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  • Where/how can I learn U.S. Military tactics without actually joining the military?

    I was wanting to know where I can learn infantry/special operations tactics online and/or get professional combat training. Joining the military isn't an option, due to them deciding I'm not good enough to be in their little club.

    Still, I'm just as good as they are, and I'm just as capable to do the same things they do. The problem is that it seems like there's really no way to get good training unless you're IN the military already.

    I'm not looking for law enforcement schools, either. I want real U.S. Military training, not watered-down civilian junk training.

    Also, what kind of civilian career/volunteer opportunities would be a good fit for someone who's been rejected for the Military, but is highly intelligent and is overall in excellent physical condition (minus mild Tourette's syndrome*) and has a passionate desire to go into a combat situation (AKA, me)?

    I will report any sarcastic, demeaning, rude, foul, discriminatory, derogatory, or otherwise offensive answers.

    I appreciate your help.

    9 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • How does one deal with extreme bitterness?

    If you have seen some of my past questions, you might be able to tell that I have a few issues to deal with. The most severe one would be bitterness.

    Just to illustrate how bitter I have become, I should probably explain the events that led to this bitterness. This is going to sound a lot like a pity party. I'm not trying to make you pity me. I'm only trying to offer my point of view so that maybe you can understand my emotions better.

    Ever since I was a kid, it has been my dream to join the US military. I studied their ranks, formations, various types of vehicles, uniforms, chain of command, weapons, tactics, you name it. I was obsessed with my research.

    For my senior year, I got accepted into a military school. My studies increased, and I became even more passionate to serve.

    At the end of the school year, I was contacted by several recruiters, one from each branch, including their reserve and guard components.

    Each one of them turned me down for having Tourette's syndrome. At first, I was okay with this.

    But slowly, as I got more menial jobs, I started to seethe and hate the military. I would often wish I was in Iraq instead of a kitchen. I invested so much, and got nothing.

    Now, not a day goes by that I'm not green with envy and hate. I often ponder ways to plot revenge. I need advice and understanding. Yes, I've said pretty crappy stuff in previous posts, but lately, it's all I know. I just can't get this hate out of my life. Thank you for your help.

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • I've heard the military takes criminals?

    I've been trying to get into the military since 2009, and I have been rejected time and time again, due to having Tourette's syndrome. But lately, one of my buddies got in some legal trouble and was arrested (although he refused to say what it was for). He was offered military service, community service, or a couple months of prison.

    I've been rejected so many times, and I'll do anything to get a gun and a rank. I'll lie, cheat, steal, assault, set fires, kidnap, and murder as long as I get to serve my country. I don't care what I have to do. So, which crimes will the military take me for? Which ones would be over the top?

    Also, if they still won't take me, is there any way to sue the military for medical discrimination? I'm getting pretty tired of taking it up the rear because some official who doesn't know me says I'm not good enough. I'm ten times more intelligent as most of the buck-toothed hillbillies who waltz into BCT.

    I'd appreciate any help you can give me.

    6 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • I have odd digestive symptoms that won't go away.?

    As the title suggested, I have several symptoms that I have never really had before, and they're starting to worry me.

    I have aphthous ulcers (mouth ulcers) that show up and go away every few weeks. They are probably the most annoying things I've ever had. I hate them with a burning passion.

    I have diarrhea that is very persistent, and has me dashing to the restroom almost every hour, and sometimes even more frequent. (TMI alert!) It's a light tan color and is completely liquid. No solids whatsoever.

    My stomach is in constant aching. Just shifting positions makes me grimace.

    Fatigue. All I want to do lately is SLEEP. And I can't afford to do that, because I have a two-year-old.

    I have almost entirely lost my appetite. No food sounds good, minus the occasional junk food.

    I absolutely crave sweet drinks. Juices, soda pop, overly sweetened iced tea, margaritas (I love those!), riesling, white zinfandel, etc. Sweet, fruity and cold.

    My weight, despite consuming nothing but sweets and fruity beverages and being Slob of the Year, is continuing to drop. Last week I was 225 lbs and today I weighed in at 216 lbs.

    I'm pale. Well, more so than usual. I could seriously pull off the vampire look if I put my Scarecrow fangs in... Also, totally unrelated, my wife thought it would be funny to put glitter on me.

