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Is it time for a revolution in Britain?

Poor shafted again and again the disabled and sick robbed of vital welfare and support while the rich get tax breaks this vile Tory shower is hell bent on destroying the safety net and the right wing media are cheering them on. How many more wrecked lives and suicides will it take for Britain to rise and overthrow this fascist elite?


Ok fascist is a strong word it's my way exposing the utter contempt certain Tories like IDS have for the needs of the disabled and sick . The way he and Lord Freud (lord fraud a man who is close to a fascist in his manner) shug of the concerns of charities and doctors to the effects of the dreadful cuts and dodgy wca tests by Atos.

10 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think we'll get a revolution, but the general elections are in 2015 so hopefully the Tory and Libdem scum will kicked into touch, never to return. We have a PM in power who told lie after lie to get their, he even used his deceased son Ivan to convince people the NHS was safe in his hands, it isn't and chunks of it are being sold off to the private sector. We then have the Bedroom Tax, although the Tories prefer to call it the Spare room subsidy. This is the most disgusting piece of legislation that was ever brought in. As for ATOS, they were working fine under Labour, then the Tories got in and introduced more stringent testing that basically means that if you can lift a finger, then you can work. Many are deemed capable of work through the simple fact that they could get to the assessment centre. People are dying because of the treatment of ATOS and the only thing that surprises me is that no one has taken them to the Court of Human Rights.

    The only people that ever benefit from a Tory goverment are the wealthy, this can be seen by the fact that the wealthiest people in the land have seen their earnings shoot up in the recession while everyone elses have plummeted.

    As for UKIP, they are an even more right wing Tory party. Scrutiny of their policies will show that the wealthiest will be even better off while the rest of us will be taxed more. As for Farage saying we'll be better off out of the EU, rubbish. We pay around 0.5% of GDP to be in the biggest global market in the world. Farage seems to think that we wouldn't lose any businesses from pulling out, yet again RUBBISH. Companies WILL relocate to EU countries as it's easier to trade with the biggest global market in the world by being in it.

    So VOTE LABOUR at the next election, they are our only hope.

  • sod
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    @lord Britannia - That is a perfectly sound economic policy, strong economies rely heavily on manufacturing and industries, that is a fact, even your mate osbourne has said this.What we have now is a service economy in which we import more than we we export , it is unsustainable.Unemployment is rising and one UK passport is issued in this country every ten minutes.This country cannot and prosper on zero hour contracts and part time agency jobs , more and more people are relying on food banks and our welfare system is collapsing, where do you think it is going to end? As for the repatriation policy, this was actually an old labour policy as labour didn't want immigrants to settle permanently after WW2 ( you can check for yourself if you don't believe me) the fact is that this country is the most overcrowded and fit to burst.We would have to build a house every seven minutes to keep up with the current demand, every new arrival needs a house a car, a job, food to eat and as for the the NHS collapsing overnight, that is a complete lie, do you honestly believe that if the immigrants left the NHS that our people would just sit there moaning or would we graft and get on with rebuilding it? No doubt you think the Brits are just lazy and wouldn't bother, we would cope, end of.As far as the bankers are concerned, every politician is in the pockets of the bankers, they are bought and paid for stooges, puppets.Don't you get why the bankers fund mainstream political parties? they print and the government borrow because the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, t's a completely undemocratic system which spells debt and enslavement now and forever.As for gay marriage, BNP would abolish it, but there is a much more sinister reason the government and multinational companies promote it under an Orwellian "civil rights" movement, but it's too complex to go into on these pages, but the fact is that the BNPs position on homosexuals is live and let live.What rights and freedoms do you think you would lose under a BNP government? That's a complete fabrication because BNP oppose th nanny state control of big government and believe the British people should have the right to handle their own affairs.The fact is you are frightened of change and taking responsibility, you are not ready for real democracy and you cannot handle knowing everything about the way this country is going because it means you'd have to do something about it and you're much to used to having your backside wiped, even though you know it's totally wrong.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    British politics is and always has been resistent to revolution. We have one of the most stable political systems in the world. Revolution isn't really a British trait you examine British history time and time again revolution has been rebuffed. Wat Tyler, Robert Aske, Cromwell (king of traitors imo) and more recently a minor revolutionary Scargill all achieved nothing. In the case of Tyler and Aske they had their concessions reversed and with Cromwell we went back to the Monarchy. But look at the electoral performance of the political extremes in Britain

