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Favorite Answers47%
  • Help me Women! Does this girl like me?

    I (20) meet this girl (20) at work (clothing retail shop part time) when we both where 19.

    After 2 days she was being moved to another store but before she left she wrote her number down on a napkin and gave it to me (I didn’t ask for it).

    After a while I asked her how she is and from then BOOM

    1+ years of talking, the thing is I am really crap at reading signs and things like that.

    She told me I make her laugh all the time, I brighten up her day, and she told me she loves me in my language she is from another country. If I mention other women mostly celebrities like Megan Fox, Beyoncé and Jessica Alba she calls the unattractive, she would always text every single day but not so much. She still opens up conversation all the time

    The one time I texted her first she said “aw wow you remembered me first today”, I talked about if I ever get married and had a cat I would fly kick it out if it started eating my sweets which to her reply she said if she was my wife she would kick me out for the cat, she said that I’m cute when I’m slightly mad… there are other things as well

    She wanted to meet up and made plans 2 times but i couldn't at that time as i was leaving the country

    we used to talk all the time and we still do but its not as much, before it would be every day, now its every other day, to be honest I’m not really a talk to one person everyday kind of person

    Anyway I’m going to ask her out “actually I’m going to say can I take you out” or something along those lines

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • I accidentally made my girlfriend orgasm?

    I am 17 and she is 19, she lives 5 roads down from me

    So we are both saving sex for marriage, but we were kissing and making out and I started to rub my hands down her sides (side of her body) and then my knee was in between her thighs and I guess as we were moving, while making out I accidentally stimulated her without knowing.

    She just stopped and her body trembled a bit, then her face went really red and she had this look of embarrassment.

    So I told her I am really so so so so sorry and that it’s ok you know we are human and thinks happen,

    she is a girl and I do get the fact that a period of stimulation can make a girl orgasm.

    I read on some website that some girls get really excited that they just orgasm without someone touching them, I don’t think that’s what happened but then again I’m not sure.

    I was too busy saying sorry and trying to make her feel not embarrassed which I failed at (I was digging myself a hole and I kept digging it lol).

    Any suggestion on how I go about trying to tell her that it’s ok and not to feel embarrassed, I don’t want to make her feel embarrassed around me because of this. I want things back before this incident.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • I accidentally made my girlfriend orgasm?

    I am 17 and she is 19, she lives 5 roads down from me

    So we are both saving sex for marriage, but we were kissing and making out and I started to rub my hands down her sides (side of her body) and then my knee was in between her thighs and I guess as we were moving, while making out I accidentally stimulated her without knowing.

    She just stopped and her body trembled a bit, then her face went really red and she had this look of embarrassment.

    So I told her I am really so so so so sorry and that it’s ok you know we are human and thinks happen,

    she is a girl and I do get the fact that a period of stimulation can make a girl orgasm.

    I read on some website that some girls get really excited that they just orgasm without someone touching them, I don’t think that’s what happened but then again I’m not sure.

    I was too busy saying sorry and trying to make her feel not embarrassed which I failed at (I was digging myself hole and I kept digging it lol).

    Any suggestion on how I go about trying to tell her that it’s ok and not to feel embarrassed, I don’t want to make her feel embarrassed around me because of this. I want things back before this incident.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How do I change my council tax address?

    Hey guys can you tell me how I change my council tax address. I’m 19 and I am no longer living with my parents, so I want to change my name from their address to the place where I am currently living at. I don’t know my council tax number and my parent will not give me the number.

    4 AnswersUnited Kingdom7 years ago
  • Why is interracial dating a hot topic?

    Kind of long story, you can skip the story if you want (it took me time to type this, so I would appreciate if you read it loool) and answer the question.

    Hey guys was happening?

    So I’m Bengali and pretty much my family look mixed race, I look Latino 6ft 3in, my brother looks black 6ft 1in and my sister looks white 5ft 5in. (I don’t know why I included the height), People just seem to have an opinion on all of our skin colours (people from outside like my mum or dads friends).

    Dating wise my family doesn’t care who you date, it just seem other people seem to have an opinion (people at work or some people on the streets).

    My cousin is married to a white British women, my other cousin is married to a Pakistani women (not really interracial but to a Pakistani and Bengali it is looool), I myself am dating a mixed race girl. We seem to be talked about by other people.

    My friends who date outside their race seem to get the same reactions or talks behind their backs.

    My best friend is black and he is dating an oriental Asian girl and people have told them to not get married because it never works out.

