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I apologized for being needy or clingy. Am I FUBAR?

I had been messaging her through POF, and there was a great conversation going. She gave me her number, and I texted her this week. She warned me that neediness is unattractive, but we sorted it out, and continued to text. I then phoned her for the first time and we talked a good thirty minutes. I then waited a day before I corresponded with her again, I sent out two messages, and with no reply.

I then started to worry, and messaged her a bit more. This morning, I sent her a message:

"I am sorry I've seem to come off as needy or clingly. I don't like texting, I preferably should've called you. Please reconsider, I still just want to simply meet you. I am profoundly hurt, by the fact I might've pushed you away. Would you like to go for a coffee or a walk?"

I have yet to meet her in person. My next plan is to wait lets say a week, and call her up. What should I NOT say in the conversation, if I get one? If not I will probably, move on and go onto other alternatives.


Look I got about 4 other people I could talk to if I wanted to, but this person as intriguing as it could get, claims a 24 year old corporate investor, with two years of military experience, and a degree in health. I am just a student, and I am still surprised and skeptical why she replied to me. When I talked with her on the phone, she exuded confidence. She thought the big words were sexy.

Update 2:

***she claims she is a corporate investor.

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dude, you might be clingy. That message seemed clingy to me and I'm not a girl. I feel you though, I can come across the same way. First, POF is a dangerous site just warning you. I've been burnt and catfished quite a few times off that site. It's free for a reason. Not too mention all of divorces and bad marriages I've seen coming from that site, we actually warn against it's dangers to new soldiers coming to their first duty station. Ask yourself this, if she doesn't reply within 10 minutes do you get nervous? Do your texts outnumber hers? How many question marks do you use? Just see if writes back and if she doesn't than move on. But again letting you know don't get your hopes up over POF. I got seriously hurt by a girl who I thought was the one and not getting into details this happened 4 months ago and I still think about her. Turns out she was most likely married or taking a "break," from a relationship. Which everyone, including one of my stripper buddies, even agrees with.

  • 7 years ago

    girls dont like when guys make a conversation more difficult than it has to be...keep it simple, stupid.

    "please reconsider...i am profoundly hurt..." etc, its too formal for a relationship. keep that sort of thing in mind with EVERY girl you talk to/meet

    talk about her, what she likes. get brave and make fun of her a little bit...if she says she "cant cook" for example..say "so youre telling me, you dont know how to put an egg in a frying pan and heat it?" try and make what she CANT do as sound as SIMPLE as possible, she will start getting interested.

    patience is key with girls, you cant expect immediate replies from them, you just have to wait. when it comes to texting, its horrible, and i cannot stress this enough, but it is horrible to send 4 or more large-ish texts to a girl, in a row without her replying to one of them before the other...its different if it is one or two worded mssgs.

    that being said, good luck mah dude, dont admit to being clingy!

  • 7 years ago


  • 7 years ago

    pof GIRLS GET ABOUT 350 MESSAGES A WEEK. It's amazing she even responded. You need to find abundance. Go out and meet girls everywhere. POF sucks,.

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