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Was Benghazi a terrorist attack? The ambassador, and 3 other americans killed? Why a coverup?

We are disliked by so many. We have troops in over 102 countries. Do we expend too much time, effort, money, troops, etc. as world police?

Wouldn't it make better sense to use our troops to protect us right here in the United States? (for example, to protect borders? air space? ports? more policemen and law enforcement personnel? combining the CIA and the FBI?


yes Bolsevik...and over 4500 american troops were brutally murdered

in Iraq....there was no coverup there. was there. Just going to war..

for nothing really, except billions for bushboys cuddy buddies.

All of us are not stupid. Most use their own brains.

I wish Benghazi never happened, but I am beginning to believe that the repubs made it out to be more than it was.

Have a good day.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There was NO COVERUP.

    The day after the attack, Obama called it an “act of terror.”

    Republicans CUT EMBASSY SECURITY FUNDING, then pointed fingers.

    13 Embassy attacks occurred under GW and Republicans didn’t worry about it.

    And we now know the TRUTH - which is that Republicans were wrong on every count. It’s done. End of story. Just like Fast & Furious and the IRS thing, a made-up Republicans fake scandal.

    If Republicans spent as much time trying to serve the people as they do on fake scandals, we’d be getting somewhere.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Nobody ever said it wasn't a terrorist attack. The disagreement was about the motivation. Originally the CIA said it started as a protest to a movie. It was a terrorist attack whether this is true or not. When you set fire to a consulate and shoot mortars at it, that's a terrorist attack.

    " Do we expend too much time, effort, money, troops, etc. as world police?"


    "wouldn't it make better sense to use our troops to protect us right here in the United States?"

    I wouldn't object to using the military to patrol borders and air space. I would object to hiring more law enforcement.

  • 7 years ago

    Yes it was, an investigation by intelligence agencies is not the same as a coverup.

    Canada does not have troops in over 102 Countries.

  • 7 years ago

    There was no coverup.

    BTW. Do you really want the FBI and the local police to be backed up by the military? Aside from that being illegal, do you really think it's a good idea?

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  • 7 years ago

    What exactly has been covered up?

    We know the ambassador and 3 others were killed.

    We know that security at the consulate was inadequate.

    We know that our foreign service personnel have dangerous jobs in hostile places.

    What big secret are you expecting to come out?

  • 7 years ago

    These incidences are common.

    Embassies are attacked, barracks are blown up, surprise attacks, hijacked airplanes, etc.

    It is NOT an option to crawl back within our borders and 'hunker down.

    This is a Conservative wet dream, to kiss the world off.

    Like most Conservative ideas, though, just a smidgin lacking in reality.

    For better or worse, we have to deal with the world and the bad people in it.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Current evidence says it as not a terrorist attack, by a terrorist group.. I think any such attack is a 'terrorist' attack. There was no cover up. It really doesn't matter if is was the result of a well known terrorist group or a group of thugs who didn't like a video.. We may never really know what caused it..

  • 7 years ago

    It was initially covered up because it occurred during Obama's campaign for re-election and lying about it being a video fit into his agenda because he knew the liberal press would give him a pass on its being the terrorist attack they later admitted it was. He could not very well say terrorism was dead and have a terrorist attack happen during the campaign.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    islam went amuck in 700 ad till 1490s,at which point ferdinand and isabella expelled them from spain,,most of the mediterranean nations,n africa,gibraltar,greece,the balkans,as far north as vienna,were conquered and forced to accept allah & islam,,,,,or die,,,since ww2,,they have been growing in influence,,and over the last 30 years,,power,as carol ann saw staring at the tv screen in POLTERGEIST,,'uh oh,,,,,,they're back'

    we got a billion seven hundred million muslims worldwide,a few percent,with the means,and will, enjoy seeing

    infidels roasted on a spit,,women,men,kids,,and family mutts,,blowem up,shootem,kaboom.....

    WE,do not make them via the guys on 102 bases worldwide,,

    recent history lesson boss,,in ww2 era,,37-45,,while germany armed balls 2 the wall,,after its defeat in ww1,

    fascism resurged,,while france,belgium,norway,peaceful intentions and behavior,had largely disarmed,nation after nation on 2 continents got swallowed up by germany japan,,& the dingbat italians who followed muscleweeny,roumanian fascists, the vichy traitorous french.

    fdr in 41,,a few months before 41 dec,,had a meeting with harry hopkins,fdr was convinced by european and pacific events that we,,alone on the planet,,had the ability and resources to do battle,,doing battle thousands of miles from our shores,roosevelt taught hopkins that we would be rearming,equipping a 16,000,000 man army with all type of modern planes,tanks,ships,,a force on land,sea,airforce too,,fdr knew we would lose a lot of fellas,lose many we did,620,000,it was the price for stopping the worldwide slaughter,killing 50,000,000 people worldwide,never,,must that battle reach our shores,it became a principle that has endured,these bases accross the water = our ability to prevent another ww2 event,,a far forward defence

    islamonutters show,,roosevelt was correct,WE did nothing to cause middle eastern middle classers to hate us to the extent of triggering attacks on us,

    we have laws,,on the books,vis a vis our borders,,that obama holder & crew,,DO,NOT,ENFORCE.

    we have mexican dope wars s of the rio gran day,that spread north like psoriasis into our heartland,

    possibly we will have a failed central me hee cano government,war,,civil war among the doper gangs,we

    gonna have a mess,gonna get worse,and the crew in washington will diddle around hollering about the need for an open peaceful border,whose cry the buzzard dopers will never heed,,till they see navy seal barracks guys with helmets,m 82 barrets,,and skeleton face covers,,they will understand nothing less

    islamo nutters,,dopers will ally,and are a threat to us

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Benghazi was a terrorist attack brought on by the radical Muslim religion of hate

    Obama AND Hillary did NOTHING while FOUR Americans were brutally murdered by Muslims in Benghazi and then tried to cover it up

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