    Utterly bullet proof politcal system while i do agree with your statement about Tories and the right and so on. But the unique way our society has developed over the last few millenia means that revolution is impossible it's not going to happen. And Britain is not a Fascist state and never will be. We are British and we will triumph Britain will succeed we always do in the end. You clearly have little knowledge of the political spectrum

    Chris the BNP have a poor grasp of economics they favour a protectionist economy which places heavy restriction on imports and heavy taxation on big businesses that out source work to foreign nations. Now the issue with protectionism is that it eliminates competition so nobody can or bothers to produce goods better or cheaper. Result the price of goods goes sky high inflation and unemployment would ensue. Another thing is you could have a "brain drain" basically all the smart people leave as they can't find work if they work inventing new ways to trade for example. The BNP are a disaster at every level

    Jack i do not argue with you over the Tories you are right i despise them too. I support us leaving the EU but can't support our friend Patrick because i believe that UKIP would make the situation you describe Jack far worse. So my choice is vote Labour but i may not get referendum or support a Party of dissillusioned Tories who moved a Teensy bit furthur to the right

    Sod do i mention Rascism what has Rascism got to do with any of this do with any of this. My opinion is based on this

    What i said in terms of economics is true. Now the reason why the bankers don't get challenged is because 50% of Tory funding comes from bankers. The BNP also propose a grant of 50,000 pounds to non whites to get them to leave. Without immigration the NHS would collapse. A repeal of the Human Rights Act that protects my freedoms too. They oppose gay marriage when homosexuals contribute to society too. The reason why you will never get my country is because the country abominates the BNP. A reintroducition of the death penalty aswell despite the fact it doesn't work and costs a fortune.

    Sod you whole answer is a rant at me you've not answered the questopn

    Ok Mr BNP how does the BNP know there are 2 million immigrants here illegaly? Because by defintion nobody can know how many are here.

    Incorrect Sod one in three hospital consultants is foreign

    What rights would i lose freedom of expression,thought, religon,conscience right to fair trial and prohibition of torture

    What i find interesting is that you produce these "facts" but not one link

    Here's protectionism explained just for you

  • 7 years ago

    I believe we should have a revolution, but not just against the British government also against the European Union. For too many years we have told what we can and can't say because it may offend the minority population. We have no control over our own borders and have to accept unlimited immigration into this country which is adding to the unskilled labour market meaning the younger generation (including myself) find it very difficult to find jobs as big corporations would rather pay foreign workers as they are cheaper. This also causes social tensions, I'm from Bedfordshire so towns like Luton and Bedford are hugely divided in terms of nationality, race and religion. The main problem is our politicians, the vast majority, especially the Conservatives, are from a very privaliged background and as a result they are hugely out-of-touch with the rest of Britiain. They have never worked a day in their life as they have come out of top schools and universities, gone into research offices and then into the House of Commons. I do believe it is time to start placing people who have spent a vast majority of their life working in the real world into Parliament. This means we can start having policies implemented which benefit everyone, not just the rich and wealthy.

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  • Chris
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Are you kidding.They are not Fascists.They are just Capitalists who are sucking on the working classes for all they can get.The ruling elite are making good money but Fascists no.

    Fascists would have thrown out all that is bringing Britain down and created a strong manufacturing economy that gives real Britons a chance.

    We are being over-taxed by a left-wing appeasing state who are about to import cheaper labour and happily destroy further the fabric of the British way of life.

    If the British people really want a strong Britain proud of it's culture and ready to trade with the world they would have voted in a strong Right-wing Government and aimed this country high where we can fish from our seas and make our own laws and defend our borders from insidious invaders,Mafia crooks and trade with everyone.

    JJ and cephalopod are right and have my Thumbs-Up.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Your understanding of the "political spectrum" is lacking, for a start there have been many examples of "left wing" biased towards matters concerning "Asians" and immigration as a whole and almost none concerning right wing biased.

