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Anyone have a really scary true short story to tell?

I am a total addict for anything scary...movies, places, books, etc., but I really love true first-hand short stories. You know, the kind you really want to tell people but don't want anyone to think you are crazy. So I would really love to hear as many of these quick frights as you've got to tell.

In the spirit of the question, I'll give you my own experience to get the ball rolling. I used to work in an old office building that was rumored to have once been the county morgue. It was right across the street from the hospital so it made sense. I often had to work really late, after everyone else had left. Every so often, someone else would be there in the office for a few hours so I was used to hearing another person in the back moving around, going to the bathroom, etc. There were two bathrooms, one right by my office and another down the hall around a corner toward the back offices. One night, pretty late, I kept hearing someone walk to the front fax machine, then to the printers, and then go to the bathroom. This was over and over and then mostly to the bathroom, flushing nearly every time. Finally I got concerned and went to find out who it was and if they were okay. I was walking down the hall, almost to the corner where I would turn and be in the hall by the bathroom in front of the row of back offices when I heard them leave the bathroom again and walk toward the back. I sped up to catch them before they got to their office and when I turned the corner, no one was there! I went through the entire building twice, it wasn't very big, and found no one and saw all the lights were off, monitors were all off, nothing. That wasn't the last time I worked late but it was the last time I was the only one there. That building was just demolished and it got me to thinking about that night.

So come on, scare me!

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The old man stood in front of the mirror and sees death that is him.

    Source(s): Elder the for of the Lore.
  • Mr. P
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I was moved into temporary accomodation for a couple of months which turned out to be a 2 bedroom house in a small Scottish town. Nothing wrong or spooky about that as it was a fairly modern house built around 1930 I would think.

    After about a week of geting used to the place, I could not believe how many black crows were around. Every morning there must have been over 300 circling around, sitting anywhere they could. Would dissapear for most of the day & come back about 4pm.

    Then one evening I was on the PC, with the TV on, and felt like there was something in the room. I'm sensitive to spirits so know when there is one around, but as far as I could tell the place wasn't haunted. I just felt like there was someone there.

    So I asked out loud "If there is someone here can you make yourself known"

    - and immediately the lights went out!.

    (I know it sounds a cliche, but it did happen exactly like that).

    Being level headed, I went to the fuse box and found the lighting breaker had tripped. So I switched it back on and the lights stayed on.

    5 minutes later and I'm at my PC when it goes black, the TV too.

    Back to the fuse box and now see that the downstairs ring has tripped off, so switch it back on and all is well again.

    About 5 minutes later and I'm in the kitchen prepping dinner. I hear a familliar 'ping' from the fusebox, and now the hot water tank has just popped off! Switched back on it all seems fine again... untill I'm cooking, and the cooker actually sparks - and trips the breaker. I switch it back on, but don't trust the cooker now.

    I finally realise that there is something trying to say hi, so I say out loud "thank you, now stop playing with the electrics as I know it's you now"

    No more drama, nothing else happens, but I do call out an electrician the next day. It all checks out with no faults found.

    I did do some research on the town. Everyone was slaughtered in an organised raid in the 1400's. - The whole town.

  • 7 years ago

    I remember when I was in middle school, and I was walking home from a band concert at around 10 pm during December. Their are few lights in my city, so it was almost pitch dark out. As I am walking, I started to hear that Silent Night song play in my ear. It was a very faint noise that I could barely hear. Did not think much about it, but it started to grow in my ear. It was at this point I got chills and felt something brush my ear. I turned around and just saw the trees howling in the wind. I just remember my body started to feel hot and I was getting nervous because this noise was getting more irritating. It was at this point I heard a whisper "Come with us". Thats when I was creaped out and started to run home. When I got there I ran to my room and fell asleep. I didnt dream that night or anytthing, all I know is that I was awoken by a screach. I got up from my bed, and heard the noise again. I turned around and saw a doll lift its head from my bed. It stared straight into my soul and I ran into my parents room. The next morning the doll was gone, and I still look for it around the house but cannot find it.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    About 10 years ago I was growing pot deep in the forest. I had ten sites spread out a mile apart and three to five plants per site. I would do the ten mile hike twice a week to water the plants and had a system of circling each site and watching for about a half an hour to make sure there was no one there. I had my plants well hidden and surrounded by thorn and pricker bushes, so I was surprised when I started noticing my growing buds disappearing. I knew deer werent getting into them, I watched for tracks or signs of any animal but couldnt find any, yet my plants were still being eaten or picked, so I assumed another human. So to save what little crop I had left I decided to harvest early, I wanted them to go a little longer but I wanted to get them out before all of the buds disappeared off the plants. I had split the hike into two days so I woundnt have a huge amount to carry out. The first day went fine, I cut all the plants stuffed them into garbage bags and had them trimmed and drying before it got dark. The second day I had to walk a good five miles before even reaching my first site. So I hit the first site, second one and third one with no problems. I had two to go and had just circled and watched the fourth for a half an hour and felt comfortable I was alone. So I rushed quietly to my plants crouched down in front of the first bush and started sawing at the base of the stem, and as Im sawing I notice this long mass of brown about ten feet in front of me. I could see it from under the bush I was cutting, I said to myself, I dont remember a log here, so I sat back on my haunches looked around and puzzled over if I had my sites mixed up or if I had forgot about one. I finally shrugged my shoulders and went back to sawing and I started looking at the log, I followed it with my eyes from left to right and as I got to the end of the log I notice two eyes starring at me. I froze, heart pounding, legs turned to jelly, couldnt move or make a sound. Then I hear to my right some rustling from a bush, I just managed to turn my eyes enough to see out of my right corner a large brown mass walking towards me. My eyes darted straight ahead again, and then I noticed the "log" in front of me was rising up and walked away towards my left. I was more scared then I have ever been in my life, frozen with fear. I heard some noise to my left and managed to look out of the corner of my eye to see the large brown mass that had been walking toward me moving off away to my left. I had a huge sigh of relief although I was still frozen. I stayed crouched like that for five minutes unable to move. Eventually I noticed the burning in my legs and body and knew I had to get up. So I slowly stood up, my legs were weak and it took everything I had not to fall over. Once I felt like my legs were solid enough to move again I finally decided, forget the plants Im out of here. I turned to leave and as my head got about three quarters of the way around I saw a huge mass of brown fur directly in front of me. I tried to turn and run but tripped and fell into my plant taking it to the ground with me. I crawled on all fours in the opposite direction which led me to a steep bank that had a river at the bottom. I was so scarred that I just hurled myself down the hill rolling and hitting rocks and trees the whole way down. At the bottom I pulled myself into the river inch by inch until I was submerged enough for the river to carry me away. I dared a glance back up the bank and saw it there, just standing and looking at me, it shot fear directly into me and I turned and didnt look back. I floated for miles in cold water until I came upon a bridge on a back road. I had to walk for a good three miles before I hit a gas station. I walked in and the only thing i could think to tell them was that I had been in a canoe accident and needed to use their phone. I called for a ride out of there not even knowing where there was and I have never really been able to tell people about this for fear of being thought crazy or a liar.

    This is a true story by Jesse Combs.

    No one has my permission to use this story past this yahoo post.

    I better not see this in any publication or movie!

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    When i look at you ;)

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