    I was always taught from young by my parents and older sisters to respect people for people and never see them as a different colour or religion.

    The sad thing is I see people on forum, yahoo and in the real world talk negatively about interracial dating. What up with that?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Why is interracial dating a hot topic?

    Kind of long story, you can skip the story if you want (it took me time to type this, so I would appreciate if you read it loool) and answer the question.

    Hey guys was happening?

    So I’m Bengali and pretty much my family look mixed race, I look Latino 6ft 3in, my brother looks black 6ft 1in and my sister looks white 5ft 5in. (I don’t know why I included the height), People just seem to have an opinion on all of our skin colours (people from outside like my mum or dads friends).

    Dating wise my family doesn’t care who you date, it just seem other people seem to have an opinion (people at work or some people on the streets).

    My cousin is married to a white British women, my other cousin is married to a Pakistani women (not really interracial but to a Pakistani and Bengali it is looool), I myself am dating a mixed race girl. We seem to be talked about by other people.

    My friends who date outside their race seem to get the same reactions or talks behind their backs.

    My best friend is black and he is dating an oriental Asian girl and people have told them to not get married because it never works out.

    I was always taught from young by my parents and older sisters to respect people for people and never see them as a different colour or religion.

    The sad thing is I see people on forum, yahoo and in the real world talk negatively about interracial dating. What up with that?

  • Why is interracial dating a hot topic?

    Kind of long story, you can skip the story if you want (it took me time to type this, so I would appreciate if you read it loool) and answer the question.

    Hey guys was happening?

    So I’m Bengali and pretty much my family look mixed race, I look Latino 6ft 3in, my brother looks black 6ft 1in and my sister looks white 5ft 5in. (I don’t know why I included the height), People just seem to have an opinion on all of our skin colours (people from outside like my mum or dads friends).

    Dating wise my family doesn’t care who you date, it just seem other people seem to have an opinion (people at work or some people on the streets).

    My cousin is married to a white British women, my other cousin is married to a Pakistani women (not really interracial but to a Pakistani and Bengali it is looool), I myself am dating a mixed race girl. We seem to be talked about by other people.

    My friends who date outside their race seem to get the same reactions or talks behind their backs.

    My best friend is black and he is dating an oriental Asian girl and people have told them to not get married because it never works out.

    I was always taught from young by my parents and older sisters to respect people for people and never see them as a different colour or religion.

    The sad thing is I see people on forum, yahoo and in the real world talk negatively about interracial dating. What up with that?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • The only opinion that matters is your opinion true or false?

    Everyone’s opinions matter but I mean just for your personal happiness/confidence/self-esteem.

    The only opinion that matters when it comes to your looks, personality or who you are is your own opinion. If you think you look good, have a great personality and you are just being you than that’s all that matters other people opinion of you doesn’t.

    Do you agree true or false? You can comment if you want.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Have you looked in the mirror and thought, oh wow I look so good today?

    Have you looked in the mirror and thought, oh wow I look so good today?

    I know this sounds vain but I don’t think I’m vain (I’m 19). My girl does call me vain but she laughs and smiles when she says it. She only says it when we walk past a shop window and I look at myself. I do love my self but not like it’s an obsession, I think everyone should love themselves.

    Sometimes I look in the mirror and think I look like trash, I pick out so many flaws.

    Other times I look in the mirror and think I look so good I would even do my self (self-five and self-hump).

    Oh wow I just sound sooo vain…but believe me I’m not VAIN.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Need help brothers and sisters, stuff with growing up?

    It is a long question but I would really appreciate your wisdom

    Hey I’m a Muslim boy/guy/man (20) and I date, do all the haram stuff (never drank alcohol if that means anything but I guess it doesn’t as I used to do drugs).

    I am trying to stay a virgin even though there have been so many chances to lose it but I have resisted in the fear of god and also I pictured my future wife (who ever that might be) extremely disappointed when I tell her I am not a virgin and that she remained a virgin.

    The think is now that I guess as am growing older and that everything is opening up I have read some stories of Muslim women have pre-material sex then lying to their husbands about being a virgin. Some women have gone to extreme measures and had hymenoplasty surgery to bleed on their wedding night or whenever they do decide to do the act.

    I know you should not follow the crowd and stuff but if everyone seem like they cannot be bothered or want to wait until marriage then why am I waiting?

    I really do need your help brothers and sisters. I would like more of your personal thoughts and advice than anything else really.

