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How easy is it to "slip through the cracks" at MEPS?

I have Tourette's syndrome, and I have been rejected from the military before, but never officially at MEPS. The one time I went to MEPS, I backed out because I got a text from my wife saying she was pregnant.

I've quickly learned that wouldn't get in with this diagnosis, But what if I -dare I say it?- lie to get in? What if I said that I didn't have any mental disabilities? How much do they look at a recruit's medical background? And if I did lie on my papers, would they notice right off the bat?

I desperately want to serve my country, and I'll lie, cheat, steal, and kill to do it. And if lying won't get me in, what will? And which branch would be the most lenient? What MOS's/Rates?

I've already been to a boarding Military School, went through a year of US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, and I have a better working knowledge of the military's insides than a vast majority of most recruits.

And if the U.S, won't let me in, what foreign countries will? Hey, I don't need to live in a nation that blows me off.

Please let me know. Thanks!

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Go ahead and join another country's military. But you'll have to renounce your US citizenship first. But in order to renounce it, you need to have dual citizenship with another country. You can't be citizenshipless.

    So good luck with that.

  • 7 years ago

    If you lie about yourself and your health you will be discharged - no questions asked. In some cases you could face some jail time for it as well as getting a bcd (bad conduct discharge) that will follow you for the rest of your life. Dening you a great job down the road, not really worth the hassel to ruin your life like that. Are you under any medication to control it? If so you might be able to enlist talk to any recruiter as be honest and up front about it you just might be surprised. As for which branch is the easiest to get into is the army. Your MOS/rate/specialty would depend on how you score on the ASVAB. If you've done a yr with the sea cadets maybe you can get a ltr of recommendation from the Det CO as well as the military school. Joining a foreign countries military is harder than you'd think, you'd have to become a citizen (renouncing your US citzienship), living in that country, and run the risk of not getting the job you really want. I commend you for wanting to serve but there are other ways to serve your country other than being in the military.

    Source(s): Served in the USMCRes for 13yrs.
  • 7 years ago

    You are out of luck. Neurological problems are hard to hide. Even if you tried to lie, MEPS alone will notice your strange behavior and investigate the anomaly.

  • 7 years ago

    If it's not bad, I would just keep quiet about it. They don't have the time nor the resources to go and hunt down every recruits medical documents, and even if they found them your doctor is not allowed to give them any information because of doctor-patient confidentiality. Honestly if they took everyone in the military and went through all of their medical records from their whole life the number of people we have serving would probably be cut in half. Best of luck and thank you for wanting to serve.

    Source(s): Don't say anything and you'll be alright
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Oh yeah...people with tourettes are well known for staying quiet and not standing out *rolls eyes*

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    lmao, you backed out because you got a "text from your gf, that she was pregnant". they will know you backed out lol.

    its hard to hide a neurological condition such as tourrettes.

  • 7 years ago

    50% Lied that are currently.enlisted.

    Source(s): 6 Year army Iraq vet
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