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? asked in Home & GardenCleaning & Laundry · 7 years ago

Automatic washing machines?

Is there such a thing as an automatic washing machine with a suds saver function.

I've been using twin tubs for many years but am having trouble location a good one for everyday use.


With a twin tub the used water can be reused if not too dirty so water is saved over a long period.

With what I have seen with automatic washers, after each wash the water is emptied and fresh water is added if more washing needs to be done. This I believe is a waste of water if not much is washed the first time.

With a suds saver function on a twin tub, only one lot of water need be used for washing if only a small wash is to be done.

Update 2:

I rarely have a big or dirty wash, we are retired with no children in the home.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Automatic washing machines are very eco friendly nowadays and use very little water. My husband and I have no children at home the same as you ,and I find the automatic perfect for us.............

  • 7 years ago

    You can buy an automatic machine that has small load option

    Front loaders don't use a lot of a water but unlike a twin tub you cant save the water , your other option if you don't have a lot washing is buy a portable one

    These only take small loads

  • 7 years ago

    Ahh, memories of Mom doing the laundry back in the forties. Just watch those wringers. She let out some terrible screams when she caught a jug in one.

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