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Lv 7
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

Anybody else laugh at the failed liberal claims of record christmas temperatures in california?

As the 81 degree temperature was still well below the 87 degrees set 111 years ago..

I might just be me.. but their argument of "We're all going to die! Global warming has made it nearly as warm as it was before global warming started" isn't that compelling.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your lack of scientific ability is showing. Your link shows a temperature in Los Angeles of 87 degrees in 1980, which scientifically I determine to be 33 years before 2013. There was a record high temperature for January 3 of 87 set in 1902 (which as of today is 112 years ago). Is that, maybe, what you meant to say?

    Moreover, the high temperature you reference is for the entire year of 1980, not specifically Christmas Day. However, 1980 was a warm year, according to Reuters, which states that the Christmas high was 85 degrees in that year.

    The 81 degree temperature was mid-day. The NWS reports that the temperature actually got up to 82 degrees.

    I have not seen any claims that the L.A. temp was a "record" (other than from you). The reports all state, accurately, that it is a "near record."

    And, like many deniers, you have confused weather (the temperature on any specific day) with climate. No reputable scientist is now denying climate change, and the vast majority (97%) of climatologists agree that the change is man made.

    I laugh at failed claims by those unwilling to learn.

  • mark
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Everytime a conservative opens their mouth on the subject of global climate change, they sound more foolish than the next. While you may have found a liberal screaming global warming about a recent LA temperature, they'd be an idiot for making that connection just like you are.

    Global climate change deals with trends over years with the entire planet as the database. We only started keeping climate records since the mid 1800's, but in those 165 years, 8 of the hottest years on record occurred in the last 15 years. So, perhaps your little corner of the world is warmer or colder than average and that's irrelevant. What is relevant is when every corner of the world is showing those same trends.

  • 7 years ago

    California is definitely undergoing some climate change. I've witnessed it myself having lived in the same area for 49 years.

    We did have an unseasonably warm Christmas. Of course we had an unseasonably cool summer this year, with it being very rare to hit the 90s. Usually it's quite common.

    Of course, climate always varies, and I do not attribute these small changes to mans activities, merely normal change.

  • Sean
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    We set more low temp records in 2013 than high temp records. Chicago is expected to hit a low temp lower than ever recorded in the next few days. German scientists are predicting a possible ice age occurring over the next century. A number of middle eastern countries where snow is a rarity are covered in snow.

    People should be preparing for extreme cold weather not extreme hot weather.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    First my little ignorant con, there is a world wide consensus that not only is global warming a reality but to degrees it is caused by us ..I realize stupid uneducated , ignorant people do not know this but they are the same people who think the earth is flat

    Also my inane slandering piece of con dirt, what has this have to do with liberals/liberalism .

    Sadly this world is full of things like you who wonder around spewing your nonsense usually on all fours .

  • Frog
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Laugh it up, fancy boy.

    Its OK to say that warming is natural and not man made, and its OK to say that onerous tax policies do not solve the problem. But if you deny its happening at all it means you're a head-in-the-sand Republican with a political agenda. Its hard to ignore that ALL deniers are one type of person: American Republican (or a Republican pretending to be "independent" because they think it makes them sound smart).

  • 7 years ago

    I live in San Diego and all I can say is that it was beautiful over Xmas. Same temps last year also. The week before was pretty chilly. Southern Cali hardly ever gets cold in the winter.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    There has been no detectable global warming for 15 years.

    But the warmers will never admit it.

    Warmers are now on the level of Flat Earthers and the Balloon Boy.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    so, unless it's a record, it doesn't count?

    geez... look at all these conservative clowns talking about cold tems and snow that aren't setting records...

    it might just be me, but you seem to have a party of fools, by your own standard...

    but actually... it sounds like that's a pretty valid point

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Global warming is just a way for rich people, like Soros and Al Gore, to get richer off the backs of the working middle class.

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