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Can I get an honest answer from Obama detractors?

Let me start by saying that I'm not a fan of the guy. I didn't vote for him and I'm not a Democrat. So let's keep the answers relevant to the question. Thanks.

Is there anyone who is openly against Obama that was also one of the people saying, "If you are against Bush you should be punished for treason" or something to that affect? If so, how do you justify blind loyalty to one president and not the other.

Serious answers only please. Let's try to keep this civil.

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Good luck on keeping it civil. I have tried that on here before - too many trolls from both sides.

    If one is fair - which we all know life is not fair - blind loyalty to anyone is not a good thing. The best German officers in WW2 were loyal to Germany, not Hitler or the Nazis.

    But - you can be very loyal because of values and say that someone's shortcomings are not as bad as someone else's. And even the degree of badness can fairly be questioned.

    And loyalty can also be based on things such as honor. For example: Under Bush - Sec Powell resigned out of frustration in regard to the war, decisions etc. Under Nixon we had the famous Saturday night massacre where several top DOJ people resigned rather than follow an unethical order.

    In the Clinton Cabinet - he straight-faced lied to every cabinet member but not one person resigned. Under Obama not one cabinet member has resigned on principle - until perhaps Gates - a republican. The republicans went to Nixon and said it is time to go. yet Obama has done similar and even worse things but the liberals line up behind him and defend every action.

    I saw this line in a move and have hung on to it, "Loyalty above all things - except honor." I have a real problem with liberal honor in that nothing their guys ever do is bad enough to confront - but everything a conservative does is horrible. But conservatives have at times resigned and/or confronted.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    George Bush got permission from congress to go to war. Both presidents are questionable but Obama is just as bad if not worse than Bush because he had signed bills making protesting a felony. It's getting incrementally worse with each president and most people are too blind to see it.

  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I do not like Obama at all. I did not care for Bush and by and large it seems all politicians are corrupt and power hungry but there is something slightly more dictatorial about Obama?

    I trust government not at all but under Obama, find the path we are going down as a country to be the wrong one.

    Source(s): Independent voter
  • 7 years ago

    People who think opposing a president is treason probably aren't self-aware enough to spot inconsistencies in their beliefs.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Bush started a war, backed by Congress to try to stop terrorist acts from radical Muslims.

    Obama wanted to start a war, not backed by Congress, to protect radical Muslims.

  • 7 years ago

    I'm sure there are some, but I also opposed most of what Bush did

  • 7 years ago

    can you think of one campaign promise mr Obama has kept (except to fundamentally change America ) ??

  • 7 years ago

    -And probably be labeled as "Racist" ?? WHY would They do That ?! ;)

    Source(s): (A Loaded Answer -to a Simple Question.)
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