    I am trying to get closer to Islam and eventually become a real real Muslim not one by name and acts by the area that I grew up in.

    Btw: with no disrespect intended if you are not a Muslim or Christian then please do not answer

    6 AnswersRamadan7 years ago
  • What is your view on sex?

    • Do you view sex as a fun activity that is to be enjoyed (safely of course, have to have the protection never raw then the morning pill)

    • One night stands are fun and enjoyable (safely)

    • Should just be done in a relationship

    • Should be done in a long term relationship (more making love then sex)

    • Should only be done when married (more making love then sex).

    What is the difference between making love and sex you might ask? Lol

    Well I think making love is like when you take things slow and watch each other and feel very close to your partner, the end goal is to make each other have an orgasm and let the Oxytocin hit her and then cuddle as she want too and talk about everything and anything (last bit just me and my girl).

    Sex is just an activity and you, role play or try crazy stuff and the end goal is again to achieve orgasm. It’s kind of wild sex that involves anything and everything including crazy fetish that you both might have noisy and messy.

    My opinion is that all 5 points are ok for the individual human and how they view sex, you should never judge anyone. I like both making love and sex.

    Side question what would you rather do more of have sex or make love?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Your opinions of friends that do this?

    What do you think of this?

    I got a girls number and a date for my friend. He was happy, she seemed hesitant at first but she is still happy. Do you think I’m a good friend?

    My sisters (21,23) told me I was wrong to do that and it’s deceiving the girl.

    I’m 19 I told her that it’s my friend who likes you, I pointed to him in the shop.

    What would you in the girls shoe think of me and my friend getting your number for my friend?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Am I a good friend or bad person what is your opinion?

    So me and my friends (6 of us) where hanging out in an ice cream shop (we are 19) then these two girls come in and one of my friends starts talking about how she looks good and stuff he would like to do to her. One of my friends told him to speak to her and get her number but he was too nervous and scarred.

    I got up and went to them started talking to them and told the girl (the one my friend like) my friend likes you. She was hesitant she told me “if he likes me then why isn’t he the one speaking” I told her he was shy and don’t worry he is a good guy.

    Eventually I got her number and set up a date for both of them, my friend was super happy.

    I told my sisters of what I did (21,23) feeling proud, got my friend a date. They were not pleased with me telling me what I did was wrong and it’s deceiving to the girl.

    They told me you did the work and she only said yes because of you so the date isn’t going to work for him and her.

    I am confused what are they talking about it being deceiving?

    Do you Y/A guys and girls think I was being a good friend or an interfering bad person?

    What would your opinion be if I did that for you guys/girls. And imagine if you was in the girls shoe what would you think?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Am I a good friend or bad person?

    So me and my friends (6 of us) where hanging out in an ice cream shop (we are 19) then these two girls come in and one of my friends starts talking about how she looks good and stuff he would like to do to her. One of my friends told him to speak to her and get her number but he was too nervous and scarred.

    I got up and went to them started talking to them and told the girl (the one my friend like) my friend likes you. She was hesitant she told me “if he likes me then why isn’t he the one speaking” I told her he was shy and don’t worry he is a good guy.

    Eventually I got her number and set up a date for both of them, my friend was super happy.

    I told my sisters of what I did (21,23) feeling proud, got my friend a date. They were not pleased with me telling me what I did was wrong and it’s deceiving to the girl.

    They told me you did the work and she only said yes because of you so the date isn’t going to work for him and her.

    After a lecture they told me never to do that again.

    I am confused what are they talking about it being deceiving?

    Do you Y/A guys and girls think I was being a good friend or an interfering bad person? What would your opinion be if I did that for you guys/girls. And imagine if you was in the girls shoe what would you think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Is 3 month work ok to put down on a CV?

    Hey there you awesome people! Thanks for taking the time to click on the question

    Your intelligence that is much higher than mine will be needed now

    I’m 19 going to be 20 in February, live in London

    I’ve had 2 weeks work experience (with my school, helping elderly people)

    I’ve worked 1 year in a restaurant (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) no p45 or anything just salary as cash in hand.

    I then moved to another restaurant and worked there for 1 year same thing.

    I now am working in Subway but I’m going to leave after only working there for 3 months, I’m leaving because I’m going abroad for 6 to 7 months with my grandma. Subway created a P45 and all those documents that you guys know better than me.