    If you could give me some examples of what these could add up to, please let me know. Alternatively, if there's a website that would allow me to type these in, that would be great.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Why are (most) Christians terrible at spelling online?

    I find it odd, and quite disturbing, that so many Christians' online forum spelling, grammar, punctuation, and overall English composition is so atrocious. It's as if they think writing correctly is a sin! Now, I emphasize the word "most" because I'm a Christian, and I take pride in my ability to express myself in written English.

    Anyway, this disturbs me. I can't find a single forum or YouTube comment thread on any spiritual topic without my eyes bleeding from all the English language abominations. Can someone please shed some light on this? Oh, and please don't answer with some sort of "Christians are stupid" response. I will report it, so don't waste your time or mine. Thanks!

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How do you maintain focus while meditating?

    I've been very hesitant to try meditation lately, because every time I try to clear my mind, my brain pulls a Scumbag Steve and starts racing. The fact that I have ADHD does not help this problem at all... I am very easily distracted, and I can't use noise-canceling headphones because I have to listen in case my son wakes up (I only try to meditate when he's asleep).

    The point is that I can barely sit still while meditating. If I lay down while doing it, I usually fall asleep.

    I either need a way to maintain focus while meditating, or I need another way to "spirit-gasm" as my friends and I call it. I've only been able to do it a couple of times.

    Also, the other day I was praying, and I guess I did something different, because I felt myself shift position, but my actual body was in the same position. I seriously have no clue what that was. I don't smoke anything that doesn't say "Marlboro Black 100 Menthol" on the box, so it's not a drug thing. ANy ideas?


    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • If I Emigrate from the U.S., where should I go?

    I am 21 years old, I have a 23 year old wife and a 19 month old son. I am currently employed. I have no college credits. My wife has college credits, but no degree. She is also certified to professionally dispense medications.

    We're wanting to find a place that has freedom, but is also economically secure. The U.S. is becoming far too hostile and its economy is in shambles. That, and why live in a country that won't allow me to serve in it's military? Amirite?

    The only problem that I can think of so far is that I am currently on unsupervised probation until August... So I won't be leaving right away anyway.

    I have a list of countries that I am looking into. If you have any additional suggestions, please let me know! Also, if there are any countries in the list to absolutely stay away from, please let me know that as well.

    Here they are, in no particular order.


    New Zealand,
















    The Netherlands,


    I have a strong ability to learn a new language, and I am currently somewhat proficient in German, French, and Russian. English is my native tongue.

    Also, which of these would be most likely to enlist or commission a person with Tourette's Syndrome?

    5 AnswersImmigration7 years ago
  • Would BBC Hire an American to be the Doctor?

    It occurred to me that Hugh Laurie is British but assumes a rather decent American accent for Dr. House, but would BBC do the vice versa? Would they hire an American as their head role, aka the Doctor on Doctor Who, if he/she could do a believable British accent?


    3 AnswersDrama7 years ago
  • What the *CENSORED :)* am I supposed to do?

    I have Tourette's Syndrome, which has so far kept me out of the US Military, multiple jobs, several colleges, and innumerable jobs. And it seems that despite all that I have accomplished, and all the talents I have, I still end up struggling. I still end up unfulfilled. Feeling like I'll never be good enough for anything.

    My question is this: What am I supposed to do? I can't get into the military, as they won't accept anyone with a psychiatric disorder (like my Tourette's), I don't have the money to go to college, and my student loans are in default. I've pretty much been crash-landed into the retail and food service ditch, with little to no hope of escape. Literally, the only relief I feel is when I drink myself into Oblivion.

    All I have is an ability to do celebrity impressions... yipee...

    What is a person with a disability and no money supposed to do??

    I don't want to accept that retail and fast food is all I have to look forward to in my future... If that's the case, I'd rather take a bullet to the brain... And I am still debating that option.

    Look, I don't want to sound like a drama queen, but I have exhausted almost every option.

    I appreciate your time.

    Merry Christmas!

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop7 years ago
  • How easy is it to "slip through the cracks" at MEPS?

    I have Tourette's syndrome, and I have been rejected from the military before, but never officially at MEPS. The one time I went to MEPS, I backed out because I got a text from my wife saying she was pregnant.

