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What's up with the middle class being squashed between the left and the right?

Let's look at the facts the economy is not as rosey as the government would have us to believe. Ohio alone hasn't seen very much of a recovery from the great recession. Obamacare has for the most part really stuck the screws to the middle class with higher premium payments and higher copays and deductibles. The Republicains are so worried about being politically correct that they too are throwing us middle class folks to the wolves, in the form of going soft on imigration and allowing lobbiest and activists to run the country, whatever happened to majority rule. The Judges now ledgislate from the bench and the President does end runs around congress constantlyto make executive desisions that seem for the most part to squeeze the middle class into extinction. Is it just me or are we getting the shaft from both parties?


Actually this question was designed to wake people up to the idiocy that our two party system has created. Jerry where as I agree that it is really a hall of mirrors created to keep the rank and file of America distracted. That being said. What I see is more of the same damned coolaid being drank by most people... Chewy keep looking at those darn Conservatives and blaming them and you'll never see the ax coming. It won't come from the right and it won't come from the left. It will come out of nowhere and you'll be sitting there wondering how you missed it. Wake up already and stop thinking our government it your friend.Because my friend thare are most deffinately not your or my friend. I served in the military and have seen just how sneeky and backhanded our governement really is. Keep drinking the coolaid'll never see it coming in the end you're so darned blinded by hatred for the so called other side that you just can't see the forest for the t

Update 2:

that's supposed to be forest for the trees

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Those that actually control us through our leaders have DESIGNED this system.

    Everyone who buys into the left-right conundrum is just falling for the divide and conquer tactic. We are controlled by the corporate elite through our elected leaders, and it doesn't matter whether they are left or right, Dems or Repubs.

    Corporate lobby MONEY buys our political parties. The influence they have extents to the choosing of party leaders. By the time 'we the people' vote in an election we are merely choosing from one of two of their pre-approved leaders which they control.

    This is how it really works. The rest is smoke and mirrors. And they use the tried and tested tactic of pigeon-holing us into left & right so we can fight amongst each other and stay distracted. We must never look at the man behind the curtain.

    Yes, one party may be less gay-friendly, or more pro-abortion, or any other mid level concern. But when it comes to war, or foreign policy, or borrowing money, the federal reserve, corporate handouts or any serious concern, you will notice that the two parties are always in lock step unity. In this respect, our controllers have ONE unified message. The politicians take what is ours and distributes it to it's masters. Be it money, influence, or boys to go die in some war for their benefit.

  • 7 years ago

    We aren't getting the shaft from both parties. We're getting the shaft from conservatism. Capitalists have basically abandoned American workers because they make more money from investments than from consumerism these days. Democrats try to fix the problems with new regulations, but profit-hungry corporations just use this action as cover to gouge workers and customers for even more profit. Meanwhile, Americans are kept distracted by drive-by media outlets and their shock jock accusations about how its government regulations, which have been drastically over the last thirty years, that have been hurting the prosperity of middle class Americans.

    For example, just think about how many middle class Americans were duped into investing in artificially inflated real estate, based on unregulated speculation about the growth of housing markets, only to discover that real estate wasn't worth so much when housing markets eventually collapsed because suckers discovered their unregulated mortgage agreements were unaffordable after the introductory rates wore off. And just think of how many of those Americans also discovered their own pensions and investments lost money because those funds were duped into buying into unregulated, toxic stock options created by from loans for these over-priced homes. Meanwhile, rich bankers made millions and were paid millions more in government bailouts when the economy collapsed, all the while telling us how it was government regulation that forced them to do this to our country. It's not both sides that are hurting our country; it's really just one side, who would prefer to keep us distracted from focusing our attention on them.

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