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Need help brothers and sisters, stuff with growing up?

It is a long question but I would really appreciate your wisdom

Hey I’m a Muslim boy/guy/man (20) and I date, do all the haram stuff (never drank alcohol if that means anything but I guess it doesn’t as I used to do drugs).

I am trying to stay a virgin even though there have been so many chances to lose it but I have resisted in the fear of god and also I pictured my future wife (who ever that might be) extremely disappointed when I tell her I am not a virgin and that she remained a virgin.

The think is now that I guess as am growing older and that everything is opening up I have read some stories of Muslim women have pre-material sex then lying to their husbands about being a virgin. Some women have gone to extreme measures and had hymenoplasty surgery to bleed on their wedding night or whenever they do decide to do the act.

I know you should not follow the crowd and stuff but if everyone seem like they cannot be bothered or want to wait until marriage then why am I waiting?

I really do need your help brothers and sisters. I would like more of your personal thoughts and advice than anything else really.

I am trying to get closer to Islam and eventually become a real real Muslim not one by name and acts by the area that I grew up in.

Btw: with no disrespect intended if you are not a Muslim or Christian then please do not answer


Thanks for your wisdom or one word lines lool

@Still Alive But Im Barely Breathing♥♦♪♫

@Staring Is Haram&Rude So Don'T Stare



6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Salam Brother

    Firstly you should try and practise Islam more. pray and read the quran more, fast when its ramadan, give to charity, dont date and be a good person. No lying, cheating, stealing, swearing etc.

    2nd of all Yes there are many girls who lose there virginity before they marry but its quite low overall in Islam and there are still Millions and Millions of Muslim virgin girls.

    Just because someone lost their virginity it doesnt mean u should, if they jumped off a cliff would you?

    Trust me brother there are plenty of decent girls out there.

    If a guy or a girl isnt a virgin they should just come clean to their future husband or wife and move on. How do you know ur husband or wife may still accept you even if you arent, everyone makes mistakes anyways.

    Good luck

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    1. You know dating is haram right? so you should stop dating period. If you find some1 then marry them.

    2. Well that's rare, most women dont do that. And you know some women lose their hymen just by doing sport activities.

    3. Y????? cuz fornication is a major sin and it's haram and what's the point of marriage then???

    If you want to be a real Muslim then you will not do what Allah made haram, stop dating and dont go near zina, you can't even touch nonmahram girls


    There is a Hadith from Ma'qil ibn Yasar, saying; The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "It is better for you to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle than to touch the hand of a woman who is not permissible to you."

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    It doesn't matter what people do more than it matters what YOU do. Because YOU alone will answer to Allah on the Day of Judgement.

    So live in this world like a travellor. Your mission is to get here to the akhira(hereafter)/Jannah(paradise). That's your goal! And Allah will reward you and be pleased with you.

    This world is both good and bad and so you will Just have to accept it, do your best to past the test, trust in Allah and Allah will do the rest. Subhan Allah

    So once you keep yourself pure,saleem(clean) and pious having taqwa and all of that good qualities, Allah will store up the rewards for all of that striving you did.

    So don't worry about the Idea of how some girls are not really pure or lie about their pureness but focus on your goal, your mission and your akhira!

    And this is one way of growing up!

    A reminder to you is a reminder to me! :D Hoped it helped.

    Source(s): Muslim lady
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    In my world, i dont see muslim women around me acting like how you described.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    its a major sin in Islam to do fornication and in Islam all sins can be forgiven by Almighty Allah if you repent before death with sincerity, and never do it again. As Allah is most merciful.

    regarding solution. well co-education is itself fitna(very difficult trial) nad try to change to same sex school if posible. avoid opposite sex company and whenever u see girl(if u r a boy) lower ur gaze as it will help u guard ur modesty(quran).

    moreover see this hadith:

    We were with the Prophet(Muhammad pbuh) while we were young and had no wealth whatsoever. So Allaah’s Messenger said, "O young people! Whoever among you can marry, should marry, because it helps him lower his gaze and guard his modesty (i.e. his private parts from committing illegal sexual intercourse etc.), and whoever is not able to marry, should fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power."

    brother i advice u to stay away from the extremely big sin of fornication as it destroys ur life. it destroys family life, read quran and increase ur faith. ask Allah for protection and guidance, make du'a(invocation) with longing and beg Allah that He may provide a way out for u from this situation

    Source(s): muslim girl
  • 7 years ago

    More men need to be like the prophets.

    This is why I'm so obsessed with marrying a prophet because they would never do something like this..

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    No all muslims are like that...

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