    I've quickly learned that wouldn't get in with this diagnosis, But what if I -dare I say it?- lie to get in? What if I said that I didn't have any mental disabilities? How much do they look at a recruit's medical background? And if I did lie on my papers, would they notice right off the bat?

    I desperately want to serve my country, and I'll lie, cheat, steal, and kill to do it. And if lying won't get me in, what will? And which branch would be the most lenient? What MOS's/Rates?

    I've already been to a boarding Military School, went through a year of US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, and I have a better working knowledge of the military's insides than a vast majority of most recruits.

    And if the U.S, won't let me in, what foreign countries will? Hey, I don't need to live in a nation that blows me off.

    Please let me know. Thanks!

    7 AnswersMilitary7 years ago
  • How do you deal with miscarriage?

    My wife and I found out a while back that she was miscarrying, even though she has a birth control implant in her arm. I am extremely depressed and upset about it, even though it was very early term. I was wanting to know how we can overcome this. I need help. I have been turning to liquor as a solution. I feel like I am becoming an alcoholic. If you have any suggestions, or groups that can help, please let us know. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I can't even begin to imagine how my wife is feeling...

    Also, we named the lost baby Nancy Joy. If you'd keep her in your prayers, my wife and I would appreciate it very much.

    God bless you.

    2 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • What's the possibility of a Skyrim Movie?

    I have heard rumors on both sides of the coin on whether there is or is going to be a Hollywood Skyrim movie. I have heard both yea's and nay's. If so, when will it be released, who's in it, etc. And if not, how can I convey this idea to a movie company so that there can be one? Who would be most likely to agree to such a film?

    Thanks for your time!

    Oh, and Stormcloaks FTW.

    4 AnswersMovies7 years ago
  • How would an American Join the Russian military?

    Before I get started, I have literally nothing against America, Americans, or the American Military. And no, I am not some sort of Soviet wannabe. My reason for wanting to join the Russian military is that they'll take foreign applicants. I was rejected for the U.S. Military, so I figured I'd join the next best thing.

    How would I join the Russian Armed Forces, especially the Navy or Air Force? What should I expect when I join? What are some of the main differences between the U.S. military and the Russian military? What about married housing?

    Most importantly, what kind of medical and legal requirements does the Russian military have?

    I appreciate all answers. Thank you for your time!!

    9 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • How do you get into acting, especially comedy?

    I've been told (by friends as well as people I don't know very well) that I would be good in movies, especially comedy movies. I have numerous impressions that I do well, as well as some that I am working on. I'll provide a list at the bottom. I'm located in Springfield, MO, so I don't exactly have Hollywood next door. I don't know how or where to begin. I know I'm good at acting, and it seems like something I would like to do. Also, any tips for if I do get a part in something?

    As promised, here are my impressions.

    Good impressions:



    -Mr. Buzzcut

    -Mr. Anderson

    -Arnold Schwarzenegger (I've had a TON of fun with this one)

    -Sean Connery

    -Gordon Ramsay

    -Philip Seymour Hoffman as "Capote"

    -Tom Hanks in "Forrest Gump"


    -Heavy from TF2

    -Soldier from TF2

    -Spy from TF2

    -Medic from TF2

    -Bill Clinton

    -Dana Carvey as Church Lady



    -Eric Cartman

    -Noel Clark

    -Jimmy Stewart

    -British Accent

    -Australian Accent

    -German Accent

    -Russian Accent

    Impressions that I can do but still need work:

    -Barack Obama

    -Chris Eccleston

    -David Tennant

    -A Dalek

    -Don LaFontaine

    -King Leonidas

    -Patrick Warburton

    -George W. Bush

    -Bill Nighy

    -Sniper from TF2

    -Engineer from TF2

    -Demoman from TF2

    -Scout from TF2

    -Bill Murray

    -Sylvester Stallone

    -Terry Crews

    -Tom Cruise

    -Donald Duck (dead serious)

    -Mickey Mouse



    -Jim Carrey

    -Harvey Fierstein

    -Jeff Goldblum

    And that just about covers it. However, I'm always looking for new unusual voices to try. If you have any suggestions, please LET ME KNOW.

    1 AnswerMovies8 years ago
  • Questions About War, Warfare, and Rules of War?

    1 - How do you know who is "right" in a war between two different nations or in a civil war? I mean, if you look at two countries fighting each other as a spectator with no starting bias, how do you determine which country/countries is/are the "good guys" and who are the "bad guys"?

