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Lv 7

Why do Christians love lying about atheists?

A recent poster answered a question with the following regarding atheists supposedly finding some grand leader, beginning the war of all wars and what that leader would look like.

"Fangs, and number 666 etched on his forehead.

To be fair, all atheists look like this, so anyone of them is a potential candidate."

The question itself was disturbing enough. This poster's answer was beyond comprehension. Do Christians like this realize they're talking about other human beings? Yet, they want us to believe they're loving and holy?


Ok, I did some checking, and that answerer is indeed a troll that I fell for. Shame on me.

However, that kind of answer still comes from a lot of Christians here, so my question still stands. Why do they make up so much filth about other human beings?

18 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've never figured that out. They love lying about why we're atheists, they love lying about what we believe, they love lying about our personal habits, they love lying about our morals. I've never seen a group of people who can tell so many blatant lies and still think of themselves as moral.

  • Eds
    Lv 7
    7 years ago


    I live in a glass house and try my best not to throw rocks. I am a Christian and I will say that I have said and done things I am not proud of. that is not what a Christian is supposed to be like though. We are supposed to be "Christ-like". HE was not that way and I am sorry that you have seen so much of that kind of "Christian" on here. Personally, I doubt that many of those people are actually living as Christians. Have a great weekend.










    That is NOT what the BIBLE teaches. That is one "denomination's teachings".



    Source(s): ~~~ King James Version Bible ~~~
  • 7 years ago

    I seen that question and answer, some people just believe that atheists are going to hell no matter what and they might as well look like it. In all reality we are all people, although i sense the person may have a hint of sarcasm although on yahoo it is impossible to be positive.

  • 7 years ago

    To be fair I would find having a pair of fangs acceptable. I am not big on having anything etched into me though. I would also like a tail if possible.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    you really did miss the Forest ???

    The original question is about rallying support to exterminate inocent human beings ? did you miss that message of "love" ? sarcasm . have seen some diabolical questions from this asker ,

    I am bewildered by your question ?? in light of that obvious attack of physical harm to people Desiree doesnt know , or care to know , because they "believe differently" to her , its pure hate in troll form .

    Why this poster is allowed to pose such hatred is beyond me ,.... well you get my drift , the boards are red .

    Source(s): Jesus is Lord .
  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    They fear what they do not understand. I had to opportunity for much of my life to live amongst the theists and I discovered that most are good people doing the best they can to understand a life that is confusing to them. I believe most theists have not had the opportunity to get to know atheists and realize that we are not that bad and we, in fact, have very good reasons for not believing.

  • 7 years ago

    I've seen my fairshare of atheist masquerading as Christians. Try to think outside the box sometime.

  • sprite
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Don't blame them. It's like blaming an abused child or woman or man.... christianity is a religion based on the total destruction of a person's self-worth/esteem. They are taught that they were born 'evil'...aka 'with sin'. They are told they are unworthy and unsightly to 'god'...but wait!...jesus came and died for them and now god can 'love' them through the 'blood' of jesus. Doesn't end there!...there are a bunch of rules you must follow and you need to watch out everyday cause you could 'back-slide' aka start to think for yourself... and then you'll need to ask god's forgiveness...if not, god will be mad at you....

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Well she's a troll so try not to get so worked up.

    Edit: It's all ignorance and ego. People will keep their bigoted opinions of others no matter how untrue they are, Christian or not.

    Source(s): Christian
  • 7 years ago

    Why do Christians love lying about atheists?

    ~~~ Liars lie, Haters hate, Lovers Love... we are what we are!

    There is no 'choice'!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    the person who said that is a regular atheist in this section. End of story.

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