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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

What would your Presidential platform look like?

If you were to run for President, what would your platform resemble? Mine would be:


Make English the official language. Make Christianity the official religion, although atheism is recognized, the only religion to be respected is Christianity. The USA flag is the only flag to be recognized, although a person may display any flag they like on their property, as well as speak any language and practice as they please on THEIR property. In other words, their property, their rules.

Totally re-arrange the way our public schools teach our children. The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence will be required reading from k-12.

Automatic tax cuts for everyone. I would take steps to abolish the Federal Reserve and the IRS. If we get rid of the FED, we will only have self-defense related-conflicts. You see, if the FED cannot print money to pay for wars, the taxes will have to be raised drastically to foot the bill for war, and nobody wants higher taxes!

No unnecessary spending. I will continue unemployment, but I will hold a press conference and tell the ppl that unemployment will cease to exist in 3 months time. I will severely restrict welfare, section 8 housing, and food stamps greatly. This is a sink or swim economy. If you don't think you can hack it here, I'll provide transportation, at no cost to you, to Europe.

Bill of Rights always in effect, no matter what. No restrictions on our 2nd Amendment rights, and any government bureaucrat whom tries to enforce any restrictions, shall be jailed.

Have Ms.NBC and CNN hold a 30 second programming warning prior to airing any show, on how they support the progressive agenda, and the information you hear is most certainly biased and is their opinion, not fact. This applies to FOX news also. And to conservative radio hosts, and all other forms.

I would have race pimps like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson be called what they really are- black supremacists. If the name fits David Duke, it should also fit these 2. What's good for the goose is also good for the gander!

Permanently seal our southern border, as a nation without borders is no nation at all! I would put a bulk of our military on the southern border with instructions to shoot anything that moves!

Foreign policy- I would adopt a foreign policy of non-interventionism. If we are not threatened with attack, or actually attacked, we do not belong in other country's affairs. I would retract our military from everywhere in the world, so they could spend their money here, as opposed to supporting the economies of ppl who hate America.

Alot of this is impossible to do with checks and balances; how our government exists now. But if our government were filled with patriotic Americans, not bureaucrats whose allegiance is to big bankers and special interests, alot of these ideas would be reality.

5 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    To be functional ................... EVERYTHING opposite of OBOZO.

  • 7 years ago

    It would be about eight feet of the ground probably 50 feet wide and 30 feet deep.

  • Bob K
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Congratulations, you qualify to be a GOP candidate. In fact, you qualify a little more than Mitt Romney did which means you'll only lose by alot. Either that, or you can anchor a FOX news show. Good luck!

  • 7 years ago

    Mine would have to follow our US Constitution, unlike yours.

    Lucky The US Constitution does not apply to Canadians.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It would need to be a little taller since I'm so short.

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