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Lv 5

If there is an afterlife, what is the point?

Even as a child, I could never quite believe in an afterlife. I mean, I always felt that I would like there to be some sort of afterlife because obviously the thought of our lives just ending and going into nothingness is pretty scary, but in many regards I feel that an afterlife is just a great improbability. I mean, what would the point be? If it is infinite, why? Wouldn't it get incredibly boring going on forever? If the afterlife is only temporary, what comes next? And after that? Basically, I just can't wrap my head around the idea of an afterlife, because while we often struggle to figure out the purpose of life, it seems even less likely that there is any real purpose of an afterlife. Even if it was to "reward" or "punish" us for the way we lived on earth, what's the point? Why go on forever?

Anyone else have any theories?


Umm, thanks for the answers so far, but guys, I'm not asking IF there is an afterlife or anything. I already know what the world's religions say about life after death. I'm just asking what people think the actual PURPOSE of eternity is. So, for example, if your religion tells you that when you die you will go spend eternity with God or whomever, that's fine, but do you yourself actually have a theory as to what the point of spending that eternity with God is?

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, there is no "afterlife". Once your life ends here on this planet, it's over. Your time has run out. It is too late to start living or doing.

    The point in life is simply to live.

    What you make happen between birth and death is entirely up to you.

    That is the point.

    (oh, I just read your additional details. Sorry, you're not speaking to me at all, I guess)

    Source(s): Clear and honest critical thinking~
  • James
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    The finite human mind cannot grasp of eternity -- let alone God's infinite capacity to keep us involved and happy for eternity. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4. Who would or could possibly miss out on this??!! The only ones who don't want to be there are those who refuse to let go of cherished sins. They would rather die than let them go. But there is not eternal punishing -- it is eternal punishment. The second death (Revelation 20:6) -- their fate is to be burned up and turned to ashes (Ezekiel 28:18; Malachi 4:1-3) and be no more. The idea of the immortality of the soul is the first lie Satan told Eve (Genesis 3:4, 5) -- this is why all pagan religions teach it -- and it crept into Christianity in the Dark Ages, when Rome forbid men from reading the Bible for themselves.

    Source(s): --- ---
  • UFOs
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    There is an afterlife.

    The world is in the End Times prior to the Last Days. It is becoming more and more as it was in the days of Noah with violence and constant anarchy.

    Once I asked God how HE actually felt about things. In answer, now, every time I see movies or actual news where great numbers of people die I start crying and it feels like my chest has a great weight on it. He MUST administer justice, but it breaks HIS heart that it has become so necessary.

    Look for this to happen.

    4 FUTURE WARS (the catching away of true Christians happens just before this)

    In the process of happening now…

    Also look for Isaiah 17:1, 14 to happen any day now. (the destruction of Damascus)

    1. There will soon be an Islamic war against Israel led by Russia and her armies. This army consists of Russia and the Islamic countries listed in Ezekiel 38:1-6. Ezekiel 39:1-12 describes that war where millions intend to attack Israel BUT GOD intervenes and kills all but 1/6th of them. Revelation 14:20 describes the place of battle as being filled with blood up to the horses' bridles for 184 miles. (Russian warships are stationed off the coast of Israel even now) This is the Gog/Magog war NOT Armageddon which happens at the END of the 7 years of Tribulation. The 7 vial judgments of Rev. 15 come AFTER this war. WATCH THE HEADLINES.

    The 6th Trumpet releases the 4 fallen angels held in the River Euphrates and they lead a 200 million DEMON army (not men) from the Bottomless Pit that kills 1/3rd of mankind. See: Revelation 9:13-18

    NOTE: God has said vengeance belongs to Him. Saints (Jew and Christian) and prophets killed through the centuries and recent years, take note. This is why HE turns the fountains of water and rivers to blood.

    Rev 16:6 For men have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink. It is their due!"

    3. Universal war… Armageddon where ALL nations are represented, led by the Antichrist go against Israel and Jesus as King of kings. All of this army is destroyed. See Zechariah 14:2-4 and Zechariah 14: 12-16 for details. AT THE END OF THIS WAR THE DEVIL IS PUT IN THE BOTTOMLESS PIT FOR 1000 YEARS. Zec 14:12 And this shall be the plague with which the LORD will smite all the peoples that wage war against Jerusalem: their flesh shall rot while they are still on their feet, their eyes shall rot in their sockets, and their tongues shall rot in their mouths. (sounds like a scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark)

    Zec 14:13 And on that day a great panic from the LORD shall fall on them, so that each will lay hold on the hand of his fellow, and the hand of the one will be raised against the hand of the other;

    See Daniel chapters 8 and 11 to find out where the Antichrist comes from.

    4. The last war is at the end of the Millennial reign of Christ led by Satan who was loosed for a time to gather all rebels against the saints of God. They are destroyed by fire from Heaven and Satan is thrown into the Lake of Fire where the Antichrist and False Prophet are. This is when the Earth is then cleansed by fire while all earth inhabitants are at the Great White Throne Judgment, either those on trial or as witnesses. Those in their natural bodies who have survived the Tribulation will be in the audience.

    At this time all the great oceans will be dried up. There will still be inland seas, lakes and rivers. We will then have the New Heavens and New Earth. The New Jerusalem will be on Earth and God will dwell with men. The New Jerusalem will be 1500 miles high, long and wide with plenty of room for all the people of God from Adam to the present time.

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