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Is there an online translator that provides english to PHONETIC chinese translation?

I play an online game that hosts many Chinese players. The in game chat window does not support Chinese character texts. I would like to be capable of at least simple communication with the Chinese players. Any suggestions?


Respectfully, Riley, I don't LIVE on the game, I would just like to be capable of simple communication when I do play.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    China is a communist nation, the last thing we need is someone communicating with them overtly through a system that would be so tough to monitor.

    Just kidding. No idea, but probably. However, What benefit would that really have either you or the Chinese person? Honestly, None. I'm sorry, but that's a useless request. If you're that desperate for a connection then I feel sorry for you. I hate to say it, but you should find some real interaction with the people in your own country.

    Or, if you would rather not (for whatever reason), try learning the language and moving over there, or scheduling regular visits. LIVE, DON'T JUST BREATHE. Go fulfill your dreams, become something, help the future generations of the world. Maybe even learn how to design a game cooler than the one you're playing. Your question is borderline pathetic, so just get out there and do something. That'd be cool, don't you think?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Translating isn't going to get you anywhere. Translators don't take into account nuances in the language or expressions, and it's pretty obvious when you try to use one. What is it that you need to translate? I speak French; maybe I can help.

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