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I've heard the military takes criminals?

I've been trying to get into the military since 2009, and I have been rejected time and time again, due to having Tourette's syndrome. But lately, one of my buddies got in some legal trouble and was arrested (although he refused to say what it was for). He was offered military service, community service, or a couple months of prison.

I've been rejected so many times, and I'll do anything to get a gun and a rank. I'll lie, cheat, steal, assault, set fires, kidnap, and murder as long as I get to serve my country. I don't care what I have to do. So, which crimes will the military take me for? Which ones would be over the top?

Also, if they still won't take me, is there any way to sue the military for medical discrimination? I'm getting pretty tired of taking it up the rear because some official who doesn't know me says I'm not good enough. I'm ten times more intelligent as most of the buck-toothed hillbillies who waltz into BCT.

I'd appreciate any help you can give me.

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Childish rant, but I will address it. Just another wannabe expressing his anger at being turned down,.

    Your buddy was not offered military service as an alternative, that is a folk tale. ANY adjustment in any legal situation which might be viewed as helping someone with criminal issues enlist is an automatic and permanent disqualifier. This immediately identifies this post as trolling.

    Get arrested and guarantee you never go.

    Can't sue the military for medical discrimination because the military is specifically exempt from the Americans with Disabilities Act because of the special conditions imposed by military service. Get yourself laughed out of a lawyer's office.

    Tourrette's is a DQ because of its symptoms. No question, no doubt, no waiver. The fact that you say you have been turned down for even civilian employment should make that clear.

    Referring to other enlistees as "buck-toothed hillbillies" is simply more proof that you are trolling because anyone who REALLY wanted to be in the military would not disrespect his fellow enlistees.

    Source(s): 100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran - Navy Airborne Electronic Warfare Officer
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    "I've heard the military takes criminals?" you heard WRONG. NO ONE can help you (except a board certified psychiatrist perhaps).

    For some reason I doubt your recollection of your “buddies woes”. I think you are trying to qualify your rant. Either you embellished what happened to him, or you are leaving something out. What decade was that anyhow? The justice department can’t MAKE the military take ANYONE. So I doubt he was given a choice between ‘military, jail, or community service’. The military is under no obligation to take these rejects, and I think the only reason the army took them back in ‘nam was because of the draft that existed at the time, they’d take ANYONE. But this is a different era my friend. Sorry to call a BS, but “BS!”

    “I've been rejected so many times…” - yet you don't get the message or take a hint and you continue to waste their time, and yours. Amazing. The only reason they haven’t changed their number is because they have to advertise it for other recruits that have a shot. Surprised the recruiters haven’t taken out a restraining order on you.

    “…and I'll do anything to get a gun and a rank. I'll lie, cheat, steal, assault, set fires, kidnap, and murder as long as I get to serve my country.” - Now THERE is someone who demonstrates core values…”lie, cheat, steal…” smooth. We want honest people, but also those with integrity and those who obey the law. Out of that list, all of them are CRIMINAL activities (except for ‘lying’ and ‘cheating’, which are certainly character flaws – which also would keep you out).

    “…I don't care what I have to do.” - except give up, which is what you need to do.

    “…So, which crimes will the military take me for?” – they aren’t going to take you at all.

    “…Which ones would be over the top?” - YOU are over the top!

    “…Also, if they still won't take me, is there any way to sue the military for medical discrimination?”. You want to go there? Serving in the military is Not a ‘right’. What grounds would you sue on? you can't sue the military for 'discrimination'. For medical issues, Google the phrase “Ferris Doctrine” (and you wouldn’t have standing anyhow). “Discrimination” in general…the military doesn't have to play by those rules because of the special case that IS the military. Don’t see too many people with Down’s Syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Parkinson’s, etc in the military do you? Seen any wheelchair ramps next to a fighter jet? People can’t enlist with diabetes, cancer, HIV, felonies. Guys that have one nut can’t get in (even if they were born that way). Missing a foot? Arm? Hand? Toes? Missing an eye? BLIND? Deaf? They don't get in either. Get the picture? The military ‘discriminates’ against those groups all the time. Shouldn’t they have a right? Sometimes it is necessary to ‘discriminate’ for the greater good or for the safety of all. I can see you now. In a uniform. And instead of following orders, you go off on a profanity laced tirade. In the field under orders of silence – off you go again, now the enemy knows where to find you and your team. You’re dead. Discrimination? Knock yourself out and good luck with that. Make sure to come back and let us know how far in the judiciary you get. If you can find a lawyer to file on your behalf (they can get reprimanded by the BAR for frivolous lawsuits). Now civilian companies you might be able to sue for some of the things mentioned. But not the military.

    “..I'm getting pretty tired of taking it up the rear because some official who doesn't know me says I'm not good enough. I'm ten times more intelligent as most of the buck-toothed hillbillies who waltz into BCT.” – yeah. I’ll bet by now you would have invested in the makers of KY personal lubricants. I think I’ll advise my broker to invest with you in mind. (rolls eyes)

    “..I'd appreciate any help you can give me.” - there is none for you.

    Have a nice day.


    Source(s): 2nd Lt, US Army (reserves), registered nurse, medical student. and again...WOW (and i am some 'hick girl' from an itty bitty town in Iowa....
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    "... I'll lie, cheat, steal, assault, set fires, kidnap, and murder as long as I get to serve my country. I don't care what I have to do."

    And THAT, more than anything else, is why you are (and should be) disqualified from military service.

    One of the most important Army values is INTEGRITY. Since you readily admit that you have none, you shouldn't be allowed.

    Source(s): Army Recruiting Veteran
  • Wraeth
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No we don't take criminals. Your 'buddy' is lying to you. You also can not sue the military for discrimination because A) It is not actually discrimination to disqualify someone that is not fit for service; and B) The military is exempt from the Americans with Disabilities Act.

    Source(s): US Army Scout
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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No, we don't take criminals in our military. Criminals are more likely to disrupt the daily lives of military members who are fighting alongside them. Plus, they are not good for our image, especially if you have criminals being sent overseas only to commit war crimes and ordinary crimes alike far more than average persons.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You first claim you will rape and murder your fellow Americans in order to serve your country, then claim to be smart? Yikes, good thing you have an automatic DQ(tourettes) to keep you out. Wouldn't want to be near a psycho like you.

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