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Does anyone else want an apology?

I objected on technical grounds to the Affordable Care Act. I want poor people to have access to affordable quality health care. The ACA is simply a blunder that will not do that and may actually increase the rolls of the uninsured. For my opposition I’m told that I don’t want poor people to have health care.

I objected to the “Financial Reform Bill” because it did not touch the two critical issues in the global economic meltdown. These were the “too big to fail” banks and the unregulated Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Mafia. The Bill did cement in place the unassailable positions of the megabanks and raise the cost of capital to small businesses. For my opposition I’m told I hate poor people and love Wall Street bankers.

I am unconvinced (not the same thing as a “doubter”) about anthropogenic global warming. Mars and Jupiter have been warming in parallel with the earth. The model on which the conclusion is based stopped working more than 15 years ago. Sea ice is unchanged in thirty years, polar bear populations have been increasing every year over the same period, and global glacier mass is unchanged in several centuries. Carbon dioxide is an inefficient greenhouse gas, and humans cause a minuscule percentage of the gas emitted into the atmosphere every year. For wanting actual science applied to the issue, I am told I don’t believe in science.

I objected to dismantling the No Child Left Behind Act. During its effective period the achievement gap between white and black students narrowed by three percentage points a year. Since President Obama kept his promise to the teachers unions to dismantle it, the achievement gap has grown by one percent per year. For wanting to keep something that benefits minority students, I’m told that I hate teachers and that I’m a racist for objecting to something a black man did.

I receive both Social Security and Medicare benefits. I want the system reformed in light of longer lifespans. That will likely cost me money. So be it. At its current rate it will go de jure bankrupt instead of its de facto current bankruptcy. I want the system fixed so that my children and others in future generations can benefit from these valuable programs. For wanting to save them I am told that I want to destroy Medicare and Social Security, and want to throw grandma off a cliff.

I objected to the Internal Revenue Service targeting groups based on their political beliefs. That is what we real liberals do – we protect liberty for all. I objected to the Attorney General perjuring himself, either in an affidavit for a warrant or in sworn testimony before Congress. For objecting I’m told that I am fomenting unrest about phony scandals.

I objected to the “Stimulus Package” because it threw taxpayer money at a politician’s supporters and stimulated absolutely zero economic activity. For my objection I’m told that I hate poor people and, once again, am a racist for objecting the something a black man did.

This list goes on and on. I want the same things that this current Administration says it wants. I do not support the way the Administration is going about those things. That is different from not wanting to achieve those same ends. Yet, any disagreement about “how” is turned on its head and I am accused of not wanting good things to happen, being evil, being selfish, etc, etc, etc. In short, I am demonized for disagreeing with methods while supporting aims.

Does anyone else believe she or he is owed an apology?


Milo, Kjelstad, Smiln' Bob - The demagoguery thrives only in an environment of intellectual sloth. Keep up the good work.

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Answering your original question, I think you are saying you want an apology for all of the objectionable labels you have received. I'll give you another label, this one may not be so objectionalble but it refflects what people are saying to this question - Try not to get offended - it is really for your own good - I'd call you "lengthy" or "long winded". But then again - I tend to be a little long winded - so here is a long winded response.

    The first Issue - The entire goal of the Affordable Care Act probably can not be summed up with the words "We want to decrease the number of uninsured". We have a very complex healthcare system and making it better is not something you can sum up in a couple words. There are six titles to the Affordable Care Act and they do differing things. Your comments later about Medicare indicate you may not be acutely aware of the dozens of things in the Affordable Care Act under Title III - which attampts to lower Medicare Payments - and Title VI which attempt to enforce integrity in the Medicare and Medicaid programs and eliminate fraud waste and abuse.

    It remains to be seen if the Affordable Care Act lowers Medicare payments by (Mitt Romney's interesting prediction $700,000,000,000 as he indicates "Obama took $700,000,000,000 out of Medicare to pay for Obamacare" an other opponents of the ACA indicate that Obama took $700,000,000,000 out of Medicare to pay for the Medicaid expansion in Obamacare). since you got time to write long questions on Yahoo Answers maybe you might want to read the Affordable Care Act - I have.

    I as a former Republican (I voted for George HW Bush and Bob Dole and never voted for a Clinton, and probably will not) I found myself agreeing with most of the rest you wrote except - I wonder - Do most Americans realize that Social Security Taxes income up to $113,700 (this years limit). This means someone earning income of $20,000,000 total this year and next, would only pay Social Security taxes on the first $113,700 this year and next year $117,000. That is they pay $7,049 for social Security Taxes this year and $7,254 next year. That represents .00007151 of their income or 7 1/100s of a percent of their income. And all people making $113,700 this year and $117,000 next year paid the same amounts but this represents 062 or 6.2 percent of their income. People making less than $113,700 and $117,000 pay much more of a percent. This means a larger percentage of the poorer person's income is going for Social Security Taxes.

    Try not to get offended - I gave myself the same label I gave you. Thanks for your question.


  • Arnie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so." Ronald Reagan

    The Liberal ideology is a theory which holds forth beliefs that have no basis in reality.

    They are Advocates of a policy that empowers a strong government to enslave its people with a high tax burden incident to the support of extravagant and unnecessary social programs destructive to both the work ethic among the lower class, and the incentive to innovate and succeed among the working class.

    The problems we face today are because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.

    A democracy will continue to exist up until

    the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous

    gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority

    always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from

    the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally

    collapse over loose fiscal policy

    A broken government can't be fixed by the same government that broke it.


  • 8 years ago

    Your question prompts one question of my own: Are you posing your question as a rhetorical question? I don't believe that you should even bother apologizing to anyone who takes offense at those views. Few if any among them are going to accept your apologies anyway, and such apologies would invariably be taken as a sign of weakness on your part.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If you want what Obama actually said he wanted, then you are a racist hater.

    Because what Obama actually did was the exact opposite from what he said.

    And if you disapprove of anything the Great Messiah did, then you are racist.

    So that would make Obama also a racist hater of himself.

    But everything he said went down the Memory Hole as soon as he said it.

    Oh come on. They just voted for him because he's black.

    You racist.

  • Di
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The ACA is neither affordable nor speaks to quality.

    But, as you have demonstrated in your list - we the voters are being subjected to the whim of the current administration but not allowed to object.

    Which also reminds that I object to our freedom being reduced under the guise of the our benevolent federal government knowing what is best for all of us.

  • Frank
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yeah! I complain about lots of stuff too, so someone owes me an apology!!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    You should get a lot of credit for not falling for the carrot dangled in front of the mule.

  • 8 years ago

    You are correct, many people are owed apologies, as i answered earlier, Chicago machine politicians believe it is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. He owes us almost all an apology!

  • Randy
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    As an old Drill Sergeant of mine used to say..."You want what?....Now you know what it's like to want".

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I need an apology for being expected to read that.

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