    Also taking from indigenous minorities means nothing to the socialist movement, whom only really cares if you are first/second generation immigrant called Mohammed. Welcome to the future of politics; where libertarians have no political party to vote for.

    We can vote for right wing parties that would cut benefits to the needy and the sick, or, left wing parties that give immigrants preference so nobody thinks they are racist................ The left wing parties will and are destroying the info-structure of our welfare system by giving it to as many Muslims as possible.

    Do you know how many polygamous families of immigrants actually exist on benefits in the UK? How many have a way of life better than most working British people, cause the figure isn't 0.........

  • Mick W
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    its time to put national spending back into perspective, uk residents are suffering drastic cutbacks in state benefits due to the recession, yet this year 11.544 billion has been given in foreign aid, nigeria is in line for a billion, when it can spend millions on a space programme, india received some 280 million and spent 45 million on a martian probe.

    the foreign aid money would be best spent in the uk, as its not being used for the purpose it was originally intended, that of reliving hardship and famine.

    the government anticipated that demonstrations and riots would occur when it started to cut benefits some years ago, and measures were put in place to offset this eventually, the official policy being that demonstrators and rioters will be shot dead on the streets, after a state of emergency or martial law is declared to offset any subsequent possible redress under criminal or civil law.

    the government is fully aware the population is totally dissatisfied with the administration, but its prepared to put the country under marshal law, to stay in power and maintain control, irrespective of the loss of life it causes.

    Now Britain forks out foreign aid for Nigeria to join the space race ... Cached

    9 Aug 2013 ... THE UK is set to give Nigeria over £1billion in aid despite the country spending hundreds of millions of pounds on developing its own space ...

    Britain's foreign aid madness: Cuts at home, but we STILL hand out ...

    18 Jun 2013 ... Between 2011 and 2012 several countries reined in foreign aid ... 'We'd be chairing the G8 whether or not we were giving this amount of ...

    India Mars Probe Mangalyaan Blasts Off - Sky News‎

    5 Nov 2013 - UK financial aid to India, worth about £200m, is currently being phased out .... in India should be tackled before embarking on a costly space ...

  • Steven
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Whilst I may agree with your argument, revolutions rarely benefit the weakest and poorest in society. We're much better doing it by slow change, getting people to vote would be our best start.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Try moving to the USA. You will then realise that Britain is better. The world does NOT owe us a living.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Getting people to vote is the right answer, we have become entrenched in the belief that only the Tory's or Labour can run the Country. Labour would encourage even greater inward migration, the Tory's have only interest in the private sector and frankly do not give a tinkers cuss for the masses.

    The liberal democrats are a spent force, they are a nasty little joke and a blot on the landscape of democracy.

    But, these 3 party's have worked for years to get into a situation that whatever happens in the elections, they will do OK, they will form the Governments and the opposition so be they in power or opposition, their magnificent life style goes on. They destroy people and then tell them and the world that they are not destroyed. If organisations come up with statistics they do not like, they simply announce that they "do not recognise" the statements.

    But you and I can sort this out. By using the vote that we are so lucky to have, that people all around the world would and indeed do die, trying to achieve. Whoever governs is usually elected out of the balance achieved when 40% of those that can vote, actually bother to. In my view it is disgusting.

    I would be happier if everyone turned out and spoiled the paper rather than not going to the polling booth.

    But the biggest problem in my view, is that we fear change, even if it was a tactical change, to get the so called mainstream parties to respect that we hold the power. It becomes a bit of a bun fight and all sorts of reasons are put forward why this party or that party are no good, or have no experience etc.

    Those that have seen my comments on this site know that I am a firm believer in getting UKIP into a position of power. Firstly because most of their prime policies address what concerns the average person the most. These are the things that none of the current ruling or opposition party's can or will deal with.

    Yes they make announcements that give people a reason to think that matters are being dealt with, but the truth is that the fundamental issues cannot be sorted out so long as we are controlled by the EU, and none of them really wants to get out of the EU, so no matter what they say or how well they posture, the fact is that the basic issues cannot and will not be dealt with so long as any of them, or any mix of them is in power.

    I think if people understand that part, even if they grasp nothing else, then a revolution of sorts could happen. Nothing will make them sit up and respect the power of the people, more than the people demonstrating that power by kicking them out of office, all of them.

    Sure many would survive the vote because many have done a good job for their constituents and of course because of those that do bother to vote, at the moment at least, two thirds place their votes with the traditional parties. But this could change very dramatically.

    As more and more people realise that UKIP is not a racist or fascist organisation, that it is not anti immigration, nor is it anti cultural mixing, but instead they are seeing that UKIP is about balance, about protecting our infrastructure, making sure that we can afford to absorb those that come because we are able to afford the housing etc, making sure that those who come, have something to offer beyond just taking up a seat at an already crowded table, those that will contribute directly into the economy as so many do already, but a growing number have not, and will not put penny one into the pot but have and will continue to draw from it.

    Those numbers will grow exponentially as of Jan 01, 2014. Maybe not in one hit and of course the Government will make much of this, but grow it will, and we will have more than a year to demonstrate that yet again, UKIP are right and the Political elite are wrong, not only wrong but they knew they would be and just could not find a way to stop it.

    Wages will continue to be suppressed, cheap labour will become more prevalent, and the dole queues will grow, repossession of housing will expand, the numbers of British citizens reliant on food banks will continue to grow at an alarming rate, up 250,000 to 750,000 in the past 6 Months.

    British people will die in their homes because they cannot afford to heat them, 31,000 last year.

    But, Cameron and the rest will tell us we are out of recession, that we are growing as an economy and all the other stuff they trot out every time they are asked a searching question. Labour will say they have the answers, no doubt as they start filling in their pay day loan apps to spend more than we have got again. The Lib Dems will just keep spouting the same old tosh and has now been proven, will side with anyone if they get a chance of power and of course abandon all the promises they made before hand.

    If you are worried about UKIP, consider this, I am a British subject, I believe in UKIP, but make no mistake, if they got it wrong, I would seek to vote them out. However, they will not get a chance to get it right, if we do not empower them. We have given the current bunch of idiots chance after chance, we have elected one of them, been angered enough to vote them out and the other lot in, and this has gone on for decades, last time around we were so annoyed that the vote ended up bringing about a coalition, but as we have seen, this is not working either.

    Of all the other choices, UKIP is the only credible alternative, it just takes the Great British public to have the courage to take a punt. To give the current idiots the biggest kick up the back side that it could possibly deliver, and in my honest opinion, give Britain it's only realistic opportunity to get out of the continual loop of failure that we have endured these many decades gone by.

    Positive statistics used by the current lot do not put one meal on the table for the majority of us, they do not regain a house for someone who has been booted out because the cost of living went so far past what they are earning that they could no longer afford the mortgage.

    Saying that giving away billions to Countries who often do not want or need it, whilst our own die in their homes shivering and hungry.

    On the immigration issue, as I know that many think UKIP only care about this one matter. The Government say that inward migration has been around half a million per year for the last 6 years. However those 3 million people have produced 7 million children. If all the 3 million who first came got straight into work, took no benefits and paid tax and national insurance, the child benefit of their offspring alone would have wiped out those contributions in around 3 Months. But of course there is much more than child benefit to be had. The numbers are staggering, and these are numbers generated by those that are doing what we want. What of the hundreds of thousands that are coming due to their freedom of movement, so long as they stay under the radar for 90 days after arrival, they too will be entitled to start claiming, it is a problem that is growing exponentially and we simply do not have the resources to cover it. I wish that we did, but we do not.

    So long as we are members of the EU, we cannot change this, nothing Cameron has said or will say, can change the basic and fundamental fact that we have no power to do anything about inward migration from fully signed up member states of the EU, a membership that will continue to include more and more of the poorest Nations in Eastern Europe. The fact that many of these people go to other EU nations is irrelevant, I and everyone I know, be they political party members or otherwise are concerned about the numbers that are coming and will continue to come here.

    If this is one of your concerns, then you should consider your personal revolution, changing your vote from Labour or Liberal or Tory to UKIP. If you do not, then that is your absolute right, but once things start to hit you in the pocket, once you cannot afford the mortgage, or you cannot get a hospital bed within 30 miles of your house, or your kids cannot get into a decent school, etc etc etc, then please don't wast anyone's time moaning about it on here as it will be what you voted for.

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