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How many movies and TV series on DVD or Bluray do you have in your private collection?

I was just curious to know if anyone has more than 100 or more movies on DVD in their collection.

Have you updated most of them to Bluray?

How many TV shows do you have on DVD or Bluray?

I have over 200 movies on SD DVD and most have been updated to Bluray. Some I have and will update them to BD but not all of them because some movies are not worth updating. They are good enough quality on SD DVD. It all depends on the price too.

The only BD I have on TV series are all the Star Trek series and movies that have been released on BD.

The movies I am waiting for them to be released on BD are The Court Jester (1955), Forbidden Planet in R4, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, Showboat 1936 and 1951, Oklahoma, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers 1955, It Came From Outer Space, Outland, Key Largo (1947), Mildred Pierce, The Man With The X ray Eyes, and many more.


The Hidden Fortress(1959) too.

Update 2:

Forbidden Planet in BD and SD DVD remastered version have yet to be available in Australia.

Update 3:

I have found that Bluray prices are cheaper than the SD DVDs I had bought over six years ago. Most movies are better quality than the old SD transfer which was from a Laserdisc release.twenty five years ago or more.

3 Answers

  • lare
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    i have about 200 DVD movies. no TV series. none are Blu-ray and i don't intend to get any blu-ray. blu-ray is mostly a gimmick, while they have more pixels in the frame, they have proportionately less data delivery to support those extra pixels. thus they substitute temporal compression which means they really suck when it comes to portraying action. unlike MPEG2 DVDs they just blur anything that happens quickly.

    people are already catching on that they have been had by slick marketing, and will no longer pay the outrageous price differential to get a blu-ray version when the disc production cost is no more than standard DVD. without that price premium, there is no longer an incentive to update old movies that will have few sales in the format, so don't hold your breath. even for new releases the blu-ray version sales are only a fraction of the DVD market.

  • 7 years ago

    I probably have more than a 100 on VHS and DVD. No Blu-ray.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Amazon That's where I purchased my dvd boxed sets of The Pallisers and Upstairs, downstairs and my collection of the Gothic soap opera "Dark Shadows" CHEAP....VERY CHEAP!

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