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Christians and Jews: why are there no original bible manuscripts (autographa)?

We have no autographa (original texts written by the author him/her self) for any bible books, none for the "OT" or Tanakh, none for the NT.

The oldest OT manuscripts come from the Dead Sea Scrolls, dating to around 100 BCE or so, but nowhere near all of the OT is there. The oldest complete OT manuscript is the Septuagint from the 4th century CE. Most bible scholars put the original composition of most OT books between 600 BCE and 100 BCE, making our oldest copy possibly 1,000 years removed (and nobody knows how many copies of copies of copies) from any originals.

The oldest NT fragment is the Rylands fragment, a couple of verses from the gospel of "John," dating to the 2nd century CE. The oldest complete NT collection dates to the 8th century CE, probably around 500-700 years after any originals, and again nobody knows how many copies of copies of copies are in between those.

Didn't anyone put enough value on original texts to safeguard them? Why don't we have ANY original, autographical bible texts?


frommage: I took no "position." I simply gave facts about original texts not existing, and asked why you thought that was the case.

I disagree with you on original texts not having any value, though -- originals always have value, if for no other reason than to compare to later copies to judge copying accuracy.

Update 2:

lili: early christianity, at least, showed a penchant for valuation of artifacts (or claimed ones). I'm just curious why people think no one at the time put any value on original, autographical texts enough to try and preserve them. I made no value judgment, nor any claims about accuracy. And yes, I do know how few original ancient texts we have -- but we do have *some.*

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Such texts would have been passed around and copied over and over again by scribes, and eventually they would have fallen apart. Scholars are frankly lucky to have manuscripts as old as the oldest examples that DO survive.

    Surely you grasp that?

    By the way, do you have any idea how little survives of NON-religious documents?

    I'm an atheist, by the way, but I'm also a trained historian. I don't think you're one.

    Edit: I think you are referring to the high value placed on relics, not manuscripts, and even relics were valued later, not in the context of "early" Christianity. It wasn't until the 4th century or so that relics and sites and supposed "artifacts" really acquired value, once they could be moneymakers. Prior to that time, anything valuable in the context of Christianity would have had to be hidden, passed secretly from hand to hand, and the chances of survival for ancient Christian codices and documents would not have been at all high.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    We do not have any original texts because:

    1. Documents written on animal skins and papyrus do not last when they are used. The Bible manuscripts were used. Many of the DSS has to be cut apart with incredibly thin saws just to be unrolled. These materials simply don't last.

    2. No importance was placed on preserving original manuscripts because copies were made. That's a modern bias. In antiquity it was expected that scrolls and codices would be used until they fell apart.

    3. War. Repeated invasions of Israel and persecutions of Christians destroyed much.

    4. If someone did claim to have an original manuscript no one would believe them, so what's the difference?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    There are no original Bible manuscripts because, just at the right moment in time, conniving alien atheists landed in their space ships with the sole purpose of destroying all such records. And, they were apparently successful. What other explanation could there be?

  • S
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    God's word was passed by the mouths of believers for long periods of time. It is what the word is, not the text that is important. Also, in addition to the above statement concerning deterioration, God's people and relics have long been the victims of wars that destroyed such items. Yet, though the text were destroyed, the word has lived on.

  • 7 years ago

    How is that not accurate enough for you. You know that all of the bibliographies of Alexander the Great come 500 years after his death and yet all scholars and books agree those facts are true.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I don't think anyone realized the Historical magnitude of what was happening at the time in their lives. There was no mass media, and there were very few who may have believed that Jesus was the son of God born of a virgin.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    you are dead wrong , Christianity have roots from 6 years before Christ and is documentation. later we have 4 original bibles` nothing ells is god ,originality of Christian bibles are john, Mathieu ,peter and luck everything ells are a scrap and B S , other cult religious mad a dozens crap books but we do not recognize them at all like Jehovah all are trash

  • GA41
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Because they were written on papyrus and animal skins. These materials deteriorate. They did not have the means to preserve these materials as we do today. As you pointed out they were written thousands of years ago.

    Source(s): Evidence that demands a verdict- Josh McDowell
  • They are out their. they have their secret hiding places. even the oldest are kept with God in the Ark in heaven.

  • l
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Shhh! Christianity is a hoax, don't deflate their bubble!

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