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I'm so mad...why wont my parents just let me tan?

I tan in the sun in the summer, my mom even encourages me! I get a really good color very easily, not orange or gross, but it never stays. It lasts for about a week after summer and then im REALLY pale, like noticeably more than normal pale. All my friends tease me and even the rest of family too! It's embarrassing, I hate it. I get straight As and I'm taking honors classes, I don't get in a ton of trouble, I help my mom around the house, etc. And they won't let me! My cousins all do, my mom even owned a tanning bed when she was younger. I offered to pay for it myself and they say its "not about that". Its actually better than tanning in the sun, which my mom encourages, because you can control the amount of UV rays youre getting. So dont tell me its unhealthy. I'm so mad. I have no self confidence. I just want a little color, not orange. I just dont want to be so pale! I hate myself! Self tanners never work and they streak, and i hate spray tans. Please help me.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    First of all. you are either under 18 or still living at home. Are you serious? Do you have any idea how bad and addicting tanning beds are ? No matter what anyone says on here, they are bad. Even though you say you can control the amount of uv rays, it is still dangerous. A friend of mine in Calif. used a tanning bed 4 times, once every 3 months,for a year and she contracted cancer and is now having chemotherapy. Wait until you are 18 at least so you can make the decision yourself. Your mom will not sign for this and I do not blame her, and most tanning salons will not let any kids under 18 in unless accompanied by a parent only, no friends over 18 can get you in. Sorry, but I AM going to tell you it is unhealthy. No one is immuned to skin cancer, even if the UV rays are adjusted. A tan may boost confidence but you make sick in lieu of it. It is too risky. Is it worth getting cancer? What ever your decision is, just make sure you do not become addicted like some of these other women that have gotten sick from this. Good Luck and stay healthy. Sorry for raggin on you, but like I said my friend got cancer from going 4 times.

  • RM
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I hate to sound like the Debbie Downer here too, but I had a friend from school--who tanned so easily and beautifully, die of melanoma cancer not long after high school. Any kind of tan, from a bed or the sun, is actually damaging your skin and the more of this damage that you get before the age of 18, the more likely you are to get some type of skin cancer. I know you think Mom is a hypocrite--but she did get rid of her tanning bed and wised up. Your more tanned friends may pay a steeper price later in life, if not with cancer, with sun spots, wrinkles, and other problems. As much as you hate them, use the bronzers.

  • 7 years ago

    You realize that beauty is a matter of opinion, yes? Americans think it‘s the best thing ever to have tan skin, but people in Asia are always talking about LIGHTENING their skin, so obviously both shades of skin are attractive in some way. Who cares if you‘re pale? And before you say your friends, 1. they‘re just teasing you. They don‘t think you look bad. 2. If my above statement turns out to be false, get some new friends, because true friends won‘t give a damn if you‘re pale or not. Also, your naivety might kill you if you actually believe that tanning beds aren‘t bad for you. Tanning in general is bad for you. I WILL tell you that it‘s unhealthy because it‘s a scientifically proven fact, you silly person. I find it a little sad that you have absolutely no self confidence just because you have pale skin, but you feel whatever you feel, I guess.

  • 7 years ago

    I agree with your parents. Did you know that skin tanning actually causes cancer or worse melanoma. You don't want that do you? You're so lucky you have protective parents like yours there just looking out for you. Do you know how many UV rays there are? If people tease you don't bother because in the end, it's you not them. If you really want to tan get some tanning lotion that is probably good.

  • 7 years ago

    You obviously haven't done your research if you think tanning out in the sun is worse or just as bad as a tanning bed. In all honesty you sound like a whiny teenager and if you were my kid, I wouldn't let you either. Stop worrying so much about what other people think of you. If it's that important to you, just use tanning lotion. Poor you, your parents dot want you to get melanoma or skin cancer.

  • 7 years ago

    Sorry I agree with your parents. In some states It is actually illegal for you to tan in commercial booth.

  • 7 years ago

    Their house, their rules, sorry you'll just have to wait till you are 18.

  • 7 years ago

    sunbeds will destroy your looks faster than anything else

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