    2 - How do you determine which side has officially "won" and what is required to make that discretion. For example, the U.S. military is in Afghanistan fighting armed insurgents. The insurgents have not surrendered and are still fighting, the U.S. has a huge upper hand (greater numbers, better tech). When is it safe to say "The war is over! The U.S. has victory."

    3 - Where do ethics fit in? When is collateral damage to be considered murder? What rights do POW's deserve? What kinds of warfare should be considered war crimes?

    4 - When should a war be declared? I mean, you wouldn't declare war because the other nation called you a mean name. What should be a good reason to invade another nation?

    2 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • How do you install Nexus mods onto Skyrim for the Xbox 360?

    I was looking up some mods for Skyrim (which won't run on my PC), and I found some awesome mods that I really want to try out.

    I know it's possible to do it, because a friend of mine has a My Little Pony mod for Skyrim on his 360 (It's actually kind of scary).

    Anyway, I know it's possible, and I don't care if my Xbox Live is banned. I can't afford to pay for gold membership anyway.

    Thanks for all of your help!

    Here are the Nexus links:

    3 AnswersXbox8 years ago
  • Shreffler family origins?

    I was searching my family name, Shreffler, on google to try and find out where the Shrefflers came from. However, I'm getting nothing but conflicting information. I've tried Ancestry, House of Names, and even I'm not finding the information I need. I went to the library, but I only got regional and local results. If you know who founded the Shreffler/Schreffler family, or if you know where I can find this, please let me know!

    5 AnswersGenealogy8 years ago
  • Questions on Kubuntu?

    I am downloading Kubuntu to make my computer a dual-boot system. I got to the download screen and it's asking me if I want the Latest version or the Long-Term-Support version. I'm tending to lean toward LTS, but I'm not entirely sure. I don't think there's a huge difference, but I want to make sure first.

    Please get back to me on this!

    If you have any other advice on linux in general, please let me know! If you know of a better distro for beginners, definitely let me know!

    3 AnswersSoftware8 years ago
  • What kind of jobs are available for celebrity voice impressionists?

    I can do a rather extensive list of celebrity and non-specific voice impressions, and I have received many positive comments in the past. The problem is that impressions are pretty much my only talent.

    So my question is this: what fields of work could involve someone with a wide range of voices? I don't necessarily mean show business, especially if I'd have to move out of state (I live in Springfield, Missouri).

    If you want a list of the voices I can mimic, please don't hesitate to send me a private message.


    2 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago
  • What CAN someone with mental disabilities do?

    To start off, I'm going to give a brief list of diagnoses that i have: Asperger's, Non-Coprolalic Tourettes Syndrome, mild Depression, and ADD/ADHD. Most of these diagnoses are out of date. I still have the Tourette's syndrome.

    These diagnoses, particularly the Tourettes, have kept me out of: US Armed Forces (Including Coast Guard, Army Nat'l Guard, Air Nat'l Guard, Reserves), Local Police, County Sheriff's Office, MO Highway Patrol, and EMT positions.

    My ASVAB score is 67. My IQ is 155. I am 6'2" and 195 lbs (give or take a couple). I graduated from Missouri Military Academy with a good conduct award, the JROTC Military Excellence award, the community service award, and several awards for good academics.

    So I wouldn't be THAT bad of a candidate for service. It's just that those diagnoses acted as a barrier.

    Okay, so I can't get into any sort of public safety/law enforcement/military careers (which is what i want to do the most - serve the community and be recognized for it.)

    So. What CAN I do? I want to help people that are in desperate times. And I want to be there in the thick of it. I wouldn't feel right ringing bells at Christmas time and saying "Okay, I've served my community/country!" I won't settle for handing out soup at a shelter.

    I need to be IN the action. Preventing things from happening to people, or helping those who have already had it happen to them.

    And I can't afford college, especially with a 6-month old son who needs diapers (and A LOT of them! lol) food, etc.

    So, what kind of entry-level, publicly recognized ways to serve are there for somebody who has diagnoses such as the ones I have?

    Thank you for your time and your consideration.

    7 AnswersPeople with Disabilities8 years ago