thus all become questionable unless they support the accepted paradigm.

    Shouldn't you worry about the evidence presented instead of the person presenting it?

    There is a lot of it you know.

    It is not the lack of evidence that is the problem, but the lack of interest in finding the truth.

    In many cases, Darwinists destroy evidence; in other cases, they begin destroying the reputation of the people who are on the other side of the problem, claiming all kinds of things, including the 'mine quoting' type of argument that simply brushes aside things when these do not agree with what the evolutionist believes in.

    The search for truth has long since been abandoned by Darwinists.

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