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  • is drawing a self portrait considered to be narcissistic?

    if I put it as a profile pic on facebook will people call me narcissist?

    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration6 years ago
  • is Jew a race or a religion?

    if Jew was a race wouldn't some Muslims be Jewish?

    if a Christian converts to Satanism he must reject the teachings of Jesus and embrace the teachings of the Devil. if a man leaves Christian to become a Satanist, is he still a Christian? and the answer has to be NO. he is a Satanist.

    Karl Marx who wrote the Communist Manifesto was born a Jew but later converted to Christianity and later became a Communist. and after he became a Communist he would have to leave both the Jewish and the Christian faith that believed in the God of the Bible because Communism is basically anti-religion.

    another example is former secretary of state Henry Kissinger perhaps one of the greatest traitors in this nation has ever seen was born from a Jewish mother. Mr Kissinger was excommunicated from Judaism. the Jews have a Supreme Rabbinic Court in America composed of 5 Rabbis. after they spent a year investigating the charges of Mr Kissinger they "Pronounced a Cherum" meaning he is "denied access" so Kissinger is now banned from a Synagogue. can Mr Kissinger still call himself a Jew?

    how about porn star Ron Jeremy who was born from a Jewish family. what would the Jewish community think of such immoral practice? would they call him a Jew?

    so I find it absurd to see such words as Communist Jew Christian Supremacist or Muslim Terrorist. the definition of evil should not be a Jew a Christian or a Muslim.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • is Jew a race or religion?

    if Jew was a race every Muslim and every member or the follower of the prophet Mohammed who are Semites would also be Jew and they're not.

    if a Christian denouce his Christian faith and begins practicing Satanism is he/she still a Christian? and the answer has to be NO. he/she is a Satanist. after he/she becomes a Satanist he/she would have to leave the Christian faith that believed in the God of the Bible.

    if a Muslim becomes a Terrorist (which is Evil) is he still a Muslim? if a Jew becomes a Communist (which is btw anti religion) is he still Jewish? why are people calling themselves "half Jewish"? are you Jewish or not? do you believe in God or not?

    for example Im Asian and if I go to a Synagogue and began practicing Judaism would I be considered a Jew? or would I still not be considered a Jew because I dont have Jewish blood? if there is such a thing..

    these are just simple logical thinking. I prefer a Jew or a religous person to answer this question.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • which do you believe in? cospiratorial view of history or the accidental view of history?

    accidental view of history: everything that has happend in history just happend by accident and theres no real meaning to it. this is widely accepted version of history and is taught in schools today.

    conspiratorial view of history: everything that has happend in history has been carefully planned in advance by governments, secret societies for an evil purpose.

    example: Titanic

    accidental view accepts that Titanic was sunk after it hit an iceberg. the owner of Titanic JP Morgan was suppose to be on that ship but cancelled his trip due to his sickness.

    conspiratorial view accepts that Titanic was a mass murder to kill off billionaires that oppose the Federal Reserve Bank. right after the sinking of Titanic the Federal Reserve Bank was established. JP Morgan is now one of the biggest shareholder.

    another example: the 1933 Reichstag Fire

    the accidental view states that the people got angry with Hitler's policy and they burned down the Reichstag building. Hitler sees it as an act of terrorism and declares martial law.

    the conspiratorial view states that Hitler knew how to get the support of the German people and he did it by burning down the Reichstag. he used this as an excuse to round up all the enemies who oppose him.

    is everything today happening by accident or design?

    2 AnswersHistory7 years ago
  • The President of the United States of America does not have security clearance to visit Area 51. Why?

    In Bill Cooper's "The Secret Government". The president cannot enter Area 51. Why? Will this destroy the denial of its existence?

    Skip to 0:37:00 to hear it.

    12 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • The President of the United States of America does not have security clearance to visit Area 51. Why?

    In Bill Cooper's "The Secret Government". The president cannot enter Area 51. Why? Will this destroy the denial of its existence?

    Skip to 0:37:00 to hear it

    13 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • If a nuclear bomb is dropped in New York City during war time would it be considered a terrorist act?

    If you dont think the Hiroshima, Nagasaki bombing was the worst terrorist act ever then how would you feel if.. lets say in the worst case we go to war with Iran, North Korea, Russia or China and they dropped a nuke on us. How would you feel? Would that be called a terrorist act?

    We've all done bad things and even when we know it is bad dont we always try to rationalize our own actions and justify it by using complicated word plays? Isn't that how we all do things?

    4 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Is the Waco, Texas Massacre purhaps the biggest civil rights violation in history by these Nazi CIA/BATF thugs?

    And if you thought the latest Newtown shootnig was bad. Have you not forgotten what your government done to your citizens?

    they said that they went to serve a warrant on David Koresh because he had automatic weapons. The truth is they had no automatic weapons whatsoever. none, zero, zip, zilch.

    And even if they did ladies and gentlemen it would only require at that time a $200 tax to make it a legal ownership. You don’t kill people for that. You don’t drive up in front of their homes with cattle trailer full of armed BATF jackbooted Nazi thugs. You don’t do that.

    No. You knock on the door and say we understand that you have an automatic weapon here that you havent paid a tax on. If you don’t pay the tax you are in violation of the law and were gonna have to prosecute you. Would you like to pay that tax its only $200?

