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Christians. Think about this?

God is like Santa. Santa is a way for kids to be motivated to do good, so they gain in the end (Christmas presents). But Santa is not actually real. It's just something parents tell their children as a method of control. Same goes for god, and Heaven and Hell are just methods of control.

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Indeed, God can be used like parents use Santa Claus. And I sincerely doubt that such a God is real.

    The promise of Heaven and the threat of Hell can also be used to encourage and to bully people.

    Neither of these observations leads to the conclusion that there isn't a real God, or for that matter, a real Heaven and Hell. All they do is identify potential misuses of the concept, whether it's real or not.

    I disapprove of all the manipulations you describe, and they have nothing to do with my beliefs any more. If they ever did, I've forgotten the experience; it doesn't affect me now.

    I suspect this notion of Christianity is far more common among atheists than among adult Christians because the atheists abandoned Christianity before progressing beyond childish approaches.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    since we all found out as kids that our parents counterfeited the myth of santa, and pretended to be him. we learned the presents were LIES but they had fun and loved doing it. then we learned the dark side of a counterfeit santa. bribing children with gifts so pedaphiles can molest kids. actually selling children at christmas parties.

    no thank you! God is not evil and is very REAL, in HIM is no darkness. and the Messiah, He is real also, even if all religions reject him, even if every atheist is a liar, even no one understands the truth, but think (delusionally) they do.

    comparing Jesus and God to santa is a false propaganda and mind control technique, just because you fell for the deception doesn't make it true. who is the most gullible? i know its the atheists.

  • 7 years ago

    Wow facepalm..... Hey kid think about this... God is the creator of the universe..... If god is not the creator of the universe than yare we here, infact heres some facts that will probably make you rethink what you just said, did you know that if the explosion in the big bang expanded 1 second faster than it did that the universe would have collapsed and that everything wouldnt be here, coincident the bigbang was so perfect, o and also the position of are planet to the sun that if we were to move closer it would be to hot but if we moved back it be to cold but hey look where perfectly placed in between, coincident? Nope. As a non believer you think that the universe has always been and that their was no creator..EEEEH...wrong. Scientific evidence has proved that the the universe had started from nothing and is still growing. So practically you guys are saying that nobody created something out of nothing, where as you should be saying, someone created something out of nothing

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    That is a lie. Santa Claus is your parents and they certainly are nothing like God in what they know and what they do.

    this is an old saying of parents to keep their kids in line but it is a bald faced lie!

    God is all knowing and is every where truly but parents use that to make their kids wonder how Santa could know everything.

    Source(s): Camille
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  • Joseph
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Yes God is very similar to Santa.

    Kids gets presents from Santa, and I am sure that after we die we also would be judged.

    Parents know that Santa does not exists, but use him as motivation for them to behave. God is not used for any sort of motivation, but to remind us that we have a 'soul'. So He has let us decide for ourselves whether we have a 'soul' or not.

    The onus is on 'us' - ignore at your own risk.

  • 7 years ago

    Yeah, but then there is all that God's revelation, His interaction with people over recorded history, and the fact that an atheist has no objective basis to use terms like good and evil to begin with.

  • 7 years ago

    Saint Nicholas attempted to live his life according to Christian precepts. And yes, he was a real person who lived around the 7th century. He is listed as a church leader and listed in the annals of Catholic saints.

    God is real because we are alive. Santa was alive, so God is real. Sorry if you find this depressing. What are you doing to help the oppressed and unloved?

  • Sean
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    That is just your idea of what God is, and you must really know now that there are many other explanations in the world for the existence of God other than the Christian, Muslim, Buddhism etc, explanation of God. What if God is everywhere and everything? What if you yourself are a God in disguise? What if we all are the blood and life force of God itself, it is our blood and life force as well, we are it and it is us?

  • 7 years ago

    I have never controlled my daughter using religion. And, having a degree in Theology, I know a fair amount about it. Controlling with religion really doesn't work!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You say something stupidly fallacious.

    In fact TWO fallacies

    Fallacious binarization is related to fallacious comparison. Fallacious binarization requires the assignment of a binary value to a statement to which neither of the two allowed choices universally applies. Thus, it is error to insist that a statement like "the present King of France is bald" must be either true or false: because France is no longer a monarchy, the truth of the statement is undefined, neither true nor false.

    Description of Appeal to Emotion

    An Appeal to Emotion is a fallacy with the following structure:

    Favorable emotions are associated with X.

    Therefore, X is true.

    This fallacy is committed when someone manipulates peoples' emotions in order to get them to accept a claim as being true. More formally, this sort of "reasoning" involves the substitution of various means of producing strong emotions in place of evidence for a claim. If the favorable emotions associated with X influence the person to accept X as true because they "feel good about X," then he has fallen prey to the fallacy.

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