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Lv 4

Do you think that evolution and creationsm are compatible?

The problem is that people think creation vs evolution. I much better and more accurate way of thinking about it is that there are four ideas.

1 Bible creationism

2 Creationism or intelligent design

3 Common descent

4 Darwinism - the idea that random mutations and natural selection caused that common descent.

Each number is compatible with the number next to it but nothing else.

2 and 3 are not mutually exclusive. God could have created and designed the first cell in such a way to develop in to many types of animals.

The next question would be ok they are compatible but does creationism or ID have evidence.

And the answer is yes but that's another question and you would also need to question if Darwinism has evidence.

But first do you think evo and ID creationism are compatible?


Atheist anthony - firstly that is not the question and second you are wrong. Darwinism has no evidence ID has scientific proof.

Update 2:

Immune to Indoctrination - you really live in the matrix. You can only see what you are indoctrinated to see and not what is staring you in front of your face. Just because random mutations and natural selection occurs, does not mean that they are the cause for evolution.

The word evolution originally came from the processes of the development of the embryo. Darwin borrowed the term. Now an embryo has random mutations. Cells that are not fit die in an embryo. Does that mean that an embryo evolves through the process of random mutations and natural selection??

20 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    One possible theory is orthogenesis, where evolution has a directionality put into it by God.

    Matter thus has a seed principle, leading to abiogenesis and the development of DNA, because of the laws of matter.

    God did not specify each creature but all are generated by a few simple rules.

  • 7 years ago

    Personally I think evolution and creationism can be compatible. I myself happen to be a devout Christian, and a student of ecology. The thing is that evolution is not actually some "bacteria evolved into humans" thing as it is commonly portrayed. Evolution is actually the theory that animals will adapt to their environment to survive better using their dominant and recessive genes. For example, fish of one species that have genes to be both green or yellow in a location where the water is green will only be green, since the yellow fish will die before they can reproduce. It is simple, and evolution. Creatures can be seen to exhibit population curves that show certain traits and genes that are more favorable than others. Creatures can be seen with preference choosing mates, and living in specific locations. Yet none of these actually go against the bible. The bible does not say that creatures can not adapt to survive. It does however say that God created "every living creature that moveth" (Gen 1:21). There is nothing in evolution to dispute that since evolution can not account for the origin of life. Evolution is only the difference in gene expression by animals. Genes that were already there from the beginning. That is why the main way of creatures 'evolving' is called Genetic Drift. Evolution can not explain where the DNA and genes come from, and doesn't try to. The only explanation is some hypothesis about lightning and carbon soup....but there is no evidence for that. Evolution can then only make sense if all the creatures and their DNA was made first--by God. Now, what the definition of "all creatures" is, whether that mean every species; or, as most intelligent design people say, every family is up to debate. I personally don't want to dive into that predicament anytime soon, but I will say that both intelligent design and evolution are compatible.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Unlike the obvious fact of evolution, the problem with creationism is that it's blatantly such impossible nonsense that it's a mystery how anyone manages to believe it.

    You wrote - "Atheist anthony - firstly that is not the question and second you are wrong. Darwinism has no evidence ID has scientific proof" - hilarious!! You must be joking. Obviously you have no concept of what counts as scientific proof.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No. They are mutually exclusive. Creationism is a religious idea that directly contradicts evolutionary theory. I think what you might be trying to say is that theism and evolution are compatible.

    Although I am not a theist, I would agree that theism and evolution are compatible. Many people believe in god and accept evolution. Evolution makes no claims about the existence of gods. It is a theory of species divergence.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I don't see how you can argue against mutation and natural selection. Mutations obviously occur, and natural selection is common sense ( the best fit to survive, will survive best over time). Obviously if a mutation can effect a creatures survival fitness, the positive ones will outlast the negative ones. That's "Darwinism", as you call it, in a nutshell.

    What part of that could you possibly argue with?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Pure evolution of man is simply incompatible with the message of the Bible - that sin entered the world through one man, Adam, and thus fell upon all men (Romans 5:12). You cannot have a "sinful" Adam that was born of "evolved" heretofore non-sinful parents. It simply does not make sense. Adam was created in God's image. God created Adam from the dust and breathed into Him life. He did not "evolve" into God's image. That completely differs from the account and description of the creation of all other life. That being said, we do not know for certain what process that the Lord went through in the creation of the universe and the world and exactly how long He took to make it happen as He did not share but a few words in a couple chapters of Genesis to describe those events. Was it 6000 years or 13.5 billion years? I suspect that the ambiguity of the meaning of "morning" and "evening" vs. "beginning" and "conclusion" of each Genesis Day was brilliantly ambiguous to lead the contemporaries of Moses to think in terms of "24 hour days" and our contemporaries to imagine in terms of start and end of "eras". This all being said, the Lord promised that He would bring a "strong delusion" to those that were willing to believe a lie: "They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness." (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). While it may seem inconceivable that God created the fossils to deceive people, it is not impossible. And, rather than get all puffed up and try to judge God (bad idea, read Isaiah 45:9), the right answer is to get right. Your position in eternity is determined by what you believe and for what you have placed your faith: "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (Hebrews 11:6)

  • 7 years ago

    #3 does not coincide with #1

    How can humans be created by God and evolve from apes at the same time?

    Think. Speak.

    The bible also says the world is 10,000 years old. It needs to be the age it is 2.6 billion (or something) for evolution to be true.

  • 7 years ago

    That would be a theist trying to have his cake and eat it too....

    The probability of a god existing is low and the probability of your god is even less. However, it is possible but HIGHLY UNLIKELY

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    "And the answer is yes but that's another question..."

    Wrong. Neither creationism nor ID have evidence to support them. The only people who think there's evidence for them haven't the slightest clue what is meant by the word "evidence."

  • 7 years ago

    Bible = Fiction

    Evolution = the only truth.

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