    Do you know anybody in the world confronted with that would not pay the $200 and make it legal? Then why wasn’t that done ladies and gentlemen? why were those people murdered?

    They say they were only interested in the children NO they werent. They didn’t care about those children they murdered those children MURDERED THEM.

    They took tanks in there ladies and gentlemen, armored personnel carriers, helicopter gunships that fired down through the roof and murdered people. They had snipers all around the place killing people. All for a $200 tax? That’s what they claimed.

    The american public wouldn’t buy that. What did they say next? Well they said david koresh was promiscuisly sleeping around with all the women in the building.

    What u wanna bet most of those agents are sleeping around with somebody somewhere. You really think they cared about that? What u wanna bet that a good portion of the people in Waco, Texas were sleeping all around the town and were promiscius.

    What do you think about that? And have you heard the stories of Janet Reno, the US attorney General and her sex life in Florida with other women? You really think she cared if David Koresh sleeping with other women? Not on your life.

    And then all of the sudden they made allegations that they were there because the children were being abused. Well if they were its not a federal offense and the federal government has no business sticking their nose in it.

    It wouldve been a matter for the local authorities wouldn’t it? But you see those same allegations have been made before by the same people who instigated this raid. And guess what the local authories has investigated the branch davidians and their children twice..

    And found that those children were the most well adjusted happiest brightest group of children that they have ever investigated and that there was absolutely no substantiation for the allegations of child abuse what so ever .

    Twice they investigated and drew those conclusions. So what was that all about? To this day I don’t really know except for 1 thing that it was absolutely 100% with no doubt whatsoever about the destruction of the constitution for the United States of America and the bill of rights.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Is EVERYTHING that we have ever been taught was a LIE?

    If 9/11 was a lie, if the assassination of JFK was lie, if the Moon landing was a lie, if the 1933 Reichstag fire was a lie, if the theory of evolution was a lie, if the sinking of Titanic was a lie, then they’re ALL in questions ladies and gentlemen. So many has been proven to be a lie that none of them could ever be used as a fact for anything.

    No one becomes popular by teaching the truth. History shows what happend to true prophets. They all have been killed. Is this why Jesus was killed? Because he was telling the truth?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Were there bombs planted in the ships at Pearl Harbour? Just like bombs in the WTC?

    Because I dont believe the official story anymore. Just like how bombs were planted in the WTC when it came down just to get people hyped up for war.

    Eric John Phelps, the author of Vatican Assassins claims that the Japanese bomb could not have penetrated the double decker of USS Arizona. The Officer of Naval Intelligence detonated the bomb that was planted inside the magazine.

    7 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Why can't I connect on Windows Live Messenger (MSN)?

    It says theres problem with my internet connection. Is the server down? full? I can still browse websites and log into my account on yahoo answers..

    3 AnswersMSN1 decade ago
  • I've been offered a coordinator position.What are some questions I can ask the manager?

    I'm interested and nervous at the same time because I've only worked there for half a year and now I have a chance to move up. Examples like "what are my roles and responsibilities" or "why is this position open".

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • will there be a rerun for the opening ceremony at the 2010 olympics?

    if so what time and what channel? im working til 10pm so i wont be home until 10 30.. i live in vancouver..

    1 AnswerOlympics1 decade ago
  • Are the body scans being installed in Canadian airports for US bound only?

    Or is it for all destinations? I'm not looking forward to this.

    2 AnswersOther - Canada1 decade ago
  • What was/is the largest Praying Mantis in the world?

    It seems like there are disputes between the Chinese Mantis, the Giant Asian Mantis and the Giant Indian Mantis and so on. I can't find the guinness record for that. Species like Toxodera denticulata are longer but theyre not bulky. There's not that much site information on the species Ischnomantis gigas which was heard to be 17cm long. I heard stories of monks who found one thats 50 cm long but I think that's not true.

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Where are some good places to go crabbing in Vancouver, BC?

    for Dungeness crab (prefered) or Red Rock crab.

    3 AnswersVancouver1 decade ago
  • How does this sound on my resume?

    Just wondering if these statements are any good. Any comments and suggestions would be appreciated.

    Work Experience

    The Gap/Gap Kids

    Brentwood Town Center Oct 2002 – Aug 2003

    Lougheed Town Center Aug 2003 – Aug 2007

    Burnaby, BC

    Stock supervisor

     Provided exceptional service to meet customer’s needs.

     Coordinated weekly merchandising of new stock.

     Operated cash registers.

     Set up store displays and promotion.

     Organized stock room and replenished items on the floor.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • How can I word this better on my resume?

    My friend mentioned that the statements were weak and they needed to be worded better. Would it be better to combine point forms into a paragraph? Any comments and suggestions are appreciated. Here are my qualification and experience.


     Exceptional communication and motivational skills

     Ability to demonstrate customer focus

     Team player and able to work independently

     Able to work in a fast paced environment

     Ability to delegate and prioritize tasks and responsibilities

     Capable of graphic and web designing

     Capable of animating and modeling in 3D

    Work Experience

    The Gap/Gap Kids

    Brentwood Town Center Oct 2002 – Aug 2003

    Lougheed Town Center Aug 2003 – Aug 2007

    Burnaby, BC

    Stock supervisor

     Provided exceptional customer service

     Coordinated weekly merchandising of new stock

     Operated cash registers

     Set up store displays and promotion

     Organized stock room and replenished items on the floor

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago