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Lv 5

Christians: do you believe in Santa Claus?

If no, why not? What about the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny? No evidence? Hmmm...No evidence for Jesus either, but you believe in him. Why?


@ Psalm51: of course there is evidence of Abe Lincoln and George Washington! Not only were they presidents of the USA, they, unlike Jesus, left writings of their own! Besides, these were just men, not god-men, so I don't care about proof of their existence. It doesn't matter.

There is NO evidence of the god-man Jesus Christ, for which we celebrate Xmas. He left no writings of his own, there is no description of him and the gospel writers never met him in person. Case closed.

Update 2:

@GodPower333: my existence is not proof of the existence of Jesus Christ.

Update 3:

@may-his-peace-be-with-you: That does not prove that Jesus Christ ever existed. It proves to you that miracles exist. Not the same thing

Update 4:

@2followhim: I am not comparing Jesus to the tooth fairy! I am simply pointing out that people don't believe in the tooth fairy because there is no evidence, but believe in Jesus, even though there is no evidence that this god-man ever existed.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Santa doesn't threaten them with hell for not believing in him, that's why.

  • 7 years ago

    Well idk captain obvious, maybe because Santa is spelled with the same letters as Satan... DO you know why Santa and the Easter Bunny even exist? They were made to take away the message of Christ and to take away the whole purpose of these events. You say that there is no evidence of Jesus Christ yet do you know anything about him? Have you ever read the Bible? I believe in God because I believe I have been touched in a special way. Im 14 and im different then most of nowaday generation teens. Im not one of those teens that go to church because their parents force them too. I believe in him and everything about him. You atheists believe in Science and say how you are far more intellectual than Christians because your smart enough to believe in something that is not real but in reality your just some random douche sitting behind a laptop without knowing what your purpose in life is. Most religions bring people together and have a happy atmosphere. I constantly see atheists questioning Christians and making fun of how were so dumb in what we believe yet I barely see Christians say anything about how atheism is stupid and dumb. Religion strengthens peoples understanding of life and why you should be kind to one another. The media blinds people with false information without even providing actual good evidential proof. Yet you believe that, why? Because nowadays people can easily be pushed side to side and manipulated by Media and you dont even realize it. Im not saying atheism is dumb I just get fed up how people say how we Christians do such bad things and how we make the world a horrid place. Id think twice in what you believe and maybe you should realize there is something out there that is more superior then yourself and should stop hiding it. Merry Christmas and may God bless your soul...

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Psalm 51, there is no evidence that Jesus was a divine being, the son of a god. None whatsoever.

    As for Washington and Lincoln, as a historian (with PhD), I can tell you that there are reams of solid, documentary, archival evidence for both men and photographs of Lincoln of course.

    How you can make an analogy between evidence for Jesus and evidence for Lincoln is mind-boggling. I can only assume that you attended very poor schools.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I believe in Saint Nicolas who was a real man and a Catholic Bishop in the 3rd centaury. As for the Pagan Santa Claus and Easter Bunny etc No! Those figures have nothing to do with my religious beliefs. There is evidence of Jesus being a real person the cave where he was born, the house he grew up in, relics from his Crucifixion etc. don't believe me google it unless you to close minded to.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Jesus Christ has lots of evidence. Do you believe that George Washington and Abe Lincoln walked the earth at one time? Where is the proof?

    The King James Bible has been proven to be true through hundreds of fulfilled prophecies and archaeological discoveries. It has sold more copies than any other book ever.

    What do you have?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You can't see any difference, huh?

    No difference between a tooth fairy and Jesus? Wow, that's kind of

    psychological problem you might be having there.

    No difference between all those jolly fat men (well, not all of them, right?)

    and Jesus? To you?

    When we can go to one mall....oooh....there's Santi clausi!! Wow, and go

    to another and ...LOOKEY here, ANOTHER Santi clausi!!

    And what did they have in common?

    Well, the tooth fairy and Santi clausi ...yes, they gave money etc.,

    but Jesus?

    He saved lives, and you don't see any difference, and you won't

    about OUR having a problem?

    Do you see how this is something YOU have a problem with?

    Evidence for Jesus is all over 'da can't see it, and

    I think I see why with all these incapabilities of being able

    to draw differences.

    I'm negatively impressed, that's for sure.

    Hope you get well, in time for santi clausi!!

  • 7 years ago

    well, actually I do believe St Nicholas was a person who lived quite some time ago and belonged to the early church.

    I don't believe he rides in a sleigh in the middle of the night and is perversely attracted to chimneys. Anyway, the high-efficient furnaces have only 2" chimneys at most. I don't think he can fit there.

  • 7 years ago

    No because we know that Santa,the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny is fake. The Bible is enough reason to believe in God.

  • I talk to God I hear His voice I pray He answers I was crippled now I can walk I died during a heart operation and without resuscitation or the intervention of doctors I lived again my son who was missing was found my marriage broke down and we were reunited 2 years later. I have prayed with the deaf they now hear I have seen the dead raise I have witnessed the lame walk etc etc etc

    if you were me what would you believe??

  • DeAnne
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Get a red letter bible. All the words Jesus said are in RED.

    Since the bible is the best selling book of all time, nobody can say they have even a basic education if they have not read it.

    God never stops thinking about you.

    Jesus loves you more than you can possibly imagine :))

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Once again... Santa was a real person... there were three different 'Santas' in Europe during Victorian times. I love it when people just spit words to see where they splatter.

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