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My husband today, commenting on chick?

Going through a parking lot, an attractive woman in thigh high boots went by, the Salvation Army guy was staring as was my hub, he said to the bell ringer, "it looks good to me too!" They both laughed and I was ticked. I asked him if he realized that that offended me and he said, madly, that I was being 'silly" and there was nothing he did wrong. I feel thoroughly dis respected, again, he just doesn't give my feelings any respect at all. He got mad at ME for "being absurd" again, he didn't do anything and it should've all been left at the door. He never gets it, he's never wrong and I am always giving in. Do I just let it go or try to get him to see that I matter, my opinions matter and he should at least care a little? Or am I just being a twit? He's never been humiliated or ashamed of anything. Is there ANY thing I could say to get his attention? I'm not going anywhere but what can you say to get him to FEEL?

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only way for him to understand is for him to feel what you feel, it sounds petty and irrational but it's not. Make a comment like he did next time you have the chance, if he says anything crappy just tell him you were being silly and don't give him any real indication that you're sorry or it won't impact him. Later on talk to him about it calmly and explain to him that he reacted the same way you did, so why is it absurd for you to do it and not when it's him? Let him know that while there's nothing wrong with noticing an attractive women, there is something wrong with ignoring how you feel when he makes stupid comments on it. It's not really about him noticing her or the comment though, it's about him making you feel less attractive than her, tell him that. Tell him that you need to know that no matter how hot another women is, that you are #1 in his mind. And honestly if you're not, then it's time to move on.....

    Source(s): Been down this road, it's hard to see how little comments or looks can really affect the girl you love. But once I realized it, I could stop it from happening.
  • 7 years ago

    I would try to talk with him again about the situation, but try to put it in a different perspective. For example, "So you would be ok with your daughter's boyfriend making the same comment to you in front of our daughter?" or "So you would be ok with your dad saying that to you in front of your mom?" Try to use a female that you know he loves and respects, someone he keeps close to his heart. By having him think of the same scenario, but with different people, might help tug a bit more on his heart strings. Whether he admits it to you that he is wrong or not when you give him this new scenario of the situation, trust me, he'll have quite a better understanding. Also, I am convinced he already knows he made a mistake, which is why his defense response to you was so high. Also, I agree with another commenter, in regards to his flirtation, if he is "accidentally / or just being his normal self" in a response to another female he finds attractive in front of you, I truly imagine he is A LOT more disgusting when you are not around. I would even go as far as marriage counseling on this topic. There is no respect here for you in this situation, and it's clearly inexcusable behavior that you most definitely should not tolerate. If you can't talk to him, at minimum write him a letter, and give it to him. What ever you do, don't brush this matter aside and call it ok, because in the end. it's not ok, and actions/behaviors like these could lead to self-esteem issues, depression, etc. When I walk into a room, there is no one there more attractive, or better than me in any way, not because this is true in any form, but because that is how my husband and children make me feel, he holds my hand, he holds doors open for me, he listens to me, he cares about me, he takes the kids and gives me some breathing room to do a little self-shopping, when I need to, and vice versa, the point I am trying to make here, is in your family you should be building each other up, not tearing each other down. Not hurt the person you love. I am sorry you were placed in this situation, it was uncalled for, and undeserving. Your worth is more than, that, and he is a sad man for not knowing that you are a gem, sweety!

  • 7 years ago

    You should have asked him "Honey, do you need a tissue for your drool ?"

    Yuck, people that like to openly ogle others in front of their significant others, are normally flirty people behind their partners back... really flirty. These type of people just don't give a ratsfatass that you are "hurt", to them, they feel entitled to ogle at any hot woman that comes their way and you shouldn't be upset because he is coming home to you... um, well honestly the only reason he comes home to you is because the hot women he spends time ogling are not interested in him in the first place ! But not because you are the one he wants.

    I see guys like this at work etc, they are the "married" guys that are always complimenting the women they work with and flirt around. These guys make useless husbands, I mean, who wants a guy like that after he loses his looks and he is still acting like this ? By then he will be bald, fat, fugly and the only thing to possibly redeem that would be his personality.... except he doesn't have one.

    To me, I rather be alone than with one of these guys. I know there are women who are like this as well, these people are better off alone, they just don't respect their partners.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    He is what he is, you can sit down calmly with him and talk to him about how you feel when he does these things. He may or may not listen, he may get it later on in life like many people do.

    You can also play his game if you want to stoop to his level but I have never been able to see what that gets one.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Do what he did.Make a comment about a guy who walks past like he did.Pick a young man with a really good body.See what happens.

  • 7 years ago

    Well he is a guy, but my wife used to check out hot guys in response you might be successful as well. In general if this is all he does it is no big deal, but I am also a guy.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Guys will check out babes so get used to it. Your husband showed poor taste and disregard for your feelings by commenting. You were justified to say how you felt in my opinion.

  • 7 years ago

    start staring at other guy infront of him

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