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Why do i want a baby so much?

I'm only 20 (nearly 21) and i am desperate for a baby. I feel so jealous when i see others pregnant and when they talk about their kids. I know that i'm not financially ready or have a steady enough job etc, i just want that unconditional love and someone to take care of. My boyfriend wants kids however he isn't in a very stable job and i'm not stupid enough to trick him into anything.

The think is i'm not exactly very good with kids and sometimes the way other people raise their kids annoys me, i know that's a ridiculous thought and it's petty, i just know that i could (in my own opinion, i know other people will disagree) do a better job of raising a child.

I've been in my job nearly 2 years but don't get paid anywhere near enough to pay for an extra little person :)

Why do i feel like this and how can i make this feeling go away as i know i'm not ready yet.


It's not necessarily that i'm not good with kids as i did a qualification in Childcare at college, it's just that i felt it wasn't right for me to go down that route. I think i just find them frustrating sometimes. My boyfriends auntie has a little girl that is 6 and literally has now respect or discipline meaning she calls people fat to their face and other things like that. To be honest she's just always the nicest of little girls. It sounds so stupid i know!

I never said i was actually going to have a baby as i said i'm not financially stable, i was just wanting to know why i feel the way i do.

Thank you Cheyenne for your answer it was really helpful!

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I went through the same thing when I was in my early 20s. I think it's maybe a biological clock ticking. And it seemed like everywhere I turned there were babies. I've gone through stages of this, again in my later 20s when a coworker was like "oh my gosh, you're right. Every time I work with you, there are a million babies!"

    Props to you for at least recognizing that this is not a good time for you to have a baby. I knew the same thing back then, as I was still in University. I'm not sure how to tell you to get over it but essentially what happened with me, was a major life change (a break up and a career change/travel). Not saying that you need a break up, I'm sure your boyfriend is fantastic. Or that you need the extreme of working abroad. But those changes made me set in stone that I wasn't ready to settle down and as much as I knew I wanted a family someday, it wasn't that day.

    Since I have come home, and decided I am ready to settle, I want a baby again, but I am waiting for Mr. Right.

    While I do think that for both of us there is an innate knowingness that we are meant to be a mother, and that is never going to away, you just have to affirm to yourself that you know you will be a great mom in the future. Find something else to occupy you right now, something else that you can be passionate about and fills your heart with purpose. This will give you something to focus on besides having babies. And it may fuel your fire to the point that you know with certainty you have to pursue it before having kids, putting that thought on the back burner.

    Sometimes I think women want babies as a way to fill a void in their life. Sometimes not. Ask yourself if there is something missing? There may not be. Or maybe its a combo of that and a true desire to be a mom.

    Whatever your reason, just try to fill your days with purpose and happiness. This will only bring you closer to being ready for a baby when the time is right!

  • 8 years ago

    Bringing a baby into an unstable financial situation is cruel, IMNSHO. Plus, you said you aren't very good with kids. That may be your intuition telling you that you might not be cut out to be a parent, even if your financial situation was better.

    Maybe buying/adopting a pet or doing some volunteer work will help fill the void.

  • 8 years ago

    tt is your motherly instincts kicking in. It coming while you are young thereby increasing your changes giving birth to a health baby hopefully in a good relation with a man to become it father. You are having normal expected urges and feelings toward given child birth. Good luck and I hope you have a your baby someday soon.

    Source(s): Many aunts, nieces and loving female friends
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