    I have a reference from my last restaurant work

    My question is that I would like to get a reference from Subway, but would it look ok or bad if I put down worked at Subway for 3months?

    My CV work history will look something like this:

    2 weeks work experience (2009)

    1 year worked in restaurant (2011-2012)

    1 year worked in restaurant (2012-2013)

    3 months worked in subway (2013-2014) (Leaving in January)

    I think the only work that will appear on a background check will be Subway because they created a P4. The restaurants where just cash in hand no pay slip nothing, just turn up work for 3 days then get paid by the boss. I do have the restaurant as a referee if needed.

    4 AnswersLondon8 years ago
  • Is 3 month work ok to put down on a CV?

    Hey there you awesome people! Thanks for taking the time to click on the question

    Your intelligence that is much higher than mine will be needed now

    I’m 19 going to be 20 in February, live in London

    I’ve had 2 weeks work experience (with my school, helping elderly people)

    I’ve worked 1 year in a restaurant (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) no p45 or anything just salary as cash in hand.

    I then moved to another restaurant and worked there for 1 year same thing.

    I now am working in Subway but I’m going to leave after only working there for 3 months, I’m leaving because I’m going abroad for 6 to 7 months with my grandma. Subway created a P45 and all those documents that you guys know better than me.

    I have a reference from my last restaurant work

    My question is that I would like to get a reference from Subway, but would it look ok or bad if I put down worked at Subway for 3months?

    My CV work history will look something like this:

    2 weeks work experience (2009)

    1 year worked in restaurant (2011-2012)

    1 year worked in restaurant (2012-2013)

    3 months worked in subway (2013-2014) (Leaving in January)

    I think the only work that will appear on a background check will be Subway because they created a P4. The restaurants where just cash in hand no pay slip nothing, just turn up work for 3 days then get paid by the boss. I do have the restaurant as a referee if needed.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Is 3 month work ok to put down on a CV?

    Hey there you awesome people! Thanks for taking the time to click on the question

    Your intelligence that is much higher than mine will be needed now

    I’m 19 going to be 20 in February, live in London

    I’ve had 2 weeks work experience (with my school, helping elderly people)

    I’ve worked 1 year in a restaurant (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) no p45 or anything just salary as cash in hand.

    I then moved to another restaurant and worked there for 1 year same thing.

    I now am working in Subway but I’m going to leave after only working there for 3 months, I’m leaving because I’m going abroad for 6 to 7 months with my grandma. Subway created a P45 and all those documents that you guys know better than me.

    I have a reference from my last restaurant work

    My question is that I would like to get a reference from Subway, but would it look ok or bad if I put down worked at Subway for 3months?

    My CV work history will look something like this:

    2 weeks work experience (2009)

    1 year worked in restaurant (2011-2012)

    1 year worked in restaurant (2012-2013)

    3 months worked in subway (2013-2014) (Leaving in January)

    I think the only work that will appear on a background check will be Subway because they created a P4. The restaurants where just cash in hand no pay slip nothing, just turn up work for 3 days then get paid by the boss. I do have the restaurant as a referee if needed.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • Provisional Driving License Help?

    Hello, so I’m going to apply for a provisional driving license through the gov website/DVLA.

    I have my digital passport number.

    I am currently living with my grandparents; I want to use their address to get my Provisional licence. My bank detail and other identity are all linked to my parents address.

    I am wondering if I use my grandparent address will I get my license or do I have to use my parents address?

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration8 years ago
  • How often do girls get hit on/approached?

    Getting hit on in clubs, bars/pubs don't count. Dating websites also don't count.

    I just mean in daylight somewhere or night time somewhere that is not next to a club, bar/pub.

    I am a 19 year old guy so i have no clue on this i have only ever seen 2 girls being hit on. I have myself been hit on 3 times (yh 3 times, so sad and lonely loool).

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Why are Girls so mean to each other?

    So i have seen it and been told by female Friends and family that girls look at each other in a judgemental way. I as a guy will look at a girl in a complimentary way, like yeah she is nice.

    In an argument guys throw creative insults at each other then sometimes they fight and after the fight is over we move on. if we fight with our friends (which is extremely rare) during the fight we both well be like come on bro this is silly... to the pub for some mango juice

    When Girls fight, WOW! they go all in, things from the past is brought up, history and reputation. insults about anything and everything, when they fight they fight. after they fight they don't move on insult are still being thrown and then they try to turn other people against the foe. If it was friends then most often then not the friendship is over.

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago