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Why are so few questions being asked?

My most frequent sections are rock and pop and dogs. I have noticed that both sections only have about 3 or 4 pages worth of questions, as opposed to the usual infinite numbers. Even the polls and surveys section is very slow. Is this because the Canadian version switched over to the new format? Or are only answers from the UK section (which I am on now due to it still having the old format) showing up for me?

7 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think we are beginning to see less now because many people are not willing to learn the new layout.

    As of yesterday I believe we are all now on the new Purple and no countries to escape to for the old Green set up.

    It will be interesting to notice over the next few days and weeks


  • JOHN G
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I'm in the UK using Windows 7 on a desktop and I'm still using the old format, I have never seen this new version, I guess its the time of year, younger people are back in school/college so less questions get asked, perhaps some have realised you can Google most questions these days without having to come here all the time ??

  • 7 years ago

    ALL the sites have switched to the new version. Places like the UK, Canada, etc., really have switched; they simply flip back and forth for some people. If you are on the UK site, at the top of the list of questions should be an OPTION to view "UK/Ireland only" or "All English". Be sure it is set to "All English". But the site has slowed down with both questions and answers due to the changeover to the new format.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It's a load of old rollocks - people have this presumption we're not too eager to 'learn up' the new order. What on earth was wrong with Y!A as it was?

    Fatefinger - Canada (and the remainder of English Y!A sites) changed early this week...with me asking a question concerning it.

    Candy Kane - that is some answer...and one I can relate to; best not to magnify my praise for it, or else it may not stay on here for too long - will be looking forward to the TD from the usual grinner, though!

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It's the same in all English speaking countries and also all foreign countries which were switched over to the purple mess...:-(

    But at least there is a workaround for the English speaking countries: It has a few minor glitches, but overall it works pretty good...:-)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    My personal opinion is that the new format made a bad situation much worse.

    I KNOW HOW to use the new format, but I don't like it at all. I liked having pages where I could look back on old questions and answers. On the new format? There is no way to coherently guess how far you need to scroll down to find a previous question and answer. The new system won't scroll down very far anyway.

    The new format has constant glitches. I usually edit my answers to correct errors or to add information. The new format says that my edit has been submitted when it hasn't. That means I have just wasted my time editing. Do I write my edit all over again, or do I just delete my own answer? For me, it has gone both ways.

    I really dislike having my account full of information that I don't want. The new format keeps giving me a rundown on other members. I don't dislike these members, but I don't want to know everything they do. I don't even know who they are, and I am not their follower. So, why is my account loaded with this unrequested information?

    The new format is too bright, and it hurts my eyes. It also doesn't work very well on my cellphone.

    I think what you are seeing is also the result of the trolls winning. I was on Yahoo Answers years ago, and I saw people quitting because their reasonable questions and answers were disappearing due to people unfairly reporting violations.

    I've also had a run-in with a person who reports me for a violation everytime they happen to see an answer by me. I have this person blocked, but if we happen to answer the same question and this person answers after I do? They see my answer and report it. I appeal these violations. I have won some appeals, but I usually never hear back at all. It's not just about points. I put time and thought into my answers. When they are unfairly deleted? I've wasted my time for nothing.

    For a while? This person caused me to have so many violations? I just quit answering. It wasn't worth it anymore. I've seen questions and answers that made me angry or offended me. However, I wouldn't dream of following those members around so I could harass them with violations forever.

    If I have an argument against what a questioner states in their question? I state the reasons that I disagree. I might strongly disagree with someone, but I don't attack the questioner by calling them names.

    There are also too many outrageously offensive questions and answers that are never deleted. They launch very offensive personal attacks on a person's race, religion, political beliefs, or just perfectly innocent questions and answers. They can be unbelievably nasty, but they are not deleted.

    There are often too many answers that make no sense. Answers that essentially say nothing are boring and I wonder why they bother to stay on Yahoo Answers at all. If I ask you a question about the events taking place in the middle-east, and your answer is "shoe?" What is the point of doing that? If I report that answer, and it doesn't get deleted? Do I choose that as my best answer if it's the only answer I get?

    I really miss the old days. We had so many bright and helpful people here. Now? It has become the land of insults and personal attacks.

    I like Yahoo Answers, and I wish we could regain some of the old membership that made it worthwhile to visit here.

    In essence? Why ask a question just to have people tell you how stupid you are, or report you for an unfounded violation? That is why you are seeing less questions. It's also due to members hating the new format and quitting Y/A.

    ***Bruce - I opened my account to you to show you what has happened to some questioners on Y/A. If you click on my Best Answers? Scroll down to a question asked 3 days ago in the Yahoo Answers Category that asked "Why are people so hateful on answers?"

    This poor woman asked a question about dog-breeding and was slammed with hateful answers. What's worse is that she started to get slammed with hateful E-mails. These lunatics keep sending her hate-mail! She was asking us how to get it stopped.

    Her question WAS in the Dog Category, and I doubt that she will EVER ask a question there again.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    it looks like a lot are leaving.

    or spending less time, on here.

    the new site, not good yo use,

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