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which do you believe in? cospiratorial view of history or the accidental view of history?

accidental view of history: everything that has happend in history just happend by accident and theres no real meaning to it. this is widely accepted version of history and is taught in schools today.

conspiratorial view of history: everything that has happend in history has been carefully planned in advance by governments, secret societies for an evil purpose.

example: Titanic

accidental view accepts that Titanic was sunk after it hit an iceberg. the owner of Titanic JP Morgan was suppose to be on that ship but cancelled his trip due to his sickness.

conspiratorial view accepts that Titanic was a mass murder to kill off billionaires that oppose the Federal Reserve Bank. right after the sinking of Titanic the Federal Reserve Bank was established. JP Morgan is now one of the biggest shareholder.

another example: the 1933 Reichstag Fire

the accidental view states that the people got angry with Hitler's policy and they burned down the Reichstag building. Hitler sees it as an act of terrorism and declares martial law.

the conspiratorial view states that Hitler knew how to get the support of the German people and he did it by burning down the Reichstag. he used this as an excuse to round up all the enemies who oppose him.

is everything today happening by accident or design?

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A third view of human history in cultures or civilizations is consequential; that is, what happens is the consequence or result of a confluence of causative factors, and that is the view that a "thinking" person would most likely have. For example, it was neither primarily conspiratorial nor accidental that Hitler rose to power in post-War I Europe, although his National Socialist Party obviously did some conspiring to advance their agenda and eventually take political control in Germany. In the aftermath of War I, conditions were "ripe" in Germany for a charismatic leader like Hitler to "play upon" people's frustrations, find convenient scapegoats to blame and promise a glorious "new order" (the Third Reich). It was practically a secular religion with its own promised heaven on earth.

    Nor was the defeat of Nazism and Japanese imperialism accidental; rather it resulted from a coordinated strategy of the Allied Powers.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm in a third camp - history from above (where great/imoortant people,in particular rulers and military leaders) by their policies and actions shape history,in partnership with history from below (economic and other underlying factors effect the population as a whole),and their long term reactions to these factors shape history.

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