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Atheists go ahead and answer?

I don't understand it. Why do Atheists completely deny the existence of god? I can see being Agnostic because they have lack of proof the god exists so that's why they don't believe. But even if you were given 100% proof that a god does exist you would still deny it? It is totally impossible, maybe even insane to say a god doesn't exist because you simply have no proof. We still have no proof that aliens exists yet some of you believe they do because of the infiniteness of space and it seems "selfish". and please, bash Christianity because that's what I asked please just answer the question like a normal person who would rather not argue and spew they're biased beliefs. thanks!

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    "Why do Atheists completely deny the existence of god? I can see being Agnostic because they have lack of proof the god exists so that's why they don't believe."

    That's also one of the reasons I (and a lot of other atheists) don't believe in god.

    "But even if you were given 100% proof that a god does exist you would still deny it?"


    "It is totally impossible, maybe even insane to say a god doesn't exist because you simply have no proof."

    Like I said, that's only one of the reasons I don't believe. The other reason is that the whole idea is completely illogical. It's simply not possible. You don't think it's insane to claim there is a possibility that there is a god, while it's not possible at all?

    "We still have no proof that aliens exists yet some of you believe they do because of the infiniteness of space and it seems "selfish"."

    See, that's what I mean. There's nothing illogical about the idea that there are alien life forms. It's completely consistent with our knowledge about the universe.

    I'm agnostic when it comes to alien life because the idea seems plausible, but there's no evidence.

    It's not about having 100% certainty, it's about how likely an idea is.

    I don't believe in gods, for the exact same reasons you don't believe in leprechauns, vampires or elves.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Your premise is false -- I don't "deny" anything.

    Since the "existence of god" has not been established by any evidence, there's nothing to "deny."

    I simply give claims that magical god-things DO exist no merit or "belief," because there's no evidence to show them correct, and massive evidence showing them wrong.

    "But even if you were given 100% proof that a god does exist you would still deny it?"

    No, then I would accept that a "god" exists. However, nobody has ever given ANY "proof" of ANY kind that any "god" exists -- so there's nothing to "deny."

    I also don't "believe" in aliens. I consider it likely there is life other than on earth in the universe, but until there's *evidence* of it, I won't make any claim there's any such thing.

  • 7 years ago

    There is no 100% proof that God exists. Faith is based on speculation and belief. Some people think that because God didn't answer the prayers just as they asked 'him' to, that this is proof that He does not exist. When in fact, God's world is perfect and just as he planned. The truth is, it does not matter what others believe. It matters what you believe is true, in your heart. You can't change the behavior and actions of anyone, other than yourself. If you're concerned that someone is living a life without the influence of Jesus, the best thing you can do, is prove their is One, by living the most spiritual life imaginable. ~ Seeing is believing!!

  • 7 years ago

    1) We are a form of intelligent life, we live on a planet, and there are trillions, if not more, planets in our universe. Therefore, the Earth and all life on it are evidence of a high probability of the existence of life, including intelligent life, on other planets.

    2) There is absolutely ZERO evidence of the existence of ANY kind of "deity", literally, there is not a single shred of testable, verifiable evidence. The grand total of evidence presented to support the claim that a "god" exists amounts to texts written by humans, hearsay, and anecdotal reports of intangible "visions" and auditory hallucinations.

    3) Taking the two sets of evidence, the probability of life on other planets (aliens) is infinitely more possible than the existence of a "god" or "gods".

    Christianity is "bashed" because of their complete and utter lack of compassion, blatant hypocrisy, and constant, consistent violations of the basic human rights of citizens of the world and their constant violations of constitutional law in the United States. As per the Establishment of Religion clause of the first amendment, "Congress shall make no law that aids one religion, aids all religions, or favors one religion over another". By attempting to pass (and passing) laws based on your religious beliefs, you and your people have broken the law of this nation and thereby committed treason against the free peoples of the United States.

    To this very day, Western missionaries in African countries are supporting local bills that make exhibiting ANY possible homosexual tendencies an offense punishable by death. Those same missionaries are feeding the modern day ignorance that has led to "witch" hunts, beatings, burnings, and the rounding up of albino children and children whose mother die at childbirth into camps, calling them "witches". Those missionaries come from our neighborhoods, our churches, and our culture of holding christianity completely unaccountable for their obvious campaign of bigotry, hatred, intolerance, and violence.

    When you people can follow your own bible and actually NOT judge others, love thy neighbor, and show real compassion for your fellow human beings, you will no longer be "bashed". When you people can stop demonizing any and all people that refuse to bow before your superstitions and simply accept the fact that non-christians can be good, moral people, then you will no longer be "bashed". Until then, you and your people will receive every last bit of the anger and hatred that you put out into the world.

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  • 7 years ago

    It's pretty easy to explain in my case. I have never been convinced to accept that any God (or group of gods) is real, because there is no evidence that supports that assertion. Since the word "believe" means to accept something as true without evidence to support that assertion -- and because my mind is not able to accept something as true without evidence -- I. do. not. believe.

    Maybe it's just me but I have a need to see evidence or I cannot accept that someone else's opinion is true. For me that is still just someone else's opinion, and I don't happen to be able to turn on and off belief at will, just because it's more convenient, or because it's more popular, or because someone I like said I should. For me there has to be solid evidence, something real - like a litmus test.

  • 7 years ago

    Faith is based on believing, and frankly I don't believe in something that has no proof as I'm not an idiot. I'm kinda sick of Christians who push God on you, and don't realise people can choose what the hell they want to believe in. Stop being a stupid whiny idiot, and go discriminate against gays or whatever Christians enjoy doing.

    Source(s): Mwa
  • 7 years ago

    I do not deny the reality of anything that is evident.

    The hypothetical God, that you are imagining, is not evident.

    Therefore I have no reason to suspect it is anything but completely imagined.

    I suspect this is just about your approach to claims that Quetzalcoatl is a real,

    existing, feathered serpent deity.



    John Popelish

  • N C
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I do not "deny" the existence of god. I simply do not believe in it.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    They deny the existence of God because they want to live how they want to live. I would say about 90% (according to one of my recent questions) of Atheists wouldn't do what God asked them to if we had confirmed God 100%. They want to live for themselves. "Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires," 2 Peter 3:3.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Because for the most part, the idea of a god is outlandish.

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